windows.devices.display.core.interop.h header
APIs for desktop interop with the Windows.Devices.Display.Core namespace.
windows.devices.display.core.interop.h contains the following programming interfaces:
devices::display::core::interop::IDisplayDeviceInterop Provides methods for interoperating between Direct3D (and other graphics APIs) and APIs in the Windows Runtime Windows.Devices.Display.Core namespace. |
devices::display::core::interop::IDisplayPathInterop Provides methods for interoperating between the Windows Runtime class DisplayPath and other display-related APIs. |
devices::display::core::interop::Int64FromLuid Converts from a LUID to a 64-bit signed integer. |
devices::display::core::interop::LuidFromInt64 Converts from a 64-bit signed integer to a LUID. |
LUID Describes a local identifier for an adapter. |