IWTSProtocolConnection::QueryProperty method (wtsprotocol.h)

[IWTSProtocolConnection::QueryProperty is no longer available for use as of Windows Server 2012. Instead, use IWRdsProtocolConnection::QueryProperty.]

Retrieves the specified property from the protocol. This method can be used by other Windows modules to request data from or send data to the protocol.


HRESULT QueryProperty(
  [in]            GUID                QueryType,
  [in]            ULONG               ulNumEntriesIn,
  [in]            ULONG               ulNumEntriesOut,
  [in, optional]  PWTS_PROPERTY_VALUE pPropertyEntriesIn,
  [out, optional] PWTS_PROPERTY_VALUE pPropertyEntriesOut


[in] QueryType

A GUID that specifies the property. This can be one of the following values.


Sent by the Remote Desktop Services service to determine whether an initial application should be permitted to run.

On input, the Remote Desktop Services service passes three WTS_PROPERTY_VALUE structures in the pPropertyEntriesIn parameter:

Input structure 1:

  • pPropertyEntriesIn[0].Type = WTS_VALUE_TYPE_STRING
  • pPropertyEntriesIn[0].u.strVal.pstrVal = application name
  • pPropertyEntriesIn[0].u.strVal.size = length of the name string
Input structure 2:
  • pPropertyEntriesIn[1].Type = WTS_VALUE_TYPE_STRING
  • pPropertyEntriesIn[1].u.strVal.pstrVal = application parameters
  • pPropertyEntriesIn[1].u.strVal.size = length of the parameter string
Input structure 3:
  • pPropertyEntriesIn[2].Type = WTS_VALUE_TYPE_ULONG
  • pPropertyEntriesIn[2].u.ulVal = reserved
On output, pass the following three WTS_PROPERTY_VALUE structures in the pPropertyEntriesOut parameter. If you want to use the application passed in by the Remote Desktop Services service , copy input structures 1 and 2 to output structures 1 and 2.

Output structure 1:

  • pPropertyEntriesOut[0].Type = WTS_VALUE_TYPE_STRING
  • pPropertyEntriesOut[0].u.strVal.pstrVal = command line including the directory
  • pPropertyEntriesOut[0].u.strVal.size = length of command line
Output structure 2:
  • pPropertyEntriesOut[1].Type = WTS_VALUE_TYPE_STRING
  • pPropertyEntriesOut[1].u.strVal.pstrVal = application parameters
  • pPropertyEntriesOut[1].u.strVal.size = length of the parameter string
Output structure 3:
  • pPropertyEntriesOut[2].Type = WTS_VALUE_TYPE_ULONG
  • pPropertyEntriesOut[2].u.ulVal = Any value other than zero to run the application, zero to stop

WTS_QUERY_LOGON_SCREEN_SIZE (8b8e0fe7-0804-4a0e-b279-8660b1df0049)

Used by WinLogon to determine the size of the logon screen.

The pPropertyEntriesIn parameter will be NULL.

Set the pPropertyEntriesOut parameter to the following:

  • pPropertyEntriesOut[0].Type = WTS_VALUE_TYPE_ULONG
  • pPropertyEntriesOut[0].u.ulVal = screen size
If you do not want to use the default screen size, the protocol must return E_NOTIMPL.

WTS_QUERY_AUDIOENUM_DLL (9bf4fa97-c883-4c2a-80ab-5a39c9af00db)

Used by the Remote Desktop Services service to query for the name of the remote audio enumerator DLL.

The pPropertyEntriesIn parameter will be NULL.

Set the pPropertyEntriesOut parameter to the following :

  • pPropertyEntriesOut[0].Type = WTS_VALUE_TYPE_STRING
  • pPropertyEntriesOut[0].u.strVal.pstrVal = DLL name
You must allocate the memory for pstrVal by using the LocalAlloc function.

WTS_QUERY_MF_FORMAT_SUPPORT (41869ad0-6332-4dc8-95d5-db749e2f1d94)

Used by the Remote Desktop Media Foundation plug-in to determine the sink objects to be used for specific media formats.

On input, the RCM passes the following WTS_PROPERTY_VALUE structure in the pPropertyEntriesIn parameter:

On output, pass the following WTS_PROPERTY_VALUE structure in the pPropertyEntriesOut parameter.

PROPERTY_DYNAMIC_TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION (cdfd28e-d0b9-4c1f-a5eb-6d1f6c6535b9)

Used to retrieve the dynamic time zone information from a connection.

The pPropertyEntriesIn parameter will be NULL.

On output, pass the following WRDS_PROPERTY_VALUE structure in the pPropertyEntriesOut parameter:

[in] ulNumEntriesIn

An integer that contains the number of WTS_PROPERTY_VALUE structures passed in the pPropertyEntriesIn argument.

[in] ulNumEntriesOut

An integer that contains the number of WTS_PROPERTY_VALUE structures passed in the pPropertyEntriesOut argument.

[in, optional] pPropertyEntriesIn

One or more WTS_PROPERTY_VALUE structures that can be used to help find the requested property information.

[out, optional] pPropertyEntriesOut

One or more WTS_PROPERTY_VALUE structures that contain the requested property information.

Return value



Requirement Value
Minimum supported client None supported
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008 R2
Target Platform Windows
Header wtsprotocol.h (include Wtsdefs.h)

See also


