Creating a DXVA-HD Video Processor

Microsoft DirectX Video Acceleration High Definition (DXVA-HD) uses two primary interfaces:

  • IDXVAHD_Device. Represents the DXVA-HD device. Use this interface to query the device capabilities and create the video processor.
  • IDXVAHD_VideoProcessor. Represents a set of video processing capabilities. Use this interface to perform the video processing blit.

In the code that follows, the following global variables are assumed:

IDirect3D9Ex            *g_pD3D = NULL;     
IDirect3DDevice9Ex      *g_pD3DDevice = NULL;   // Direct3D device.
IDXVAHD_Device          *g_pDXVAHD = NULL;      // DXVA-HD device.
IDXVAHD_VideoProcessor  *g_pDXVAVP = NULL;      // DXVA-HD video processor.
IDirect3DSurface9       *g_pSurface = NULL;     // Video surface.
const D3DFORMAT     VIDEO_FORMAT         = D3DFMT_X8R8G8B8; 
const UINT          VIDEO_FPS            = 60;
const UINT          VIDEO_WIDTH          = 640;
const UINT          VIDEO_HEIGHT         = 480;

To create a DXVA-HD video processor:

  1. Fill in a DXVAHD_CONTENT_DESC structure with a description of the video content. The driver uses this information as a hint to optimize the capabilities of the video processor. The structure does not contain a complete format description.

        DXVAHD_RATIONAL fps = { VIDEO_FPS, 1 }; 
        desc.InputFrameFormat = DXVAHD_FRAME_FORMAT_PROGRESSIVE;
        desc.InputFrameRate = fps;
        desc.InputWidth = VIDEO_WIDTH;
        desc.InputHeight = VIDEO_HEIGHT;
        desc.OutputFrameRate = fps;
        desc.OutputWidth = VIDEO_WIDTH;
        desc.OutputHeight = VIDEO_HEIGHT;
  2. Call DXVAHD_CreateDevice to create the DXVA-HD device. This function returns a pointer to the IDXVAHD_Device interface.

        hr = DXVAHD_CreateDevice(g_pD3DDevice, &desc, DXVAHD_DEVICE_USAGE_PLAYBACK_NORMAL,
            NULL, &pDXVAHD);
  3. Call IDXVAHD_Device::GetVideoProcessorDeviceCaps. This method fills in a DXVAHD_VPDEVCAPS structure with the device capabilities. If you require specific video processing features, such as luma keying or image filtering, check their availability by using this structure.

        DXVAHD_VPDEVCAPS caps;
        hr = pDXVAHD->GetVideoProcessorDeviceCaps(&caps);
  4. Check whether the DXVA-HD device supports the input video formats that you require. The topic Checking Supported DXVA-HD Formats describes this step in more detail.

  5. Check whether the DXVA-HD device supports the output format that you require. The section Checking Supported DXVA-HD Formats describes this step in more detail.

  6. Allocate an array of DXVAHD_VPCAPS structures. The number of array elements that must be allocated is given by the VideoProcessorCount member of the DXVAHD_VPDEVCAPS structure, obtained in step 3.

        // Create the array of video processor caps. 
        DXVAHD_VPCAPS *pVPCaps = 
            new (std::nothrow) DXVAHD_VPCAPS[ caps.VideoProcessorCount ];
        if (pVPCaps == NULL)
            return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
  7. Each DXVAHD_VPCAPS structure represents a distinct video processor. You can loop through this array to discover the capabilities of each video processor. The structure includes information about the deinterlacing, telecine, and frame-rate conversion capabilities of the video processor.

  8. Select a video processor to create. The VPGuid member of the DXVAHD_VPCAPS structure contains a GUID that uniquely identifies the video processor. Pass this GUID to the IDXVAHD_Device::CreateVideoProcessor method. The method returns an IDXVAHD_VideoProcessor pointer.

        HRESULT hr = pDXVAHD->GetVideoProcessorCaps(
            caps.VideoProcessorCount, pVPCaps);
  9. Optionally, call IDXVAHD_Device::CreateVideoSurface to create an array of input video surfaces.

The following code example shows the complete sequence of steps:

// Initializes the DXVA-HD video processor.

// NOTE: The following example makes some simplifying assumptions:
// 1. There is a single input stream.
// 2. The input frame rate matches the output frame rate.
// 3. No advanced DXVA-HD features are needed, such as luma keying or IVTC.
// 4. The application uses a single input video surface.

    if (g_pD3DDevice == NULL)
        return E_FAIL;

    HRESULT hr = S_OK;

    IDXVAHD_Device          *pDXVAHD = NULL;
    IDXVAHD_VideoProcessor  *pDXVAVP = NULL;
    IDirect3DSurface9       *pSurf = NULL;

    DXVAHD_RATIONAL fps = { VIDEO_FPS, 1 }; 


    desc.InputFrameRate = fps;
    desc.InputWidth = VIDEO_WIDTH;
    desc.InputHeight = VIDEO_HEIGHT;
    desc.OutputFrameRate = fps;
    desc.OutputWidth = VIDEO_WIDTH;
    desc.OutputHeight = VIDEO_HEIGHT;

    HMODULE hSWPlugin = LoadLibrary(L"C:\\dxvahdsw.dll");

    PDXVAHDSW_Plugin pSWPlugin = (PDXVAHDSW_Plugin)GetProcAddress(hSWPlugin, "DXVAHDSW_Plugin");

    hr = DXVAHD_CreateDevice(g_pD3DDevice, &desc,DXVAHD_DEVICE_USAGE_PLAYBACK_NORMAL,
        pSWPlugin, &pDXVAHD);
    hr = DXVAHD_CreateDevice(g_pD3DDevice, &desc, DXVAHD_DEVICE_USAGE_PLAYBACK_NORMAL,
        NULL, &pDXVAHD);
    if (FAILED(hr))
        goto done;


    hr = pDXVAHD->GetVideoProcessorDeviceCaps(&caps);
    if (FAILED(hr))
        goto done;

    // Check whether the device supports the input and output formats.

    hr = CheckInputFormatSupport(pDXVAHD, caps, VIDEO_FORMAT);
    if (FAILED(hr))
        goto done;

    hr = CheckOutputFormatSupport(pDXVAHD, caps, RENDER_TARGET_FORMAT);
    if (FAILED(hr))
        goto done;

    // Create the VP device.
    hr = CreateVPDevice(pDXVAHD, caps, &pDXVAVP);
    if (FAILED(hr))
        goto done;

    // Create the video surface for the primary video stream.
    hr = pDXVAHD->CreateVideoSurface(
        0,  // Usage
        1,      // Number of surfaces to create
        &pSurf, // Array of surface pointers

    if (FAILED(hr))
        goto done;

    g_pDXVAHD = pDXVAHD;

    g_pDXVAVP = pDXVAVP;

    g_pSurface = pSurf;

    return hr;

The CreateVPDevice function show in this example creates the video processor (steps 5–7):

// Creates a DXVA-HD video processor.

HRESULT CreateVPDevice(
    IDXVAHD_Device          *pDXVAHD,
    const DXVAHD_VPDEVCAPS& caps,
    IDXVAHD_VideoProcessor  **ppDXVAVP
    // Create the array of video processor caps. 
        new (std::nothrow) DXVAHD_VPCAPS[ caps.VideoProcessorCount ];

    if (pVPCaps == NULL)
        return E_OUTOFMEMORY;

    HRESULT hr = pDXVAHD->GetVideoProcessorCaps(
        caps.VideoProcessorCount, pVPCaps);

    // At this point, an application could loop through the array and examine
    // the capabilities. For purposes of this example, however, we simply
    // create the first video processor in the list.

    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        // The VPGuid member contains the GUID that identifies the video 
        // processor.

        hr = pDXVAHD->CreateVideoProcessor(&pVPCaps[0].VPGuid, ppDXVAVP);

    delete [] pVPCaps;
    return hr;