IWRdsProtocolConnection::GetLogonErrorRedirector method (wtsprotocol.h)

Retrieves an IWRdsProtocolLogonErrorRedirector interface that specifies how the protocol should handle client logon errors. The protocol must add a reference to this object before returning, and the Remote Desktop Services service releases the reference when the connection is closed.


HRESULT GetLogonErrorRedirector(
  [out] IWRdsProtocolLogonErrorRedirector **ppLogonErrorRedir


[out] ppLogonErrorRedir

Address of a pointer to an IWRdsProtocolLogonErrorRedirector interface.

Return value

If this method succeeds, it returns S_OK. Otherwise, it returns an HRESULT error code.

If you do not implement this function, return E_NOTIMPL to indicate that logon errors should not be redirected.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client None supported
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2012
Target Platform Windows
Header wtsprotocol.h

See also
