PropVariantToInt32WithDefault function (propvarutil.h)

Extracts an Int32 value from a PROPVARIANT structure. If no value currently exists, then the specified default value is returned.


PSSTDAPI_(LONG) PropVariantToInt32WithDefault(
  [in] REFPROPVARIANT propvarIn,
  [in] LONG           lDefault


[in] propvarIn


Reference to a source PROPVARIANT structure.

[in] lDefault

Type: LONG

Specifies a default property value, for use where no value currently exists.

Return value

Type: LONG

Returns extracted LONG value, or default.


This helper function is used in places where the calling application expects a PROPVARIANT to hold a LONG value and would like to use a default value if it does not. For instance, an application obtaining values from a property store can use this to safely extract the LONG value for Int32 properties.

If the source PROPVARIANT has type VT_I4, this helper function extracts the LONG value. Otherwise, it attempts to convert the value in the PROPVARIANT structure into a LONG. If the source PROPVARIANT has type VT_EMPTY or a conversion is not possible, then PropVariantToInt32WithDefault will return the default provided by lDefault. See PropVariantChangeType for a list of possible conversions.


The following example, to be included as part of a larger program, demonstrates how to use PropVariantToInt32WithDefault to access a LONG value in a PROPVARIANT.

// IPropertyStore *ppropstore;
// Assume variable ppropstore is initialized and valid
PROPVARIANT propvar = {0};
HRESULT hr = ppropstore->GetValue(PKEY_FlagStatus, &propvar);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
     // PKEY_FlagStatus is expected to produce a VT_I4 or VT_EMPTY value.
     // The application developer decided to treat VT_EMPTY or invalid values as 0
     LONG iStatus = PropVariantToInt32WithDefault(propvar, 0);
     // iStatus is now valid.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows XP with SP2, Windows Vista [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2003 with SP1 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header propvarutil.h
Library Propsys.lib
DLL Propsys.dll (version 6.0 or later)
Redistributable Windows Desktop Search (WDS) 3.0

See also



