shobjidl_core.h header
This header is used by multiple technologies. For more information, see:
- The Windows Shell
- Windows Property System
- Windows Runtime C++ reference
- Windows Search
- Windows Sidebar
- WMI Provider for NFS
shobjidl_core.h contains the following programming interfaces:
IActionProgress Represents the abstract base class from which progress-driven operations can inherit. |
IActionProgressDialog Exposes methods that initialize and stop a progress dialog. |
IApplicationActivationManager Provides methods which activate Windows Store apps for the Launch, File, and Protocol extensions. You will normally use this interface in debuggers and design tools. |
IApplicationAssociationRegistration Exposes methods that query and set default applications for specific file Association Type, and protocols at a specific Association Level. |
IApplicationDesignModeSettings Enables development tool applications to dynamically spoof system and user states, such as native display resolution, device scale factor, and application view state, for the purpose of testing Windows Store apps running in design mode for a wide range of form factors without the need for the actual hardware. Also enables testing of changes in normally user-controlled state to test Windows Store apps under a variety of scenarios. |
IApplicationDesignModeSettings2 Enables development tool applications to dynamically control system and user states, such as native display resolution, device scale factor, and application view layout, reported to Windows Store apps for the purpose of testing Windows Store apps running in design mode for a wide range of form factors without the need for the actual hardware. Also enables testing of changes in normally user-controlled state to test Windows Store apps under a variety of scenarios. |
IApplicationDestinations Exposes methods that allow an application to remove one or all destinations from the Recent or Frequent categories in a Jump List. |
IApplicationDocumentLists Exposes methods that allow an application to retrieve the contents of the Recent or Frequent categories in a Jump List. |
IAppVisibility Provides functionality to determine whether the display is showing Universal Windows Platform apps. |
IAppVisibilityEvents Enables applications to receive notifications of state changes in a display and of changes in Start screen visibility. |
IAssocHandler Exposes methods for operations with a file association dialog box or menu. |
IAssocHandlerInvoker Exposes methods that invoke an associated application handler. |
IAttachmentExecute Exposes methods that work with client applications to present a user environment that provides safe download and exchange of files through email and messaging attachments. |
IBandSite Exposes methods that control band objects. |
IBrowserFrameOptions Allows a browser or host to ask IShellView what kind of view behavior is supported. |
ICategorizer Exposes methods that are used to obtain information about item identifier lists. |
ICategoryProvider Exposes a list of categorizers registered on an IShellFolder. |
IColumnManager Exposes methods that enable inspection and manipulation of columns in the Windows Explorer Details view. Each column is referenced by a PROPERTYKEY structure, which names a property. |
ICommDlgBrowser Exposed by the common file dialog boxes to be used when they host a Shell browser. |
ICommDlgBrowser2 Extends the capabilities of ICommDlgBrowser. This interface is exposed by the common file dialog boxes when they host a Shell browser. A pointer to ICommDlgBrowser2 can be obtained by calling QueryInterface on the IShellBrowser object. |
IContactManagerInterop Enables access to ContactManager methods in an app that manages multiple windows. |
IContextMenu Exposes methods that either create or merge a shortcut menu associated with a Shell object. |
IContextMenu2 Exposes methods that either create or merge a shortcut (context) menu associated with a Shell object. Extends IContextMenu by adding a method that allows client objects to handle messages associated with owner-drawn menu items. |
IContextMenu3 Exposes methods that either create or merge a shortcut menu associated with a Shell object. Allows client objects to handle messages associated with owner-drawn menu items and extends IContextMenu2 by accepting a return value from that message handling. |
IContextMenuCB Exposes a method that enables the callback of a context menu. For example, to add a shield icon to a menuItem that requires elevation. |
IContextMenuSite Implemented by the default folder view created using SHCreateShellFolderView. |
ICreateProcessInputs Used by the ICreatingProcess interface to alter some parameters of the process that is being created. |
ICreatingProcess Used by ShellExecuteEx and IContextMenu to allow the caller to alter some parameters of the process being created. |
ICurrentItem Obtained by calling IShellFolder::BindToObject for an item. If the item represents a snapshot of an item at a previous time, this interface will obtain the current version of the item. |
ICustomDestinationList Exposes methods that allow an application to provide a custom Jump List, including destinations and tasks, for display in the taskbar. |
IDataObjectProvider Provides methods that enable you to set or retrieve a DataPackage object's IDataObject interface, which the DataPackage uses to support interoperability. The DataPackage object is used by an app to provide data to another app. |
IDataTransferManagerInterop Enables access to DataTransferManager methods in a Windows Store app that manages multiple windows. |
IDefaultExtractIconInit Exposes methods to set default icons associated with an object. |
IDefaultFolderMenuInitialize Provides methods used to get and set shortcut menu information. This information is the same as that provided to SHCreateDefaultContextMenu through the DEFCONTEXTMENU structure. |
IDelegateFolder Exposes a method through which a delegate folder is given the IMalloc interface required to allocate and free item IDs. |
IDelegateItem Used to obtain the immediately underlying representation of an item's path. |
IDeskBand Used to obtain information about a band object. |
IDeskBandInfo Exposes a method for getting the default Desk Band bandwidth. |
IDeskBar Exposes methods that enable desk bar manipulation. |
IDesktopWallpaper Provides methods for managing the desktop wallpaper. (IDesktopWallpaper) |
IDestinationStreamFactory Exposes a method for manually copying a stream or file before applying changes to properties. |
IDisplayItem Exposes methods that find a version of the current item to be used to get display properties, such as the item name, that will be displayed in the UI. |
IDockingWindow Exposes methods that notify the docking window object of changes, including showing, hiding, and impending removal. This interface is implemented by window objects that can be docked within the border space of a Windows Explorer window. |
IDragSourceHelper Exposed by the Shell to allow an application to specify the image that will be displayed during a Shell drag-and-drop operation. |
IDropTargetHelper Exposes methods that allow drop targets to display a drag image while the image is over the target window. |
IEnumAssocHandlers Exposes a method that allows enumeration of a collection of handlers associated with particular file name extensions. |
IEnumExplorerCommand Provided by an IExplorerCommandProvider. This interface contains the enumeration of commands to be put into the command bar. |
IEnumExtraSearch A standard OLE enumerator used by a client to determine the available search objects for a folder. |
IEnumFullIDList Exposes a standard set of methods that enumerate the pointers to item identifier lists (PIDLs) of the items in a Shell folder. |
IEnumIDList Exposes a standard set of methods used to enumerate the pointers to item identifier lists (PIDLs) of the items in a Shell folder. |
IEnumObjects Exposes methods to enumerate unknown objects. |
IEnumResources Exposes resource enumeration methods. |
IEnumShellItems Exposes enumeration of IShellItem interfaces. This interface is typically obtained by calling the IEnumShellItems method. |
IExecuteCommand Exposes methods that set a given state or parameter related to the command verb, as well as a method to invoke that verb. |
IExecuteCommandApplicationHostEnvironment Provides a single method that enables an application to determine whether its host is in desktop or immersive mode. |
IExecuteCommandHost Provides a method that enables an IExplorerCommand-based Shell verb handler to query the UI mode of the host component from which the application was invoked. |
IExplorerBrowser IExplorerBrowser is a browser object that can be either navigated or that can host a view of a data object. As a full-featured browser object, it also supports an automatic travel log. |
IExplorerBrowserEvents Exposes methods for notification of Explorer browser navigation and view creation events. |
IExplorerCommand Exposes methods that get the command appearance, enumerate subcommands, or invoke the command. |
IExplorerCommandProvider Exposes methods to create Explorer commands and command enumerators. |
IExplorerCommandState Exposes a single method that allows retrieval of the command state. |
IExplorerPaneVisibility Used in Windows Explorer by an IShellFolder implementation to give suggestions to the view about what panes are visible. |
IExtractImage Exposes methods that request a thumbnail image from a Shell folder. |
IExtractImage2 Extends the capabilities of IExtractImage. |
IFileDialog Exposes methods that initialize, show, and get results from the common file dialog. |
IFileDialogCustomize Exposes methods that allow an application to add controls to a common file dialog. |
IFileDialogEvents Exposes methods that allow notification of events within a common file dialog. |
IFileIsInUse Exposes methods that can be called to get information on or close a file that is in use by another application. |
IFileOpenDialog Extends the IFileDialog interface by adding methods specific to the open dialog. |
IFileOperation Exposes methods to copy, move, rename, create, and delete Shell items as well as methods to provide progress and error dialogs. This interface replaces the SHFileOperation function. |
IFileOperationProgressSink Exposes methods that provide a rich notification system used by callers of IFileOperation to monitor the details of the operations they are performing through that interface. |
IFileSaveDialog Extends the IFileDialog interface by adding methods specific to the save dialog, which include those that provide support for the collection of metadata to be persisted with the file. |
IFileSyncMergeHandler . (IFileSyncMergeHandler) |
IFileSystemBindData Exposes methods that store file system information for optimizing calls to IShellFolder::ParseDisplayName. |
IFileSystemBindData2 Extends IFileSystemBindData, which stores file system information for optimizing calls to IShellFolder::ParseDisplayName. This interface adds the ability set or get file ID or junction class identifier (CLSID). |
IFolderFilter Exposed by a client to specify how to filter the enumeration of a Shell folder by a server application. |
IFolderFilterSite Exported by a host to allow clients to specify how to filter a Shell folder enumeration. |
IFolderView Exposes methods that retrieve information about a folder's display options, select specified items in that folder, and set the folder's view mode. (IFolderView) |
IFolderView2 Exposes methods that retrieve information about a folder's display options, select specified items in that folder, and set the folder's view mode. (IFolderView2) |
IFolderViewSettings Exposes methods to obtain folder view settings. |
IFrameworkInputPane Provides methods that enable apps to be informed of state changes and location for the input pane. |
IFrameworkInputPaneHandler Enables an app to be notified when the input pane (the on-screen keyboard or handwriting panel) is being shown or hidden. This allows the app window to adjust its display so that no input areas (such as a text box) are obscured by the input pane. |
IHandlerActivationHost . (IHandlerActivationHost) |
IHandlerInfo Supplies methods that provide information about the handler to methods of the IHandlerActivationHost interface. |
IHomeGroup Exposes methods that determine a computer's HomeGroup membership status and display the sharing wizard. |
IIdentityName Exposes methods to compare two items to see if they are the same. |
IInitializeCommand Exposes a single method used to initialize objects that implement IExplorerCommandState, IExecuteCommand or IDropTarget with the application-specified command name and its registered properties. |
IInitializeWithBindCtx Exposes a method that initializes a handler, such as a property handler, thumbnail handler, or preview handler, with a bind context. |
IInitializeWithItem Exposes a method used to initialize a handler, such as a property handler, thumbnail handler, or preview handler, with an IShellItem. |
IInitializeWithPropertyStore Exposes a method that initializes a handler, such as a property handler, thumbnail handler, or preview handler, with a property store. |
IInitializeWithWindow Exposes a method through which a client can provide an owner window to a Windows Runtime object used in a desktop application. |
IInputObject Exposes methods that change UI activation and process accelerators for a user input object contained in the Shell. |
IInputObject2 Exposes a method that extends IInputObject by handling global accelerators. |
IInputObjectSite Exposes a method that is used to communicate focus changes for a user input object contained in the Shell. |
IIOCancelInformation Exposes methods for posting a cancel window message to the process thread from the Progress Dialog. |
IItemNameLimits Retrieves a list of valid and invalid characters or the maximum length of a name in the namespace. Use this interface for validation parsing and translation. |
IKnownFolder Exposes methods that allow an application to retrieve information about a known folder's category, type, GUID, pointer to an item identifier list (PIDL) value, redirection capabilities, and definition. |
IKnownFolderManager Exposes methods that create, enumerate or manage existing known folders. |
ILaunchSourceAppUserModelId Provides a method for retrieving an AppUserModelId. |
ILaunchSourceViewSizePreference Provides methods for retrieving information about the source application. |
ILaunchTargetMonitor . (ILaunchTargetMonitor) |
ILaunchTargetViewSizePreference Provides a method for retrieving the preferred view size for a new application window. |
IMenuBand Exposes methods that allow a Component Object Model (COM) object to receive and translate appropriate messages. |
IMenuPopup IMenuPopup may be altered or unavailable. |
IModalWindow Exposes a method that represents a modal window. |
INameSpaceTreeControl Exposes methods used to view and manipulate nodes in a tree of Shell items. |
INameSpaceTreeControlFolderCapabilities Exposes a single method that retrieves the status of a folder's System.IsPinnedToNameSpaceTree filtering support. |
INamespaceWalk Exposes methods that walk a namespace from a given root node. The depth of the walk is specified and an optional array is returned containing the IDs of all nodes walked. |
INamespaceWalkCB A callback interface exposing methods used with INamespaceWalk. |
INamespaceWalkCB2 Extends INamespaceWalkCB with a method that is required in order to complete a namespace walk. This method removes data collected during the walk. |
INewMenuClient Exposes methods that allow manipulation of items in a Windows 7 menu. |
INewWindowManager Exposes a method that determines whether a window that is launched by another window should be displayed or blocked, allowing control of pop-up windows. |
IObjectProvider Exposes a method to discover objects that are named with a GUID from another object. Unlike QueryService this interface will not delegate its functionality on to other objects. |
IObjectWithAppUserModelID Exposes methods that allow implementers of a custom IAssocHandler object to provide access to its explicit Application User Model ID (AppUserModelID). |
IObjectWithBackReferences Provides a method for interacting with back references held by an object. |
IObjectWithCancelEvent Not supported.Supplies a caller with an event that will be signaled by the called object to denote cancellation of a task. |
IObjectWithFolderEnumMode Exposes methods that get and set enumeration modes of a parsed item. |
IObjectWithProgID Exposes methods that provide access to the ProgID associated with an object. |
IObjectWithSelection Exposes methods that get or set selected items represented by a Shell item array. |
IOpenControlPanel Exposes methods that retrieve the view state of the Control Panel, the path of individual Control Panel items, and that open either the Control Panel itself or an individual Control Panel item. |
IOpenSearchSource Exposes a method to get search results from a custom client-side OpenSearch data source. |
IOperationsProgressDialog Exposes methods to get, set, and query a progress dialog. |
IPackageDebugSettings Enables debugger developers to control the life cycle of a Windows Store app, such as suspending or resuming. |
IPackageExecutionStateChangeNotification Enables receiving package state-change notifications during Windows Store app debugging. |
IParentAndItem Exposes methods that get and set the parent and the parent's child ID. While IParentAndItem is typically implemented on IShellItems, it is not specific to IShellItem. |
IParseAndCreateItem IParseAndCreateItem interface |
IPersistFolder Exposes a method that initializes Shell folder objects. |
IPersistFolder2 Exposes methods that obtain information from Shell folder objects. |
IPersistFolder3 Extends the IPersistFolder and IPersistFolder2 interfaces by allowing a folder object to implement nondefault handling of folder shortcuts. |
IPersistIDList Exposes methods that are used to persist item identifier lists. |
IPreviewHandler Exposes methods for the display of rich previews. |
IPreviewHandlerFrame Enables preview handlers to pass keyboard shortcuts to the host. This interface retrieves a list of keyboard shortcuts and directs the host to handle a keyboard shortcut. |
IPreviewHandlerVisuals Exposes methods for applying color and font information to preview handlers. |
IPreviewItem Identifies an item that will be shown in the preview pane. |
IProfferService Exposes a general mechanism for objects to offer services to other objects on the same host. |
IPropertyUI Developers should use IPropertyDescription instead. (IPropertyUI) |
IQueryContinue Exposes a method that provides a simple, standard mechanism for objects to query a client for permission to continue an operation. |
IRegTreeItem Exposes methods that retrieve and set the state of items in a tree-view control that have the Tree-View Control Window Styles flag set. |
IRelatedItem Exposes methods that derive related items with specific relationships. |
IRemoteComputer Exposes a method that enumerates or initializes a namespace extension when it is invoked on a remote object. This interface is used, for example, to initialize the remote printers virtual folder. |
IResolveShellLink Exposes a method that enables an application to request that a Shell folder object resolve a link for one of its items. |
IRunnableTask A free-threaded interface that can be exposed by an object to allow operations to be performed on a background thread. |
ISearchFolderItemFactory Exposes methods that create and modify search folders. |
ISharingConfigurationManager Exposes methods that set and retrieve information about a computer's default sharing settings for the Users (C:\Users) or Public (C:\Users\Public) folder. Also exposes a set of methods that allow control of printer sharing. |
IShellBrowser Implemented by hosts of Shell views (objects that implement IShellView). Exposes methods that provide services for the view it is hosting and other objects that run in the context of the Explorer window. |
IShellExtInit Exposes a method that initializes Shell extensions for property sheets, shortcut menus, and drag-and-drop handlers (extensions that add items to shortcut menus during nondefault drag-and-drop operations). |
IShellFolder Exposed by all Shell namespace folder objects, its methods are used to manage folders. |
IShellFolder2 Extends the capabilities of IShellFolder. Its methods provide a variety of information about the contents of a Shell folder. |
IShellIcon Exposes a method that obtains an icon index for an IShellFolder object. |
IShellIconOverlayIdentifier Exposes methods that handle all communication between icon overlay handlers and the Shell. |
IShellItem Exposes methods that retrieve information about a Shell item. IShellItem and IShellItem2 are the preferred representations of items in any new code. |
IShellItem2 Extends IShellItem with methods that retrieve various property values of the item. IShellItem and IShellItem2 are the preferred representations of items in any new code. |
IShellItemArray Exposes methods that create and manipulate Shell item arrays. |
IShellItemFilter Exposed by a client to specify how to filter the enumeration of a Shell item by a server application. |
IShellItemImageFactory Exposes a method to return either icons or thumbnails for Shell items. If no thumbnail or icon is available for the requested item, a per-class icon may be provided from the Shell. |
IShellItemResources Exposes methods to manipulate and query Shell item resources. |
IShellLibrary Exposes methods for creating and managing libraries. |
IShellLinkA Exposes methods that create, modify, and resolve Shell links. (ANSI) |
IShellLinkDataList Exposes methods that allow an application to attach extra data blocks to a Shell link. These methods add, copy, or remove data blocks. |
IShellLinkW Exposes methods that create, modify, and resolve Shell links. (Unicode) |
IShellMenu Exposes methods that interact with Shell menus such as the Start menu, and the Favorites menu. |
IShellMenuCallback A callback interface that exposes a method that receives messages from a menu band. |
IShellPropSheetExt Exposes methods that allow a property sheet handler to add or replace pages in the property sheet displayed for a file object. |
IShellTaskScheduler IShellTaskScheduler may be altered or unavailable. |
IShellView Exposes methods that present a view in the Windows Explorer or folder windows. |
IShellView2 Extends the capabilities of IShellView. |
ISuspensionDependencyManager . (ISuspensionDependencyManager) |
ITaskbarList Exposes methods that control the taskbar. It allows you to dynamically add, remove, and activate items on the taskbar. |
ITaskbarList2 Extends the ITaskbarList interface by exposing a method to mark a window as a full-screen display. |
ITaskbarList3 Extends ITaskbarList2 by exposing methods that support the unified launching and switching taskbar button functionality added in Windows 7. |
ITaskbarList4 Extends ITaskbarList3 by providing a method that allows the caller to control two property values for the tab thumbnail and peek feature. |
IThumbnailHandlerFactory Exposes a method for retrieving the thumbnail handler of an item. Implement this interface if you want to specify what extractor is used for a child IDList. |
ITransferAdviseSink Exposes methods supporting status collection and failure information. |
ITransferDestination Exposes methods that create a destination Shell item for a copy or move operation. This interface is provided to allow more control over file operations by providing an ITransferDestination::Advise method. |
ITransferMediumItem Used by a copy engine to get the item on which to call QueryInterface to return a pointer to interface ITransferDestination or interface ITransferSource. These interfaces can be queried and enumerated for copy, move, or delete operations. |
ITransferSource Exposes methods to manipulate IShellItem, including copy, move, recycle, and others. This interface is offered to provide more control over file operations by providing an ITransferSource::Advise method. |
IUpdateIDList Provides a method to update the ITEMIDLIST of the child of a folder object. |
IUserNotification Exposes methods that set notification information and then display that notification to the user in a balloon that appears in conjunction with the notification area of the taskbar. (IUserNotification) |
IViewStateIdentityItem Provides a canonical persistence item, an item for which view customizations will be remembered. |
IVirtualDesktopManager Exposes methods that enable an application to interact with groups of windows that form virtual workspaces. |
FreeIDListArray Frees the memory used by a pointer to an item identifier list (PIDL) list array. |
FreeIDListArrayChild Releases the memory space for the array of pointers to child item IDs. This releases both the PITEMID_CHILDs within the array and the array itself. |
FreeIDListArrayFull Releases the memory space for the pointer to an item identifier list (PIDL) array. This releases both the PIDLIST_ABSOLUTEs within the array and the array itself. |
FreeKnownFolderDefinitionFields Frees the allocated fields in the result from IKnownFolder::GetFolderDefinition. |
GetCurrentProcessExplicitAppUserModelID Retrieves the application-defined, explicit Application User Model ID (AppUserModelID) for the current process. |
SetContractDelegateWindow Associates an app window other than the primary foreground window with an app's contracts. Use this function if you are a developer writing a Windows Store app in native C++. |
SetCurrentProcessExplicitAppUserModelID Specifies a unique application-defined Application User Model ID (AppUserModelID) that identifies the current process to the taskbar. This identifier allows an application to group its associated processes and windows under a single taskbar button. |
SHAddFolderPathToLibrary Adds a folder to a library. |
SHAssocEnumHandlers Returns an enumeration object for a specified set of file name extension handlers. |
SHAssocEnumHandlersForProtocolByApplication Gets an enumeration interface that provides access to handlers associated with a given protocol. |
SHCreateAssociationRegistration Creates an IApplicationAssociationRegistration object based on the stock implementation of the interface provided by Windows. |
SHCreateDefaultExtractIcon Creates a standard icon extractor, whose defaults can be further configured via the IDefaultExtractIconInit interface. |
SHCreateItemFromIDList Creates and initializes a Shell item object from a pointer to an item identifier list (PIDL). The resulting shell item object supports the IShellItem interface. |
SHCreateItemFromParsingName Creates and initializes a Shell item object from a parsing name. |
SHCreateItemFromRelativeName Creates and initializes a Shell item object from a relative parsing name. |
SHCreateItemInKnownFolder Creates a Shell item object for a single file that exists inside a known folder. |
SHCreateItemWithParent Create a Shell item, given a parent folder and a child item ID. |
SHCreateLibrary Creates an IShellLibrary object. |
SHCreateShellItemArray Creates a Shell item array object. |
SHCreateShellItemArrayFromDataObject Creates a Shell item array object from a data object. |
SHCreateShellItemArrayFromIDLists Creates a Shell item array object from a list of ITEMIDLIST structures. |
SHCreateShellItemArrayFromShellItem Creates an array of one element from a single Shell item. |
SHGetIDListFromObject Retrieves the pointer to an item identifier list (PIDL) of an object. |
SHGetItemFromDataObject Creates an IShellItem or related object based on an item specified by an IDataObject. |
SHGetItemFromObject Retrieves an IShellItem for an object. |
SHGetNameFromIDList Retrieves the display name of an item identified by its IDList. |
SHGetPropertyStoreFromIDList Retrieves an object that supports IPropertyStore or related interfaces from a pointer to an item identifier list (PIDL). |
SHGetPropertyStoreFromParsingName Returns a property store for an item, given a path or parsing name. |
SHGetTemporaryPropertyForItem Retrieves the temporary property for the given item. A temporary property is a read/write store that holds properties only for the lifetime of the IShellItem object, rather than being persisted back into the item. |
SHLoadLibraryFromItem Creates and loads an IShellLibrary object from a specified library definition file. |
SHLoadLibraryFromKnownFolder Creates and loads an IShellLibrary object for a specified known folder ID. |
SHLoadLibraryFromParsingName Creates and loads an IShellLibrary object for a specified path. |
SHRemoveFolderPathFromLibrary Removes a folder from a library. |
SHResolveLibrary Resolves all locations in a library, even those locations that have been moved or renamed. |
SHSaveLibraryInFolderPath Saves an IShellLibrary object to disk. |
SHSetTemporaryPropertyForItem Sets a temporary property for the specified item. A temporary property is kept in a read/write store that holds properties only for the lifetime of the IShellItem object, instead of writing them back into the item. |
SHShowManageLibraryUI Shows the library management dialog box, which enables users to manage the library folders and default save location. |
SHSimpleIDListFromPath Deprecated. Returns a pointer to an ITEMIDLIST structure when passed a path. |
BANDSITEINFO Contains information about a band site. This structure is used with the IBandSite::GetBandSiteInfo and IBandSite::SetBandSiteInfo methods. |
CATEGORY_INFO Contains category information. A component category is a group of logically-related Component Object Model (COM) classes that share a common category identifier (CATID). |
CM_COLUMNINFO Defines column information. Used by members of the IColumnManager interface. |
CMINVOKECOMMANDINFO Contains information needed by IContextMenu::InvokeCommand to invoke a shortcut menu command. |
CMINVOKECOMMANDINFOEX Contains extended information about a shortcut menu command. This structure is an extended version of CMINVOKECOMMANDINFO that allows the use of Unicode values. |
DELEGATEITEMID Used by delegate folders in place of a standard ITEMIDLIST structure. |
DESKBANDINFO Receives information about a band object. This structure is used with the deprecated IDeskBand::GetBandInfo method. |
EXTRASEARCH Used by an IEnumExtraSearch enumerator object to return information on the search objects supported by a Shell Folder object. |
FOLDERSETTINGS Contains folder view information. |
KNOWNFOLDER_DEFINITION Defines the specifics of a known folder. |
PERSIST_FOLDER_TARGET_INFO Specifies a folder shortcut's target folder and its attributes. This structure is used by IPersistFolder3::GetFolderTargetInfo and IPersistFolder3::InitializeEx. |
PREVIEWHANDLERFRAMEINFO Accelerator table structure. Used by IPreviewHandlerFrame::GetWindowContext. |
SHDRAGIMAGE Contains the information needed to create a drag image. |
SHELL_ITEM_RESOURCE Defines Shell item resource. |
SMCSHCHANGENOTIFYSTRUCT Contains information about change notification. It is used by IShellMenuCallback::CallbackSM. |
SMDATA Contains information from a menu band. |
SMINFO Contains information about an item from a menu band. |
SORTCOLUMN Stores information about how to sort a column that is displayed in the folder view. |
SV2CVW2_PARAMS Holds the parameters for the IShellView2::CreateViewWindow2 method. |
THUMBBUTTON Used by methods of the ITaskbarList3 interface to define buttons used in a toolbar embedded in a window's thumbnail representation. |
_BROWSERFRAMEOPTIONS Used with method IBrowserFrameOptions::GetFrameOptions. |
_EXPCMDSTATE EXPCMDSTATE values represent the command state of a Shell item. |
_EXPLORERPANESTATE Indicate flags used by IExplorerPaneVisibility::GetPaneState to get the current state of the given Windows Explorer pane. |
_FILEOPENDIALOGOPTIONS Defines the set of options available to an Open or Save dialog. |
_KF_DEFINITION_FLAGS Flags that specify certain known folder behaviors. Used with the KNOWNFOLDER_DEFINITION structure. |
_KF_REDIRECT_FLAGS Flags used by IKnownFolderManager::Redirect to specify details of a known folder redirection such as permissions and ownership for the redirected folder. |
_KF_REDIRECTION_CAPABILITIES Flags that specify the current redirection capabilities of a known folder. Used by IKnownFolder::GetRedirectionCapabilities. |
_NSTCITEMSTATE Specifies the state of a tree item. These values are used by methods of the INameSpaceTreeControl interface. |
_NSTCSTYLE Describes the characteristics of a given namespace tree control. |
_PROPERTYUI_FLAGS Specifies property features. |
_SHCONTF Determines the types of items included in an enumeration. These values are used with the IShellFolder::EnumObjects method. |
_SHGDNF Defines the values used with the IShellFolder::GetDisplayNameOf and IShellFolder::SetNameOf methods to specify the type of file or folder names used by those methods. |
_SICHINTF Used to determine how to compare two Shell items. IShellItem::Compare uses this enumerated type. |
_SPBEGINF Used by IActionProgress::Begin, these constants specify certain UI operations that are to be enabled or disabled. |
_SVGIO Used with the IFolderView::Items, IFolderView::ItemCount, and IShellView::GetItemObject methods to restrict or control the items in their collections. |
_SVSIF Indicates flags used by IFolderView, IFolderView2, IShellView and IShellView2 to specify a type of selection to apply. |
_TRANSFER_SOURCE_FLAGS Used by methods of the ITransferSource and ITransferDestination interfaces to control their file operations. |
APPLICATION_VIEW_ORIENTATION Defines the set of display orientation modes for a window (app view). Used by IApplicationDesignModeSettings2::GetApplicationViewOrientation and IApplicationDesignModeSettings2::SetApplicationViewOrientation. |
APPLICATION_VIEW_SIZE_PREFERENCE Defines the set of possible general window (app view) size preferences. Used by ILaunchSourceViewSizePreference::GetSourceViewSizePreference and ILaunchTargetViewSizePreference::GetTargetViewSizePreference. |
APPLICATION_VIEW_STATE Indicates the current view state of a Windows Store app. Used by IApplicationDesignModeSettings::SetApplicationViewState and IApplicationDesignModeSettings::IsApplicationViewStateSupported. |
ASSOCIATIONLEVEL Specifies the source of the default association for a file name extension. Used by methods of the IApplicationAssociationRegistration interface. |
ASSOCIATIONTYPE Specifies the type of association for an application. Used by methods of the IApplicationAssociationRegistration interface. |
ATTACHMENT_ACTION Provides a set of flags to be used with IAttachmentExecute::Prompt to indicate the action to be performed upon user confirmation. |
ATTACHMENT_PROMPT Provides a set of flags to be used with IAttachmentExecute::Prompt to indicate the type of prompt UI to display. |
CATEGORYINFO_FLAGS Provides a set of flags for use with the CATEGORY_INFO structure. |
CATSORT_FLAGS Specifies methods for sorting category data. |
CM_ENUM_FLAGS Used by members of the IColumnManager interface to specify which set of columns are being requested, either all or only those currently visible. |
CM_MASK Indicates which values in the CM_COLUMNINFO structure should be set during calls to IColumnManager::SetColumnInfo. |
CM_SET_WIDTH_VALUE Specifies width values in pixels and includes special support for default and autosize. Used by members of the IColumnManager interface through the CM_COLUMNINFO structure. |
CM_STATE Specifies column state values. Used by members of the IColumnManager interface through the CM_COLUMNINFO structure. |
DATAOBJ_GET_ITEM_FLAGS Values used by the SHGetItemFromDataObject function to specify options concerning the processing of the source object. |
DEF_SHARE_ID Values that specify the folder being acted on by methods of the ISharingConfigurationManager interface. |
DEFAULTSAVEFOLDERTYPE Specifies the default save location. |
DESKTOP_WALLPAPER_POSITION Specifies how the desktop wallpaper should be displayed. |
EXPLORER_BROWSER_FILL_FLAGS These flags are used with IExplorerBrowser::FillFromObject. |
EXPLORER_BROWSER_OPTIONS These flags are used with IExplorerBrowser::GetOptions and IExplorerBrowser::SetOptions. |
FDAP Specifies list placement. |
FDE_OVERWRITE_RESPONSE Specifies the values used by the IFileDialogEvents::OnOverwrite method to indicate an application's response to an overwrite request during a save operation using the common file dialog. |
FDE_SHAREVIOLATION_RESPONSE Specifies the values used by the IFileDialogEvents::OnShareViolation method to indicate an application's response to a sharing violation that occurs when a file is opened or saved. |
FFFP_MODE Describes match criteria. Used by methods of the IKnownFolderManager interface. |
FILE_USAGE_TYPE Constants used by IFileIsInUse::GetUsage to indicate how a file in use is being used. |
FOLDER_ENUM_MODE Used by IObjectWithFolderEnumMode::GetMode and IObjectWithFolderEnumMode::SetMode methods to get and set the display modes for the folders. |
FOLDERFLAGS A set of flags that specify folder view options. The flags are independent of each other and can be used in any combination. |
FOLDERLOGICALVIEWMODE Used by IFolderViewSettings::GetViewMode and ISearchFolderItemFactory::SetFolderLogicalViewMode to describe the view mode. |
FOLDERVIEWMODE Specifies the folder view type. |
KF_CATEGORY Value that represent a category by which a folder registered with the Known Folder system can be classified. |
LIBRARYFOLDERFILTER Defines options for filtering folder items. |
LIBRARYMANAGEDIALOGOPTIONS Used by SHShowManageLibraryUI to define options for handling a name collision when saving a library. |
LIBRARYOPTIONFLAGS Specifies the library options. |
LIBRARYSAVEFLAGS Specifies the options for handling a name collision when saving a library. |
MONITOR_APP_VISIBILITY Specifies whether a display is showing desktop windows instead of Windows Store apps. |
NSTCFOLDERCAPABILITIES Specifies the state of a tree item. These values are used by methods of the INameSpaceTreeControlFolderCapabilities interface. |
NWMF Flags used by INewWindowManager::EvaluateNewWindow. These values are factors in the decision of whether to display a pop-up window. |
PDOPSTATUS Provides operation status flags. |
PLACEHOLDER_STATES Specifies the states that a placeholder file can have. Retrieve this value through the System.FilePlaceholderStatus (PKEY_FilePlaceholderStatus) property. |
SHARE_ROLE Specifies the access permissions assigned to the Users or Public folder. Used in CreateShare and GetSharePermissions. |
SIGDN Requests the form of an item's display name to retrieve through IShellItem::GetDisplayName and SHGetNameFromIDList. |
SPACTION Describes an action being performed that requires progress to be shown to the user using an IActionProgress interface. |
SPTEXT Specifies the type of descriptive text being provided to an IActionProgress interface. |
STPFLAG Used by the ITaskbarList4::SetTabProperties method to specify tab properties. |
SVUIA_STATUS Used with the IBrowserService2::_UIActivateView method to set the state of a browser view. |
SYNC_TRANSFER_STATUS Specifies possible status values used in the System.SyncTransferStatus property. |
tagDESKBANDCID These command IDs can be sent to the band object's container with IOleCommandTarget::Exec. |
THUMBBUTTONFLAGS Used by THUMBBUTTON to control specific states and behaviors of the button. |
THUMBBUTTONMASK Used by the THUMBBUTTON structure to specify which members of that structure contain valid data. |