processenv.h header
This header is used by multiple technologies. For more information, see:
processenv.h contains the following programming interfaces:
ExpandEnvironmentStringsA Expands environment-variable strings and replaces them with the values defined for the current user. (ANSI) |
ExpandEnvironmentStringsW Expands environment-variable strings and replaces them with the values defined for the current user. (Unicode) |
FreeEnvironmentStringsA Frees a block of environment strings. (ANSI) |
FreeEnvironmentStringsW Frees a block of environment strings. (Unicode) |
GetCommandLineA Retrieves the command-line string for the current process. (ANSI) |
GetCommandLineW Retrieves the command-line string for the current process. (Unicode) |
GetEnvironmentStrings The GetEnvironmentStrings function (processenv.h) retrieves the environment variables for the current process. |
GetEnvironmentStringsW The GetEnvironmentStringsW (Unicode) function (processenv.h) retrieves the environment variables for the current process. |
GetEnvironmentVariableA Retrieves the contents of the specified variable from the environment block of the calling process. (GetEnvironmentVariableA) |
GetEnvironmentVariableW The GetEnvironmentVariableW (Unicode) function (processenv.h) retrieves the contents of the specified variable from the environment block of the calling process. |
NeedCurrentDirectoryForExePathA Determines whether the current directory should be included in the search path for the specified executable. (ANSI) |
NeedCurrentDirectoryForExePathW Determines whether the current directory should be included in the search path for the specified executable. (Unicode) |
SearchPathA Searches for a specified file in a specified path. (ANSI) |
SearchPathW Searches for a specified file in a specified path. (Unicode) |
SetEnvironmentStringsW The SetEnvironmentStringsW (Unicode) function (processenv.h) sets the environment strings of the calling process for the current process. |
SetEnvironmentVariableA Sets the contents of the specified environment variable for the current process. (SetEnvironmentVariableA) |
SetEnvironmentVariableW The SetEnvironmentVariableW (Unicode) function (processenv.h) sets the contents of the specified environment variable for the current process. |
SetStdHandleEx The SetStdHandleEx function (processenv.h) sets the handle for the input, output, or error streams. |