ITSGAuthorizeResourceSink interface (tsgpolicyengine.h)

Exposes methods that notify Remote Desktop Gateway (RD Gateway) about the result of an attempt to authorize a resource. The authorization plug-in should not implement this interface because it is already implemented. A pointer to this interface is passed to the authorization plug-in when RD Gateway calls the AuthorizeResource method.


The ITSGAuthorizeResourceSink interface inherits from the IUnknown interface. ITSGAuthorizeResourceSink also has these types of members:


The ITSGAuthorizeResourceSink interface has these methods.


Notifies Remote Desktop Gateway (RD Gateway) about the result of an attempt to authorize a resource.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 7
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008 R2
Target Platform Windows
Header tsgpolicyengine.h