IGamutMapModelPlugIn::Initialize method (wcsplugin.h)

Initializes a gamut map model profile (GMMP) by using the specified source and destination gamut boundary descriptions and optional source and destination device model plug-ins.


HRESULT Initialize(
  [in] BSTR                     bstrXml,
  [in] IDeviceModelPlugIn       *pSrcPlugIn,
  [in] IDeviceModelPlugIn       *pDestPlugIn,
  [in] GamutBoundaryDescription *pSrcGBD,
  [in] GamutBoundaryDescription *pDestGBD


[in] bstrXml

A string that contains the BSTR XML GMMP profile. This is little-endian Unicode XML, but without the leading bytes to tag it as such. Also, the encoding keyword in the XML may not reflect this format.

[in] pSrcPlugIn

A pointer to a source IDeviceModelPlugIn. If NULL, it indicates the source device model profile is not a plug-in profile.

[in] pDestPlugIn

A pointer to a destination IDeviceModelPlugIn. If NULL, it indicates the destination device model profile is not a plug-in profile.

[in] pSrcGBD

A pointer to a source GamutBoundaryDescription.

[in] pDestGBD

A pointer to a destination GamutBoundaryDescription.

Return value

If this function succeeds, the return value is S_OK.

If this function fails, the return value is E_FAIL.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Vista [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header wcsplugin.h

See also