ITSGAuthenticationEngine::AuthenticateUser method (tsgauthenticationengine.h)

Authenticates a user.

Remote Desktop Gateway (RD Gateway) calls this method when it receives a new connection request. The authentication plug-in should authenticate the user based on the cookie referenced by the cookieData parameter. The authentication plug-in should then use the ITSGAuthenticateUserSink interface to notify RD Gateway about the result of authentication.


HRESULT AuthenticateUser(
  [in] GUID                     mainSessionId,
  [in] BYTE                     *cookieData,
  [in] ULONG                    numCookieBytes,
  [in] ULONG_PTR                context,
  [in] ITSGAuthenticateUserSink *pSink


[in] mainSessionId

A unique identifier assigned to the connection request by RD Gateway.

[in] cookieData

A pointer to a BYTE that contains the cookie provided by the user.

[in] numCookieBytes

The number of bytes referenced by the cookieData parameter.

[in] context

A pointer to a ULONG that contains a value specific to this connection. This value should be passed back to RD Gateway by using the methods of the ITSGAuthenticateUserSink interface.

[in] pSink

A pointer to a ITSGAuthenticateUserSink interface that the authentication plug-in must use to notify RD Gateway about the result of authentication.

Return value

If this method succeeds, it returns S_OK. Otherwise, it returns an HRESULT error code.


If this method returns S_OK, RD Gateway waits for the authentication plug-in to call a method of the ITSGAuthenticateUserSink interface. If any other value is returned, RD Gateway immediately denies the connection request.

For a sample that uses the AuthenticateUser method, see the Remote Desktop Gateway Pluggable Authentication and Authorization sample.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 7
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008 R2
Target Platform Windows
Header tsgauthenticationengine.h

See also
