IStreamBuilder::Backout method (strmif.h)

[The feature associated with this page, DirectShow, is a legacy feature. It has been superseded by MediaPlayer, IMFMediaEngine, and Audio/Video Capture in Media Foundation. Those features have been optimized for Windows 10 and Windows 11. Microsoft strongly recommends that new code use MediaPlayer, IMFMediaEngine and Audio/Video Capture in Media Foundation instead of DirectShow, when possible. Microsoft suggests that existing code that uses the legacy APIs be rewritten to use the new APIs if possible.]

The Backout method undoes steps taken in the IStreamBuilder::Render method. This includes disconnecting and removing any filters that were added inside Render.


HRESULT Backout(
  [in] IPin          *ppinOut,
  [in] IGraphBuilder *pGraph


[in] ppinOut

Pointer to the IPin interface of this pin.

[in] pGraph

Pointer to the IGraphBuilder interface of the Filter Graph Manager.

Return value

Returns an HRESULT value. A return code of S_OK indicates to the graph builder that the disconnect was successful.


The following example shows how a filter would reverse the steps that are shown in the code example for the IStreamBuilder::Render method:

STDMETHODIMP CMyOutputPin::BackOut(IPin *pPin, IGraphBuilder *pGraph)
    CheckPointer(pPin, E_POINTER);
    CheckPointer(pGraph, E_POINTER);

    HRESULT hr = S_OK;
    if (m_Connected != NULL) // Pointer to the pin we're connected to.
        // Find the filter that owns the pin connected to us.
        FILTER_INFO fi;
        hr = m_Connected->QueryFilterInfo(&fi);
        if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) 
            if (fi.pFilter != NULL) 
                //  Disconnect the pins.
                // Remove the filter from the graph.
                hr = E_UNEXPECTED;
    return hr;


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 2000 Professional [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows 2000 Server [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header strmif.h (include Dshow.h)
Library Strmiids.lib

See also

Error and Success Codes

IStreamBuilder Interface