IWMResizerProps::SetFullCropRegion method (wmcodecdsp.h)

Sets the source and destination rectangles.


HRESULT SetFullCropRegion(
  [in] LONG lClipOriXSrc,
  [in] LONG lClipOriYSrc,
  [in] LONG lClipWidthSrc,
  [in] LONG lClipHeightSrc,
  [in] LONG lClipOriXDst,
  [in] LONG lClipOriYDst,
  [in] LONG lClipWidthDst,
  [in] LONG lClipHeightDst


[in] lClipOriXSrc

Specifies the left edge of the source rectangle, in pixels.

[in] lClipOriYSrc

Specifies the top edge of the source rectangle, in pixels.

[in] lClipWidthSrc

Specifies the width of the source rectangle, in pixels.

[in] lClipHeightSrc

Specifies the height of the source rectangle, in pixels.

[in] lClipOriXDst

Specifies the left edge of the destination rectangle, in pixels.

[in] lClipOriYDst

Specifies the top edge of the destination rectangle, in pixels.

[in] lClipWidthDst

Specifies the width of the destination rectangle, in pixels.

[in] lClipHeightDst

Specifies the height of the destination rectangle, in pixels.

Return value

The method returns an HRESULT. Possible values include, but are not limited to, those in the following table.

Return code Description
The method succeeded.


By default, the video resizer copies the entire video frame. When you call this method, the video resizer crops the video to the source rectangle and copies that portion to the destination rectangle.

This method is equivalent to setting the following properties:


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows XP [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2003 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header wmcodecdsp.h

See also

IWMResizerProps Interface