ICondition::GetInputTerms method (structuredquerycondition.h)

For a leaf node, ICondition::GetInputTerms retrieves information about what parts (or ranges) of the input string produced the property, the operation, and the value for the search condition node.


HRESULT GetInputTerms(
  [out, optional] IRichChunk **ppPropertyTerm,
  [out, optional] IRichChunk **ppOperationTerm,
  [out, optional] IRichChunk **ppValueTerm


[out, optional] ppPropertyTerm

Type: IRichChunk**

Receives a pointer to an IRichChunk interface that provides information about what part of the input string produced the property of the leaf node, if that can be determined; otherwise, this parameter is set to NULL.

[out, optional] ppOperationTerm

Type: IRichChunk**

Receives a pointer to an IRichChunk interface that provides information about what part of the input string produced the operation of the leaf node, if that can be determined; otherwise, this parameter is set to NULL.

[out, optional] ppValueTerm

Type: IRichChunk**

Receives a pointer to an IRichChunk interface that provides information about what part of the input string produced the value of the leaf node, if that can be determined; otherwise, this parameter is set to NULL.

Return value


If this method succeeds, it returns S_OK. Otherwise, it returns an HRESULT error code.


Any or all of the parameters ppPropertyTerm, ppOperationTerm and ppValueTerm can be NULL.

Each IRichChunk object retrieved by this method represents a range of tokens from the input string. The range tokens identifies the substring that produced the property, operation, or value of the input string. The IRichChunk's PROPVARIANT out parameter is not used.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows XP with SP2, Windows Vista [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2003 with SP1 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header structuredquerycondition.h (include Structuredquery.h)
Redistributable Windows Desktop Search (WDS) 3.0

See also




