IVdsServiceIscsi::SetInitiatorSharedSecret method (vds.h)

[Beginning with Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012, the Virtual Disk Service COM interface is superseded by the Windows Storage Management API.]

Sets the initiator CHAP shared secret that is used for mutual CHAP authentication when the initiator authenticates the target.


HRESULT SetInitiatorSharedSecret(
  [in] VDS_ISCSI_SHARED_SECRET *pInitiatorSharedSecret,
  [in] VDS_OBJECT_ID           targetId


[in] pInitiatorSharedSecret

The address of a VDS_ISCSI_SHARED_SECRET structure that contains the shared secret. If the pSharedSecret member is NULL and the ulSharedSecretSize is zero, the SetInitiatorSharedSecret method clears any existing secret. If this parameter is NULL and the targetId parameter is not GUID_NULL, SetInitiatorSharedSecret clears the association between the initiator and the target.

[in] targetId

The VDS_OBJECT_ID of the target. This parameter is set to GUID_NULL if the shared secret is not to be target-specific.

Return value

This method can return standard HRESULT values, such as E_INVALIDARG or E_OUTOFMEMORY, and VDS-specific return values. It can also return converted system error codes using the HRESULT_FROM_WIN32 macro. Errors can originate from VDS itself or from the underlying VDS provider that is being used. Possible return values include the following.

Return code/value Description
The shared secret was set successfully.
VDS failed to initialize. If an application calls this method before the service finishes initializing, the method is blocked until the initialization completes. If the initialization fails, this error is returned.
The initiator service does not support setting target-specific shared secrets.


An initiator may support setting a different CHAP shared secret for each target.

There is no way to determine programmatically whether an initiator supports target-specific secrets. If the call to SetInitiatorSharedSecret returns VDS_E_TARGET_SPECIFIC_NOT_SUPPORTED, call the method again, setting the targetId parameter to GUID_NULL.

The Microsoft iSCSI Software Initiator does not support setting target-specific secrets.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Vista [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2003 R2 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header vds.h
Library Uuid.lib
Redistributable VDS 1.1

See also



