OleUIUpdateLinksW function (oledlg.h)

Updates all links in the link container and displays a dialog box that shows the progress of the updating process. The process is stopped if the user presses the Stop button or when all links are processed.


BOOL OleUIUpdateLinksW(
  [in] HWND                  hwndParent,
  [in] LPWSTR                lpszTitle,
  [in] int                   cLinks


[in] lpOleUILinkCntr

Pointer to the IOleUILinkContainer interface on the link container.

[in] hwndParent

Parent window of the dialog box.

[in] lpszTitle

Pointer to the title of the dialog box.

[in] cLinks

Total number of links.

Return value

Returns TRUE if the links were successfully updated; otherwise, FALSE.



The oledlg.h header defines OleUIUpdateLinks as an alias which automatically selects the ANSI or Unicode version of this function based on the definition of the UNICODE preprocessor constant. Mixing usage of the encoding-neutral alias with code that not encoding-neutral can lead to mismatches that result in compilation or runtime errors. For more information, see Conventions for Function Prototypes.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 2000 Professional [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows 2000 Server [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header oledlg.h
Library OleDlg.lib
DLL OleDlg.dll

See also

