winioctl.h header
This header is used by multiple technologies. For more information, see:
winioctl.h contains the following programming interfaces:
FSCTL_ALLOW_EXTENDED_DASD_IO Signals the file system driver not to perform any I/O boundary checks on partition read or write calls. |
FSCTL_CREATE_OR_GET_OBJECT_ID Retrieves the object identifier for the specified file or directory. If no object identifier exists, using FSCTL_CREATE_OR_GET_OBJECT_ID creates one. |
FSCTL_CREATE_USN_JOURNAL Creates an update sequence number (USN) change journal stream on a target volume, or modifies an existing change journal stream. |
FSCTL_CSV_CONTROL Retrieves the results of a CSV control operation. |
FSCTL_CSV_QUERY_DOWN_LEVEL_FILE_SYSTEM_CHARACTERISTICS Retrieves information about a file system for which CSVFS is a proxy. |
FSCTL_DELETE_OBJECT_ID Removes the object identifier from a specified file or directory. |
FSCTL_DELETE_REPARSE_POINT Deletes a reparse point from the specified file or directory. |
FSCTL_DELETE_USN_JOURNAL Deletes the update sequence number (USN) change journal on a volume, or waits for notification of change journal deletion. |
FSCTL_DISMOUNT_VOLUME Dismounts a volume regardless of whether or not the volume is currently in use. For more information, see the Remarks section. |
FSCTL_DUPLICATE_EXTENTS_TO_FILE Instructs the file system to copy a range of file bytes on behalf of an application. |
FSCTL_ENUM_USN_DATA Enumerates the update sequence number (USN) data between two specified boundaries to obtain master file table (MFT) records. |
FSCTL_EXTEND_VOLUME Increases the size of a mounted volume. |
FSCTL_FILE_LEVEL_TRIM Indicates ranges within the specified file that do not need to be stored by the storage system. |
FSCTL_FILESYSTEM_GET_STATISTICS Retrieves the information from various file system performance counters. |
FSCTL_FILESYSTEM_GET_STATISTICS_EX Retrieves the information from various file system performance counters.Support for this control code started with Windows 10. |
FSCTL_FIND_FILES_BY_SID Searches a directory for a file whose creator owner matches the specified SID. |
FSCTL_GET_BOOT_AREA_INFO Retrieves the locations of boot sectors for a volume. |
FSCTL_GET_COMPRESSION Retrieves the current compression state of a file or directory on a volume whose file system supports per-stream compression. |
FSCTL_GET_INTEGRITY_INFORMATION Retrieves the integrity status of a file or directory on a ReFS volume. (FSCTL_GET_INTEGRITY_INFORMATION) |
FSCTL_GET_NTFS_FILE_RECORD Retrieves the first file record that is in use and is of a lesser than or equal ordinal value to the requested file reference number. |
FSCTL_GET_NTFS_VOLUME_DATA Retrieves information about the specified NTFS file system volume. |
FSCTL_GET_OBJECT_ID Retrieves the object identifier for the specified file or directory. |
FSCTL_GET_REPAIR Retrieves information about the NTFS file system's self-healing mechanism. |
FSCTL_GET_REPARSE_POINT Retrieves the reparse point data associated with the file or directory identified by the specified handle. |
FSCTL_GET_RETRIEVAL_POINTER_BASE Returns the sector offset to the first logical cluster number (LCN) of the file system relative to the start of the volume. |
FSCTL_GET_RETRIEVAL_POINTERS Given a file handle, retrieves a data structure that describes the allocation and location on disk of a specific file, or, given a volume handle, the locations of bad clusters on a volume. |
FSCTL_GET_VOLUME_BITMAP Retrieves a bitmap of occupied and available clusters on a volume. |
FSCTL_INITIATE_REPAIR Triggers the NTFS file system to start a self-healing cycle on a single file. |
FSCTL_IS_CSV_FILE Determines whether a file is stored on a CSVFS volume, or retrieves namespace information. (FSCTL_IS_CSV_FILE) |
FSCTL_IS_FILE_ON_CSV_VOLUME Determines whether a file is stored on a CSVFS volume, or retrieves namespace information. (FSCTL_IS_FILE_ON_CSV_VOLUME) |
FSCTL_IS_VOLUME_MOUNTED Determines whether the specified volume is mounted, or if the specified file or directory is on a mounted volume. |
FSCTL_IS_VOLUME_OWNED_BYCSVFS Determines whether a volume is locked by CSVFS. |
FSCTL_LOCK_VOLUME Locks a volume if it is not in use. |
FSCTL_LOOKUP_STREAM_FROM_CLUSTER Given a handle to a NTFS volume or a file on a NTFS volume, returns a chain of data structures that describes streams that occupy the specified clusters. |
FSCTL_MAKE_MEDIA_COMPATIBLE Closes an open UDF session on write-once media to make the media ROM compatible. |
FSCTL_MARK_HANDLE Marks a specified file or directory and its change journal record with information about changes to that file or directory. |
FSCTL_MOVE_FILE Relocates one or more virtual clusters of a file from one logical cluster to another within the same volume. This operation is used during defragmentation. |
FSCTL_OPBATCH_ACK_CLOSE_PENDING Notifies a server that a client application is ready to close a file. |
FSCTL_OPLOCK_BREAK_ACK_NO_2 Responds to notification that an opportunistic lock on a file is about to be broken. Use this operation to unlock all opportunistic locks on the file but keep the file open. |
FSCTL_OPLOCK_BREAK_ACKNOWLEDGE Responds to notification that an exclusive opportunistic lock on a file is about to be broken. Use this operation to indicate that the file should receive a level 2 opportunistic lock. |
FSCTL_OPLOCK_BREAK_NOTIFY Enables the calling application to wait for completion of an opportunistic lock break. |
FSCTL_QUERY_ALLOCATED_RANGES Scans a file or alternate stream looking for ranges that may contain nonzero data. |
FSCTL_QUERY_FILE_SYSTEM_RECOGNITION Queries for file system recognition information on a volume. |
FSCTL_QUERY_ON_DISK_VOLUME_INFO Requests UDF-specific volume information. |
FSCTL_QUERY_REGION_INFO Retrieves the storage tier regions defined for a volume that supports data tiering. |
FSCTL_QUERY_SPARING_INFO Retrieves the defect management properties of the volume. Used for UDF file systems. |
FSCTL_QUERY_STORAGE_CLASSES Retrieves the storage tiers defined for a volume that supports data tiering. |
FSCTL_QUERY_USN_JOURNAL Queries for information on the current update sequence number (USN) change journal, its records, and its capacity. |
FSCTL_READ_FILE_USN_DATA Retrieves the update sequence number (USN) change-journal information for the specified file or directory. |
FSCTL_READ_FROM_PLEX Reads from the specified plex. |
FSCTL_READ_USN_JOURNAL Retrieves the set of update sequence number (USN) change journal records between two specified USN values. |
FSCTL_RECALL_FILE Recalls a file from storage media that Remote Storage manages, which is the hierarchical storage management software. |
FSCTL_REPAIR_COPIES Repair data corruption by selecting the proper copy to use. |
FSCTL_REQUEST_BATCH_OPLOCK Requests a batch opportunistic lock on a file. |
FSCTL_REQUEST_FILTER_OPLOCK Requests a filter opportunistic lock on a file. |
FSCTL_REQUEST_OPLOCK Requests an opportunistic lock (oplock) on a file and acknowledges that an oplock break has occurred. |
FSCTL_REQUEST_OPLOCK_LEVEL_1 Requests a level 1 opportunistic lock on a file. |
FSCTL_REQUEST_OPLOCK_LEVEL_2 Requests a level 2 opportunistic lock on a file. |
FSCTL_SET_COMPRESSION Sets the compression state of a file or directory on a volume whose file system supports per-file and per-directory compression. |
FSCTL_SET_DEFECT_MANAGEMENT Sets the software defect management state for the specified file. Used for UDF file systems. |
FSCTL_SET_INTEGRITY_INFORMATION Retrieves the integrity status of a file or directory on a ReFS volume. (FSCTL_SET_INTEGRITY_INFORMATION) |
FSCTL_SET_OBJECT_ID Sets the object identifier for the specified file or directory. |
FSCTL_SET_OBJECT_ID_EXTENDED Modifies user data associated with the object identifier for the specified file or directory. |
FSCTL_SET_REPAIR Sets the mode of an NTFS file system's self-healing capability. |
FSCTL_SET_REPARSE_POINT Sets a reparse point on a file or directory. |
FSCTL_SET_SPARSE Marks the indicated file as sparse or not sparse. In a sparse file, large ranges of zeros may not require disk allocation. |
FSCTL_SET_ZERO_DATA Fills a specified range of a file with zeros (0). |
FSCTL_SET_ZERO_ON_DEALLOCATION Indicates an NTFS file system file handle should have its clusters filled with zeros when it is deallocated. |
FSCTL_SHRINK_VOLUME Signals that the volume is to be prepared to perform the shrink operation, the shrink operation is to be committed, or the shrink operation is to be terminated. |
FSCTL_TXFS_CREATE_MINIVERSION Creates a new miniversion for the specified file. Miniversions allow you to refer to a snapshot of the file during a transaction. Miniversions are discarded when a transaction is committed or rolled back. |
FSCTL_TXFS_GET_METADATA_INFO Retrieves Transacted NTFS (TxF) metadata for a file and the GUID of the transaction that has locked the specified file (if the file is locked). |
FSCTL_TXFS_GET_TRANSACTED_VERSION Returns a TXFS_GET_TRANSACTED_VERSION structure. The structure identifies the most recently committed version of the specified file, the version number of the handle. |
FSCTL_TXFS_LIST_TRANSACTION_LOCKED_FILES Returns a list of all files currently locked by the specified transaction. If the return value is ERROR_MORE_DATA, it returns the length of the buffer required to hold the complete list of files at the time of this call. |
FSCTL_TXFS_LIST_TRANSACTIONS Returns a list of all the transactions currently involved in the specified resource manager. |
FSCTL_TXFS_MODIFY_RM Sets the log mode and log parameter information for a secondary resource manager (RM). |
FSCTL_TXFS_QUERY_RM_INFORMATION Retrieves information for a resource manager (RM). |
FSCTL_TXFS_READ_BACKUP_INFORMATION Returns Transactional NTFS (TxF) specific information for the specified file. |
FSCTL_TXFS_SAVEPOINT_INFORMATION The FSCTL_TXFS_SAVEPOINT_INFORMATION control code controls setting, clearing, and rolling back to the specified savepoint. |
FSCTL_TXFS_TRANSACTION_ACTIVE Returns a Boolean value that indicates if there were any transactions active on the associated volume when the snapshot was taken. This call is only valid for read-only snapshot volumes. |
FSCTL_TXFS_WRITE_BACKUP_INFORMATION Writes Transactional NTFS (TxF) specific information to a specified file. |
FSCTL_UNLOCK_VOLUME Unlocks a volume. |
FSCTL_USN_TRACK_MODIFIED_RANGES Enables range tracking feature for update sequence number (USN) change journal stream on a target volume, or modifies already enabled range tracking parameters. |
FSCTL_WAIT_FOR_REPAIR Returns when the specified repairs are completed. |
FSCTL_WRITE_USN_CLOSE_RECORD Generates a record in the update sequence number (USN) change journal stream for the input file. |
IOCTL_CHANGER_EXCHANGE_MEDIUM Moves a piece of media from a source element to one destination, and the piece of media originally in the first destination to a second destination. |
IOCTL_CHANGER_GET_ELEMENT_STATUS Retrieves the status of all elements or a specified number of elements of a particular type. |
IOCTL_CHANGER_GET_PARAMETERS Retrieves the parameters of the specified device. |
IOCTL_CHANGER_GET_PRODUCT_DATA Retrieves the product data for the specified device. |
IOCTL_CHANGER_GET_STATUS Retrieves the current status of the specified device. |
IOCTL_CHANGER_INITIALIZE_ELEMENT_STATUS Initializes the status of all elements or the specified elements of a particular type. |
IOCTL_CHANGER_MOVE_MEDIUM Moves a piece of media to a destination. |
IOCTL_CHANGER_QUERY_VOLUME_TAGS Retrieves the volume tag information for the specified elements. |
IOCTL_CHANGER_REINITIALIZE_TRANSPORT Physically recalibrates a transport element. Recalibration may involve returning the transport to its home position. |
IOCTL_CHANGER_SET_ACCESS Sets the state of the device's insert/eject port, door, or keypad. |
IOCTL_CHANGER_SET_POSITION Sets the changer's robotic transport mechanism to the specified element address. This optimizes moving or exchanging media by positioning the transport beforehand. |
IOCTL_DISK_CREATE_DISK Initializes the specified disk and disk partition table using the information in the CREATE_DISK structure. |
IOCTL_DISK_DELETE_DRIVE_LAYOUT Removes the boot signature from the master boot record, so that the disk will be formatted from sector zero to the end of the disk. |
IOCTL_DISK_FORMAT_TRACKS Formats a specified, contiguous set of tracks on a floppy disk. To provide additional parameters, use IOCTL_DISK_FORMAT_TRACKS_EXinstead. |
IOCTL_DISK_FORMAT_TRACKS_EX Formats a specified, contiguous set of tracks on a floppy disk. |
IOCTL_DISK_GET_CACHE_INFORMATION Retrieves the disk cache configuration data. |
IOCTL_DISK_GET_DISK_ATTRIBUTES Retrieves the attributes of the specified disk device. |
IOCTL_DISK_GET_DRIVE_GEOMETRY Retrieves information about the physical disk's geometry:_type, number of cylinders, tracks per cylinder, sectors per track, and bytes per sector. |
IOCTL_DISK_GET_DRIVE_GEOMETRY_EX Retrieves extended information about the physical disk's geometry:_type, number of cylinders, tracks per cylinder, sectors per track, and bytes per sector. |
IOCTL_DISK_GET_DRIVE_LAYOUT Retrieves information for each entry in the partition tables for a disk. |
IOCTL_DISK_GET_DRIVE_LAYOUT_EX Retrieves extended information for each entry in the partition tables for a disk. |
IOCTL_DISK_GET_LENGTH_INFO Retrieves the length of the specified disk, volume, or partition. |
IOCTL_DISK_GET_PARTITION_INFO Retrieves information about the type, size, and nature of a disk partition. |
IOCTL_DISK_GET_PARTITION_INFO_EX Retrieves extended information about the type, size, and nature of a disk partition. |
IOCTL_DISK_GROW_PARTITION Enlarges the specified partition. |
IOCTL_DISK_IS_WRITABLE Determines whether the specified disk is writable. |
IOCTL_DISK_PERFORMANCE Enables performance counters that provide disk performance information. |
IOCTL_DISK_PERFORMANCE_OFF Disables the performance counters that provide disk performance information. |
IOCTL_DISK_REASSIGN_BLOCKS Directs the disk device to map one or more blocks to its spare-block pool. (IOCTL_DISK_REASSIGN_BLOCKS) |
IOCTL_DISK_REASSIGN_BLOCKS_EX Directs the disk device to map one or more blocks to its spare-block pool. (IOCTL_DISK_REASSIGN_BLOCKS_EX) |
IOCTL_DISK_RESET_SNAPSHOT_INFO Clears all Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS) hardware-based shadow copy (also called "snapshot") information from the disk. |
IOCTL_DISK_SET_CACHE_INFORMATION Sets the disk configuration data. |
IOCTL_DISK_SET_DISK_ATTRIBUTES Sets the attributes of the specified disk device. |
IOCTL_DISK_SET_DRIVE_LAYOUT Partitions a disk as specified by drive layout and partition information data. |
IOCTL_DISK_SET_DRIVE_LAYOUT_EX Partitions a disk according to the specified drive layout and partition information data. |
IOCTL_DISK_SET_PARTITION_INFO Sets partition information for the specified disk partition. |
IOCTL_DISK_SET_PARTITION_INFO_EX Sets partition information for the specified disk partition, including layout information for AT and EFI (Extensible Firmware Interface) partitions. |
IOCTL_DISK_UPDATE_PROPERTIES Invalidates the cached partition table and re-enumerates the device. |
IOCTL_DISK_VERIFY Verifies the specified extent on a fixed disk. |
IOCTL_SCM_BUS_QUERY_PROPERTY This is previously available to download firmware to an NVDIMM. |
IOCTL_SCM_BUS_RUNTIME_FW_ACTIVATE This is previously available to download firmware to an NVDIMM. |
IOCTL_SCM_PD_FIRMWARE_ACTIVATE This is previously available to download firmware to an NVDIMM. |
IOCTL_SCM_PD_FIRMWARE_DOWNLOAD This is previously available to download firmware to an NVDIMM. |
IOCTL_SERIAL_LSRMST_INSERT Enables or disables the placement of line status and modem status values into the regular data stream that an application acquires through the ReadFile function. |
IOCTL_STORAGE_CHECK_VERIFY Determines whether media are accessible for a device. |
IOCTL_STORAGE_DEVICE_POWER_CAP Windows applications can use this control code to specify a maximum operational power consumption level for a storage device. |
IOCTL_STORAGE_EJECT_MEDIA Ejects media from a SCSI device. |
IOCTL_STORAGE_EJECTION_CONTROL Enables or disables the mechanism that ejects media. Disabling the mechanism locks the drive. |
IOCTL_STORAGE_FIRMWARE_ACTIVATE Windows applications can use this control code to activate a firmware image on a specified device. |
IOCTL_STORAGE_FIRMWARE_DOWNLOAD Windows applications can use this control code to download a firmware image to the target device, but not activate it. |
IOCTL_STORAGE_FIRMWARE_GET_INFO Windows applications can use this control code to query the storage device for detailed firmware information. |
IOCTL_STORAGE_GET_DEVICE_NUMBER Retrieves the device type, device number, and, for a partitionable device, the partition number of a device. |
IOCTL_STORAGE_GET_HOTPLUG_INFO Retrieves the hotplug configuration of the specified device. |
IOCTL_STORAGE_GET_MEDIA_SERIAL_NUMBER Retrieves the serial number of a USB device. |
IOCTL_STORAGE_GET_MEDIA_TYPES Retrieves the geometry information for the device. (IOCTL_STORAGE_GET_MEDIA_TYPES) |
IOCTL_STORAGE_GET_MEDIA_TYPES_EX Retrieves information about the types of media supported by a device. |
IOCTL_STORAGE_LOAD_MEDIA Loads media into a device. |
IOCTL_STORAGE_MANAGE_DATA_SET_ATTRIBUTES The IOCTL_STORAGE_MANAGE_DATA_SET_ATTRIBUTES control code communicates attribute information to the volume manager and storage system device. |
IOCTL_STORAGE_MCN_CONTROL Enables or disables media change notification. Disabling media change notification prevents the GUID_IO_MEDIA_ARRIVAL and GUID_IO_MEDIA_REMOVAL events. |
IOCTL_STORAGE_MEDIA_REMOVAL Enables or disables the mechanism that ejects media, for those devices possessing that locking capability. |
IOCTL_STORAGE_PROTOCOL_COMMAND Windows applications can use this control code to return properties of a storage device or adapter. The request indicates the kind of information to retrieve, such as inquiry data for a device or capabilities and limitations of an adapter. |
IOCTL_STORAGE_QUERY_PROPERTY Windows applications can use this control code to return the properties of a storage device or adapter. |
IOCTL_STORAGE_READ_CAPACITY Retrieves the geometry information for the device. (IOCTL_STORAGE_READ_CAPACITY) |
IOCTL_STORAGE_REINITIALIZE_MEDIA The IOCTL_STORAGE_REINITIALIZE_MEDIA ioctl (winioctl.h) offloads the erasure process to the storage device. |
IOCTL_STORAGE_RPMB_COMMAND The IOCTL_STORAGE_RPMB_COMMAND ioctl (winioctl.h) sends an RPMB command to the underlying storage device. |
IOCTL_STORAGE_SET_HOTPLUG_INFO Sets the hotplug configuration of the specified device. |
IOCTL_STORAGE_SET_TEMPERATURE_THRESHOLD Windows applications can use this control code to set the temperature threshold of a device (when it's supported by the device). |
IOCTL_VOLUME_GET_GPT_ATTRIBUTES Retrieves the attributes for a volume. |
IOCTL_VOLUME_GET_VOLUME_DISK_EXTENTS Retrieves the physical location of a specified volume on one or more disks. |
IOCTL_VOLUME_IS_CLUSTERED Determines whether the specified volume is clustered. |
IOCTL_VOLUME_OFFLINE Takes a volume offline. |
IOCTL_VOLUME_ONLINE Brings a volume online. |
BOOT_AREA_INFO Contains the output for the FSCTL_GET_BOOT_AREA_INFO control code. |
CHANGER_ELEMENT Represents a changer element. |
CHANGER_ELEMENT_LIST Represents a range of elements of a single type, typically for an operation such as getting or initializing the status of multiple elements. |
CHANGER_ELEMENT_STATUS Represents the status of the specified element. (CHANGER_ELEMENT_STATUS) |
CHANGER_ELEMENT_STATUS_EX Represents the status of the specified element. (CHANGER_ELEMENT_STATUS_EX) |
CHANGER_EXCHANGE_MEDIUM Contains information the IOCTL_CHANGER_EXCHANGE_MEDIUM control code uses to move a piece of media to a destination, and the piece of media originally in the first destination to a second destination. |
CHANGER_INITIALIZE_ELEMENT_STATUS Represents the status of all media changer elements or the specified elements of a particular type. |
CHANGER_MOVE_MEDIUM Contains information that the IOCTL_CHANGER_MOVE_MEDIUM control code uses to move a piece of media to a destination. |
CHANGER_PRODUCT_DATA Represents product data for a changer device. It is used by the IOCTL_CHANGER_GET_PRODUCT_DATA control code. |
CHANGER_READ_ELEMENT_STATUS Contains information that the IOCTL_CHANGER_GET_ELEMENT_STATUS control code needs to determine the elements whose status is to be retrieved. |
CHANGER_SEND_VOLUME_TAG_INFORMATION Contains information that the IOCTL_CHANGER_QUERY_VOLUME_TAGS control code uses to determine the volume information to be retrieved. |
CHANGER_SET_ACCESS Contains information that the IOCTL_CHANGER_SET_ACCESS control code needs to set the state of the device's insert/eject port, door, or keypad. |
CHANGER_SET_POSITION Contains information needed by the IOCTL_CHANGER_SET_POSITION control code to set the changer's robotic transport mechanism to the specified element address. |
CLASS_MEDIA_CHANGE_CONTEXT Contains information associated with a media change event. |
CREATE_DISK Contains information that the IOCTL_DISK_CREATE_DISK control code uses to initialize GUID partition table (GPT), master boot record (MBR), or raw disks. |
CREATE_DISK_GPT Contains information used by the IOCTL_DISK_CREATE_DISK control code to initialize GUID partition table (GPT) disks. |
CREATE_DISK_MBR Contains information that the IOCTL_DISK_CREATE_DISK control code uses to initialize master boot record (MBR) disks. |
CREATE_USN_JOURNAL_DATA Contains information that describes an update sequence number (USN) change journal. |
CSV_CONTROL_PARAM Represents a type of CSV control operation. |
CSV_IS_OWNED_BY_CSVFS Contains the output for the FSCTL_IS_VOLUME_OWNED_BYCSVFS control code that determines whether a volume is owned by CSVFS. |
CSV_NAMESPACE_INFO Contains the output for the FSCTL_IS_CSV_FILE control code that retrieves namespace information for a file. |
CSV_QUERY_FILE_REVISION Contains information about whether files in a stream have been modified. |
CSV_QUERY_MDS_PATH Contains the path that is used by CSV to communicate to the MDS. |
CSV_QUERY_REDIRECT_STATE Contains information about whether files in a stream have been redirected. |
CSV_QUERY_VETO_FILE_DIRECT_IO_OUTPUT Contains troubleshooting information about why a volume is in redirected mode. |
DELETE_USN_JOURNAL_DATA Contains information on the deletion of an update sequence number (USN) change journal using the FSCTL_DELETE_USN_JOURNAL control code. |
DEVICE_COPY_OFFLOAD_DESCRIPTOR Contains the copy offload capabilities for a storage device. |
DEVICE_DATA_SET_LB_PROVISIONING_STATE Output structure for the DeviceDsmAction_Allocation action of the IOCTL_STORAGE_MANAGE_DATA_SET_ATTRIBUTES control code. |
DEVICE_DATA_SET_RANGE Provides data set range information for use with the IOCTL_STORAGE_MANAGE_DATA_SET_ATTRIBUTES control code. |
DEVICE_DATA_SET_REPAIR_PARAMETERS Specifies parameters for the repair operation. |
DEVICE_DSM_NOTIFICATION_PARAMETERS Contains parameters for the DeviceDsmAction_Notification action for the IOCTL_STORAGE_MANAGE_DATA_SET_ATTRIBUTES control code. |
DEVICE_DSM_OFFLOAD_READ_PARAMETERS Contains parameters for the DeviceDsmAction_OffloadRead action for the IOCTL_STORAGE_MANAGE_DATA_SET_ATTRIBUTES control code. |
DEVICE_DSM_OFFLOAD_WRITE_PARAMETERS Specifies parameters for the offload write operation. |
DEVICE_LB_PROVISIONING_DESCRIPTOR Contains the thin provisioning capabilities for a storage device. |
DEVICE_MEDIA_INFO Provides information about the media supported by a device. |
DEVICE_POWER_DESCRIPTOR The DEVICE_POWER_DESCRIPTOR structure describes the power capabilities of a storage device. |
DEVICE_SEEK_PENALTY_DESCRIPTOR Used in conjunction with the IOCTL_STORAGE_QUERY_PROPERTY request to retrieve the seek penalty descriptor data for a device. |
DEVICE_TRIM_DESCRIPTOR Used in conjunction with the IOCTL_STORAGE_QUERY_PROPERTY request to retrieve the trim descriptor data for a device. |
DISK_CACHE_INFORMATION Provides information about the disk cache. |
DISK_DETECTION_INFO Contains detected drive parameters. |
DISK_EX_INT13_INFO Contains extended Int13 drive parameters. |
DISK_EXTENT Represents a disk extent. |
DISK_GEOMETRY Describes the geometry of disk devices and media. |
DISK_GEOMETRY_EX Describes the extended geometry of disk devices and media. |
DISK_GROW_PARTITION Contains information used to increase the size of a partition. |
DISK_INT13_INFO Contains standard Int13 drive geometry parameters. |
DISK_PARTITION_INFO Contains the disk partition information. |
DISK_PERFORMANCE Provides disk performance information. |
DRIVE_LAYOUT_INFORMATION Contains information about the partitions of a drive. |
DRIVE_LAYOUT_INFORMATION_EX Contains extended information about a drive's partitions. |
DRIVE_LAYOUT_INFORMATION_GPT Contains information about a drive's GUID partition table (GPT) partitions. |
DRIVE_LAYOUT_INFORMATION_MBR Provides information about a drive's master boot record (MBR) partitions. |
DUPLICATE_EXTENTS_DATA Contains parameters for the FSCTL_DUPLICATE_EXTENTS control code that performs the Block Cloning operation. |
EXFAT_STATISTICS Contains statistical information from the exFAT file system. |
FAT_STATISTICS Contains statistical information from the FAT file system. |
FILE_ALLOCATED_RANGE_BUFFER Indicates a range of bytes in a file. |
FILE_LEVEL_TRIM Used as input to the FSCTL_FILE_LEVEL_TRIM control code. |
FILE_LEVEL_TRIM_OUTPUT Used as output to the FSCTL_FILE_LEVEL_TRIM control code. |
FILE_LEVEL_TRIM_RANGE Specifies a range of a file that is to be trimmed. |
FILE_MAKE_COMPATIBLE_BUFFER Specifies the disc to close the current session for. This control code is used for UDF file systems. This structure is used for input when calling FSCTL_MAKE_MEDIA_COMPATIBLE. |
FILE_OBJECTID_BUFFER Contains an object identifier and user-defined metadata associated with the object identifier. |
FILE_QUERY_ON_DISK_VOL_INFO_BUFFER Receives the volume information from a call to FSCTL_QUERY_ON_DISK_VOLUME_INFO. |
FILE_QUERY_SPARING_BUFFER Contains defect management properties. |
FILE_SET_DEFECT_MGMT_BUFFER Specifies the defect management state to be set. |
FILE_SET_SPARSE_BUFFER Specifies the sparse state to be set. |
FILE_STORAGE_TIER Represents an identifier for the storage tier relative to the volume. |
FILE_STORAGE_TIER_REGION Describes a single storage tier region. |
FILE_SYSTEM_RECOGNITION_INFORMATION Contains file system recognition information retrieved by the FSCTL_QUERY_FILE_SYSTEM_RECOGNITION control code. |
FILE_ZERO_DATA_INFORMATION Contains a range of a file to set to zeros. |
FILESYSTEM_STATISTICS Contains statistical information from the file system. |
FILESYSTEM_STATISTICS_EX Contains statistical information from the file system.Support for this structure started with Windows 10. |
FIND_BY_SID_DATA Contains data for the FSCTL_FIND_FILES_BY_SID control code. |
FIND_BY_SID_OUTPUT Represents a file name. |
FORMAT_EX_PARAMETERS Contains information used in formatting a contiguous set of disk tracks. It is used by the IOCTL_DISK_FORMAT_TRACKS_EX control code. |
FORMAT_PARAMETERS Contains information used in formatting a contiguous set of disk tracks. |
FSCTL_GET_INTEGRITY_INFORMATION_BUFFER Contains the integrity information for a file or directory. |
FSCTL_QUERY_REGION_INFO_INPUT Contains the storage tier regions from the storage stack for a particular volume. |
FSCTL_QUERY_REGION_INFO_OUTPUT Contains information for one or more regions. |
FSCTL_QUERY_STORAGE_CLASSES_OUTPUT Contains information for all tiers of a specific volume. |
GET_CHANGER_PARAMETERS Represents the parameters of a changer. |
GET_DISK_ATTRIBUTES Contains the attributes of a disk device. |
GET_LENGTH_INFORMATION Contains disk, volume, or partition length information used by the IOCTL_DISK_GET_LENGTH_INFO control code. |
GET_MEDIA_TYPES Contains information about the media types supported by a device. |
MARK_HANDLE_INFO Contains information that is used to mark a specified file or directory, and its update sequence number (USN) change journal record with data about changes. |
MARK_HANDLE_INFO32 Contains information that is used to mark a specified file or directory, and its update sequence number (USN) change journal record with data about changes. |
MFT_ENUM_DATA_V0 Contains information defining the boundaries for and starting place of an enumeration of update sequence number (USN) change journal records. |
MFT_ENUM_DATA_V1 Contains information defining the boundaries for and starting place of an enumeration of update sequence number (USN) change journal records for ReFS volumes. |
MOVE_FILE_DATA Contains input data for the FSCTL_MOVE_FILE control code. |
NTFS_EXTENDED_VOLUME_DATA Represents volume data.N |
NTFS_FILE_RECORD_OUTPUT_BUFFER Receives output data from the FSCTL_GET_NTFS_FILE_RECORD control code. |
NTFS_STATISTICS Contains statistical information from the NTFS file system. |
NTFS_STATISTICS_EX Contains statistical information from the NTFS file system.Support for this structure started with Windows 10. |
PARTITION_INFORMATION Contains information about a disk partition. |
PARTITION_INFORMATION_EX Contains partition information for standard AT-style master boot record (MBR) and Extensible Firmware Interface (EFI) disks. |
PARTITION_INFORMATION_GPT Contains GUID partition table (GPT) partition information. |
PARTITION_INFORMATION_MBR Contains partition information specific to master boot record (MBR) disks. |
PLEX_READ_DATA_REQUEST Indicates the range of the read operation to perform and the plex from which to read. |
PREVENT_MEDIA_REMOVAL Provides removable media locking data. It is used by the IOCTL_STORAGE_MEDIA_REMOVAL control code. |
READ_ELEMENT_ADDRESS_INFO Represents the volume tag information. It is used by the IOCTL_CHANGER_QUERY_VOLUME_TAGS control code. |
READ_FILE_USN_DATA Specifies the versions of the update sequence number (USN) change journal supported by the application. |
READ_USN_JOURNAL_DATA_V0 Contains information defining a set of update sequence number (USN) change journal records to return to the calling process. (READ_USN_JOURNAL_DATA_V0) |
READ_USN_JOURNAL_DATA_V1 Contains information defining a set of update sequence number (USN) change journal records to return to the calling process.R |
REASSIGN_BLOCKS Contains disk block reassignment data. (REASSIGN_BLOCKS) |
REASSIGN_BLOCKS_EX Contains disk block reassignment data. (REASSIGN_BLOCKS_EX) |
REPAIR_COPIES_INPUT Input structure for the FSCTL_REPAIR_COPIES control code. |
REPAIR_COPIES_OUTPUT Contains output of a repair copies operation returned from the FSCTL_REPAIR_COPIES control code. |
REQUEST_OPLOCK_INPUT_BUFFER Contains the information to request an opportunistic lock (oplock) or to acknowledge an oplock break with the FSCTL_REQUEST_OPLOCK control code. |
REQUEST_OPLOCK_OUTPUT_BUFFER Contains the opportunistic lock (oplock) information returned by the FSCTL_REQUEST_OPLOCK control code. |
RETRIEVAL_POINTER_BASE Contains the output for the FSCTL_GET_RETRIEVAL_POINTER_BASE control code. |
RETRIEVAL_POINTERS_BUFFER Contains the output for the FSCTL_GET_RETRIEVAL_POINTERS control code. |
SET_DISK_ATTRIBUTES Specifies the attributes to be set on a disk device. |
SET_PARTITION_INFORMATION Contains information used to set a disk partition's type. |
SHRINK_VOLUME_INFORMATION Specifies the volume shrink operation to perform. |
STARTING_LCN_INPUT_BUFFER Contains the starting LCN to the FSCTL_GET_VOLUME_BITMAP control code. |
STARTING_VCN_INPUT_BUFFER Contains the starting VCN to the FSCTL_GET_RETRIEVAL_POINTERS control code. |
STORAGE_ACCESS_ALIGNMENT_DESCRIPTOR Used in conjunction with the IOCTL_STORAGE_QUERY_PROPERTY control code to retrieve the storage access alignment descriptor data for a device. |
STORAGE_ADAPTER_DESCRIPTOR Used with the IOCTL_STORAGE_QUERY_PROPERTY control code to retrieve the storage adapter descriptor data for a device. |
STORAGE_ADAPTER_SERIAL_NUMBER The NULL-terminated Unicode string of the adapter serial number for the StorageAdapterSerialNumberProperty as defined in STORAGE_PROPERTY_ID. |
STORAGE_DESCRIPTOR_HEADER Used in conjunction with the IOCTL_STORAGE_QUERY_PROPERTY control code to retrieve the properties of a storage device or adapter. |
STORAGE_DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR Used in conjunction with the IOCTL_STORAGE_QUERY_PROPERTY control code to retrieve the storage device descriptor data for a device. |
STORAGE_DEVICE_ID_DESCRIPTOR Used with the IOCTL_STORAGE_QUERY_PROPERTY control code request to retrieve the device ID descriptor data for a device. |
STORAGE_DEVICE_IO_CAPABILITY_DESCRIPTOR The output buffer for the StorageDeviceIoCapabilityProperty as defined in STORAGE_PROPERTY_ID. |
STORAGE_DEVICE_NUMBER Contains information about a device. This structure is used by the IOCTL_STORAGE_GET_DEVICE_NUMBER control code. |
STORAGE_DEVICE_POWER_CAP This structure is used as an input and output buffer for the IOCTL_STORAGE_DEVICE_POWER_CAP. |
STORAGE_HOTPLUG_INFO Provides information about the hotplug information of a device. |
STORAGE_HW_FIRMWARE_ACTIVATE This structure contains information about the downloaded firmware to activate. |
STORAGE_HW_FIRMWARE_DOWNLOAD This structure contains a firmware image payload to be downloaded to the target. |
STORAGE_MEDIUM_PRODUCT_TYPE_DESCRIPTOR Used in conjunction with the IOCTL_STORAGE_QUERY_PROPERTY request to describe the product type of a storage device. |
STORAGE_OFFLOAD_READ_OUTPUT Output structure for the DeviceDsmAction_OffloadRead action of the IOCTL_STORAGE_MANAGE_DATA_SET_ATTRIBUTES control code. |
STORAGE_OFFLOAD_TOKEN The token used to represent a portion of a file used in by offload read and write operations. |
STORAGE_OFFLOAD_WRITE_OUTPUT Output structure for the DeviceDsmAction_OffloadWrite action of the IOCTL_STORAGE_MANAGE_DATA_SET_ATTRIBUTES control code. |
STORAGE_PHYSICAL_ADAPTER_DATA Describes a physical storage adapter. |
STORAGE_PHYSICAL_DEVICE_DATA Describes a physical storage device. |
STORAGE_PHYSICAL_NODE_DATA Specifies the physical device data of a storage node. |
STORAGE_PROPERTY_QUERY Indicates the properties of a storage device or adapter to retrieve as the input buffer passed to the IOCTL_STORAGE_QUERY_PROPERTY control code. |
STORAGE_PROTOCOL_COMMAND This structure is used as an input buffer when using the pass-through mechanism to issue a vendor-specific command to a storage device (via IOCTL_STORAGE_PROTOCOL_COMMAND). |
STORAGE_PROTOCOL_DATA_DESCRIPTOR This structure is used in conjunction with IOCTL_STORAGE_QUERY_PROPERTY to return protocol-specific data from a storage device or adapter. |
STORAGE_PROTOCOL_SPECIFIC_DATA Describes protocol-specific device data, provided in the input and output buffer of an IOCTL_STORAGE_QUERY_PROPERTY request. |
STORAGE_RPMB_DATA_FRAME The STORAGE_RPMB_DATA_FRAME structure (winioctl.h) allows an application to use data from IOCTL_STORAGE_QUERY_PROPERTY to create a RPMB frame. |
STORAGE_RPMB_DESCRIPTOR The STORAGE_RPMB_DESCRIPTOR structure (winioctl.h) describes whether the device contains an RPMB and the max payload size the RPMB supports. |
STORAGE_SPEC_VERSION Storage specification version. |
STORAGE_TEMPERATURE_DATA_DESCRIPTOR This structure is used in conjunction with IOCTL_STORAGE_QUERY_PROPERTY to return temperature data from a storage device or adapter. |
STORAGE_TEMPERATURE_INFO Describes device temperature data. Returned as part of STORAGE_TEMPERATURE_DATA_DESCRIPTOR when querying for temperature data with an IOCTL_STORAGE_QUERY_PROPERTY request. |
STORAGE_TEMPERATURE_THRESHOLD This structure is used to set the over or under temperature threshold of a storage device (via IOCTL_STORAGE_SET_TEMPERATURE_THRESHOLD). |
STORAGE_WRITE_CACHE_PROPERTY Used with the IOCTL_STORAGE_QUERY_PROPERTY control code to retrieve information about a device's write cache property. |
TXFS_CREATE_MINIVERSION_INFO Contains the version information about the miniversion created by FSCTL_TXFS_CREATE_MINIVERSION. |
TXFS_GET_METADATA_INFO_OUT Contains the version information about the miniversion that is created. |
TXFS_GET_TRANSACTED_VERSION Contains the information about the base and latest versions of the specified file. |
TXFS_LIST_TRANSACTION_LOCKED_FILES Contains a list of files locked by a transacted writer. |
TXFS_LIST_TRANSACTION_LOCKED_FILES_ENTRY Contains information about a locked transaction. |
TXFS_LIST_TRANSACTIONS Contains a list of transactions. |
TXFS_LIST_TRANSACTIONS_ENTRY Contains information about a transaction. |
TXFS_MODIFY_RM Contains the information required when modifying log parameters and logging mode for a secondary resource manager. |
TXFS_QUERY_RM_INFORMATION Contains information about the resource manager (RM). |
TXFS_READ_BACKUP_INFORMATION_OUT Contains a Transactional NTFS (TxF) specific structure. This information should only be used when calling TXFS_WRITE_BACKUP_INFORMATION. (TXFS_READ_BACKUP_INFORMATION_OUT) |
TXFS_SAVEPOINT_INFORMATION The FSCTL_TXFS_SAVEPOINT_INFORMATION structure specifies the action to perform, and on which transaction. |
TXFS_TRANSACTION_ACTIVE_INFO Contains the flag that indicates whether transactions were active or not when a snapshot was taken. |
TXFS_WRITE_BACKUP_INFORMATION Contains a Transactional NTFS (TxF) specific structure. This information should only be used when calling TXFS_WRITE_BACKUP_INFORMATION. (TXFS_WRITE_BACKUP_INFORMATION) |
USN_JOURNAL_DATA_V0 Represents an update sequence number (USN) change journal, its records, and its capacity. (USN_JOURNAL_DATA_V0) |
USN_JOURNAL_DATA_V1 Represents an update sequence number (USN) change journal, its records, and its capacity.U |
USN_JOURNAL_DATA_V2 Represents an update sequence number (USN) change journal, its records, and its capacity. This structure is the output buffer for the FSCTL_QUERY_USN_JOURNAL control code. |
USN_RANGE_TRACK_OUTPUT Contains returned update sequence number (USN) from FSCTL_USN_TRACK_MODIFIED_RANGES control code. |
USN_RECORD_COMMON_HEADER Contains the information for an update sequence number (USN) common header which is common through USN_RECORD_V2, USN_RECORD_V3 and USN_RECORD_V4. |
USN_RECORD_EXTENT Contains the offset and length for an update sequence number (USN) record extent. |
USN_RECORD_V2 Contains the information for an update sequence number (USN) change journal version 2.0 record. |
USN_RECORD_V3 Contains the information for an update sequence number (USN) change journal version 3.0 record. |
USN_RECORD_V4 Contains the information for an update sequence number (USN) change journal version 4.0 record. The version 2.0 and 3.0 records are defined by the USN_RECORD_V2 (also called USN_RECORD) and USN_RECORD_V3 structures respectively. |
USN_TRACK_MODIFIED_RANGES Contains information on range tracking parameters for an update sequence number (USN) change journal using the FSCTL_USN_TRACK_MODIFIED_RANGES control code. |
VERIFY_INFORMATION Contains information used to verify a disk extent. |
VOLUME_BITMAP_BUFFER Represents the occupied and available clusters on a disk. |
VOLUME_DISK_EXTENTS Represents a physical location on a disk. |
VOLUME_GET_GPT_ATTRIBUTES_INFORMATION Contains volume attributes retrieved with the IOCTL_VOLUME_GET_GPT_ATTRIBUTES control code. |
CSV_CONTROL_OP Specifies the type of CSV control operation to use with the FSCTL_CSV_CONTROL control code. |
ELEMENT_TYPE Specifies the element type of a changer device. |
FILE_STORAGE_TIER_MEDIA_TYPE Specifies the storage media type. |
MEDIA_TYPE Represents the various forms of device media. |
PARTITION_STYLE Represents the format of a partition. |
STORAGE_BUS_TYPE Specifies the various types of storage buses. |
STORAGE_COMPONENT_HEALTH_STATUS Specifies the health status of a storage component. |
STORAGE_DEVICE_FORM_FACTOR Specifies the form factor of a device. |
STORAGE_DEVICE_POWER_CAP_UNITS The units of the maximum power threshold. |
STORAGE_MEDIA_TYPE Specifies various types of storage media. |
STORAGE_PROPERTY_ID Enumerates the possible values of the PropertyId member of the STORAGE_PROPERTY_QUERY structure passed as input to the IOCTL_STORAGE_QUERY_PROPERTY request to retrieve the properties of a storage device or adapter. |
STORAGE_PROTOCOL_ATA_DATA_TYPE The ATA protocol data type. |
STORAGE_PROTOCOL_NVME_DATA_TYPE Describes the type of NVMe protocol-specific data that's to be queried during an IOCTL_STORAGE_QUERY_PROPERTY request. |
STORAGE_PROTOCOL_TYPE Specifies the protocol of a storage device. |
STORAGE_QUERY_TYPE Used by the STORAGE_PROPERTY_QUERY structure passed to the IOCTL_STORAGE_QUERY_PROPERTY control code to indicate what information is returned about a property of a storage device or adapter. |
WRITE_CACHE_CHANGE Indicates whether the write cache features of a device are changeable. |
WRITE_CACHE_ENABLE Indicates whether the write cache is enabled or disabled. |
WRITE_CACHE_TYPE Specifies the cache type. |
WRITE_THROUGH Specifies whether a storage device supports write-through caching. |