IWSDiscoveredService::GetExtendedDiscoXML method (wsddisco.h)

Retrieves custom or extensible data provided in the header or body of the SOAP message.


HRESULT GetExtendedDiscoXML(
  [out] WSDXML_ELEMENT **ppHeaderAny,
  [out] WSDXML_ELEMENT **ppBodyAny


[out] ppHeaderAny

Custom data added to the header portion of the SOAP message. For details, see WSDXML_ELEMENT. Do not deallocate the output structure.

[out] ppBodyAny

Custom data added to the body portion of the SOAP message. For details, see WSDXML_ELEMENT. Do not deallocate the output structure.

Return value

This method can return one of these values.

Possible return values include, but are not limited to, the following.

Return code Description
Method completed successfully.


Some devices may add custom data to the header and body portions of the SOAP message to convey additional information in the discovery phase.

The resulting pointer values are only valid for the lifetime of the IWSDiscoveredService object.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Vista [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header wsddisco.h (include Wsdapi.h)
DLL Wsdapi.dll

See also
