IWorkspace3::GetClaimsToken2 method (workspaceruntime.h)

Retrieves a claims token.


HRESULT GetClaimsToken2(
  [in]          BSTR  bstrClaimsHint,
  [in]          BSTR  bstrUserHint,
  [in]          ULONG claimCookie,
  [in]          ULONG hwndCredUiParent,
  [in]          RECT  rectCredUiParent,
  [out, retval] BSTR  *pbstrAccessToken


[in] bstrClaimsHint

String containing the claims hint.

[in] bstrUserHint

String containing the user hint.

[in] claimCookie

The claim cookie.

[in] hwndCredUiParent

Handle of the parent UI element the request came from.

[in] rectCredUiParent

Pointer to a RECT structure that contains the X and Y coordinates of the parent UI.

[out, retval] pbstrAccessToken

On success, return a pointer to a string containing the access token.

Return value

If this method succeeds, it returns S_OK. Otherwise, it returns an HRESULT error code.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 10 [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2016
Target Platform Windows
Header workspaceruntime.h

See also
