Media Foundation Structures
Structure | Description |
AecQualityMetrics_Struct | Contains quality metrics for acoustic echo cancellation (AEC). |
ASF_FLAT_PICTURE | Contains an image that is stored as metadata for a media source. |
ASF_FLAT_SYNCHRONISED_LYRICS | Contains synchronized lyrics stored as metadata for a media source. |
ASF_INDEX_DESCRIPTOR | Describes the indexing configuration for a stream and type of index. |
ASF_INDEX_IDENTIFIER | Defines a discrete index for the ASF indexer object. |
ASF_MUX_STATISTICS | Contains statistics about the progress of the ASF multiplexer. |
DXVA2_AES_CTR_IV | Contains an initialization vector (IV) for Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) encryption. |
DXVA2_AYUVSample16 | Defines a 16-bit AYUV pixel value. |
DXVA2_AYUVSample8 | Defines an 8-bit AYUV pixel value. |
DXVA2_ConfigPictureDecode | Describes the configuration of a DirectX Video Acceleration (DXVA) decoder device. |
DXVA2_DecodeBufferDesc | Describes a buffer sent from a decoder to a DXVA device. |
DXVA2_DecodeExecuteParams | Contains parameters for the IDirectXVideoDecoder::Execute method. |
DXVA2_DecodeExtensionData | Contains private data for the IDirectXVideoDecoder::Execute method. |
DXVA2_ExtendedFormat | Describes the format of a video stream. |
DXVA2_FilterValues | Contains parameters for a DXVA image filter. |
DXVA2_Fixed32 | Defines a 32-bit fixed-point number. |
DXVA2_Frequency | Defines a video frequency. |
DXVA2_ProcAmpValues | Contains values for DXVA video processing operations. |
DXVA2_ValueRange | Defines the range of supported values for a DXVA operation. |
DXVA2_VideoDesc | Describes a video stream for a DXVA decoder device or video processor device. |
DXVA2_VideoProcessBltParams | Contains parameters for the IDirectXVideoProcessor::VideoProcessBlt method. |
DXVA2_VideoProcessorCaps | Describes the capabilities of a DVXA video processor mode. |
DXVA2_VideoSample | Specifies an input sample for the IDirectXVideoProcessor::VideoProcessBlt method. |
DXVAHD_BLT_STATE_ALPHA_FILL_DATA | Specifies how the output alpha values are calculated for Microsoft DirectX Video Acceleration High Definition (DXVA-HD) blit operations. |
DXVAHD_BLT_STATE_BACKGROUND_COLOR_DATA | Specifies the background color for DXVA-HD blit operations. |
DXVAHD_BLT_STATE_CONSTRICTION_DATA | Specifies whether the output is downsampled in a DXVA-HD blit operation. |
DXVAHD_BLT_STATE_OUTPUT_COLOR_SPACE_DATA | Specifies the output color space for DXVA-HD blit operations. |
DXVAHD_BLT_STATE_PRIVATE_DATA | Contains data for a private DXVA-HD blit state. |
DXVAHD_BLT_STATE_TARGET_RECT_DATA | Specifies the target rectangle for DXVA-HD blitting. |
DXVAHD_COLOR_RGBA | Specifies an RGB color value. |
DXVAHD_COLOR_YCbCrA | Specifies a YCbCr color value. |
DXVAHD_CONTENT_DESC | Describes a video stream for a DXVA-HD video processor. |
DXVAHD_CUSTOM_RATE_DATA | Specifies a custom rate for frame-rate conversion or inverse telecine (IVTC). |
DXVAHD_FILTER_RANGE_DATA | Defines the range of supported values for an image filter. |
DXVAHD_RATIONAL | Contains a rational number (ratio). |
DXVAHD_STREAM_DATA | Contains per-stream data for the IDXVAHD_VideoProcessor::VideoProcessBltHD method. |
DXVAHD_STREAM_STATE_ALPHA_DATA | Specifies the planar alpha value for a DXVA-HD input stream. |
DXVAHD_STREAM_STATE_ASPECT_RATIO_DATA | Specifies the pixel aspect ratio (PAR) for the source and destination rectangles. |
DXVAHD_STREAM_STATE_D3DFORMAT_DATA | Specifies the format for a DXVA-HD input stream. |
DXVAHD_STREAM_STATE_DESTINATION_RECT_DATA | Specifies the destination rectangle for a DXVA-HD input stream. |
DXVAHD_STREAM_STATE_FILTER_DATA | Specifies the level for a filtering operation on a DXVA-HD input stream. |
DXVAHD_STREAM_STATE_FRAME_FORMAT_DATA | Specifies how a DXVA-HD input stream is interlaced. |
DXVAHD_STREAM_STATE_INPUT_COLOR_SPACE_DATA | Specifies the color space for a DXVA-HD input stream. |
DXVAHD_STREAM_STATE_LUMA_KEY_DATA | Specifies the luma key for a DXVA-HD input stream. |
DXVAHD_STREAM_STATE_OUTPUT_RATE_DATA | Specifies the output frame rate for a DXVA-HD input stream. |
DXVAHD_STREAM_STATE_PALETTE_DATA | Contains the color palette entries for a DXVA-HD input stream. |
DXVAHD_STREAM_STATE_PRIVATE_DATA | Contains data for a private stream state, for a DXVA-HD input stream. |
DXVAHD_STREAM_STATE_PRIVATE_IVTC_DATA | Contains IVTC statistics from a DXVA-HD device. |
DXVAHD_STREAM_STATE_SOURCE_RECT_DATA | Specifies the source rectangle for a DXVA-HD input stream. |
DXVAHD_VPCAPS | Specifies the capabilities of the DXVA-HD video processor. |
DXVAHD_VPDEVCAPS | Specifies the capabilities of a DXVA-HD device. |
DXVAHDSW_CALLBACKS | Contains pointers to functions implemented by a software plug-in for DXVA-HD. |
MF_FLOAT2 | A vector with two components. |
MF_FLOAT3 | A vector with three components. |
MF_QUATERNION | A four dimensional vector, used to represent a rotation. |
MF_LEAKY_BUCKET_PAIR | Specifies the buffering requirements of a file. |
MF_SINK_WRITER_STATISTICS | Contains statistics about the performance of the sink writer. |
MF_TRANSCODE_SINK_INFO | Stores information about the audio and video streams that the built-in media sink uses to generate the output file. |
MFARGB | Describes an ARGB color value. |
MFASYNCRESULT | Contains data that is needed to implement the IMFAsyncResult interface. |
MFAYUVSample | Describes a 4:4:4:4 Y'Cb'Cr' sample. |
MFBYTESTREAM_BUFFERING_PARAMS | Specifies the buffering parameters for a network byte stream. |
MFCameraExtrinsic_CalibratedTransform | A transform describing the location of a camera relative to other cameras or an established external reference. |
MFCameraExtrinsics | Describes the location of a camera relative to other cameras or an established external reference. |
MFCameraIntrinsic_PinholeCameraModel | Represents a pinhole camera model. |
MFCameraIntrinsic_DistortionModel | Represents a polynomial lens distortion model. |
MFCLOCK_PROPERTIES | Defines the properties of a clock. |
MFFOLDDOWN_MATRIX | Contains coefficients used to transform multichannel audio into a smaller number of audio channels. |
MFINPUTTRUSTAUTHORITY_ACCESS_ACTION | Describes an action requested by an output trust authority (OTA). |
MFINPUTTRUSTAUTHORITY_ACCESS_PARAMS | Contains parameters for the IMFInputTrustAuthority::BindAccess or IMFInputTrustAuthority::UpdateAccess method. |
MFMPEG2DLNASINKSTATS | Contains encoding statistics from the DLNA media sink. |
MFNetCredentialManagerGetParam | Contains the authentication information for the credential manager. |
MFOffset | Specifies an offset as a fixed-point real number. |
MFRatio | Represents a ratio. |
MFRR_COMPONENT_HASH_INFO | Contains information about a revoked component. |
MFP_ERROR_EVENT | Deprecated. Event structure for the MFP_EVENT_TYPE_ERROR event. |
MFP_EVENT_HEADER | Deprecated. Contains information that is common to every type of MFPlay event. |
MFP_FRAME_STEP_EVENT | Deprecated. Event structure for the MFP_EVENT_TYPE_FRAME_STEP event. |
MFP_MEDIAITEM_CLEARED_EVENT | Deprecated. Not documented in this release. |
MFP_MEDIAITEM_SET_EVENT | Deprecated. Event structure for the MFP_EVENT_TYPE_MEDIAITEM_SET event. |
MFP_MF_EVENT | Deprecated. Event structure for the MFP_EVENT_TYPE_MF event. |
MFP_PAUSE_EVENT | Deprecated. Event structure for the MFP_EVENT_TYPE_PAUSE event. |
MFP_PLAY_EVENT | Deprecated. Event structure for the MFP_EVENT_TYPE_PLAY event. |
MFP_PLAYBACK_ENDED_EVENT | Deprecated. Event structure for the MFP_EVENT_TYPE_PLAYBACK_ENDED event. |
MFP_POSITION_SET_EVENT | Deprecated. Event structure for the MFP_EVENT_TYPE_POSITION_SET event. |
MFP_RATE_SET_EVENT | Deprecated. Event structure for the MFP_EVENT_TYPE_RATE_SET event. |
MFP_STOP_EVENT | Deprecated. Event structure for the MFP_EVENT_TYPE_STOP event. |
MFPinholeCameraIntrinsic_IntrinsicModel | Represents a pinhole camera intrinsic model for a specified resolution. |
MFPinholeCameraIntrinsics | Contains zero or 1 pinhole camera intrinsic models that describe how to project a 3D point in physical world onto the 2D image frame of a camera. |
MFRR_COMPONENTS | Contains information about one or more revoked components. |
MFT_INPUT_STREAM_INFO | Contains information about an input stream on a Media Foundation transform (MFT). |
MFT_OUTPUT_DATA_BUFFER | Contains information about an output buffer for an MFT. |
MFT_OUTPUT_STREAM_INFO | Contains information about an output stream on an MFT. |
MFT_REGISTER_TYPE_INFO | Contains media type information for registering an MFT. |
MFT_REGISTRATION_INFO | Contains parameters for the IMFLocalMFTRegistration::RegisterMFTs method. |
MFTOPONODE_ATTRIBUTE_UPDATE | Specifies a new attribute value for a topology node. |
MFVideoAlphaBitmap | Specifies a bitmap for the EVR to alpha-blend with the video. |
MFVideoAlphaBitmapParams | Specifies how the EVR alpha-blends a bitmap with the video. |
MFVideoArea | Specifies a rectangular area within a video frame. |
MFVideoCompressedInfo | Contains information about a video compression format. |
MFVIDEOFORMAT | Describes a video format. |
MFVideoInfo | Contains video format information that applies to both compressed and uncompressed formats. |
MFVideoNormalizedRect | Defines a normalized rectangle, which is used to specify sub-rectangles in a video rectangle. |
MFVideoSurfaceInfo | Contains information about an uncompressed video format. |
MT_ARBITRARY_HEADER | Contains format data for a binary stream in an Advanced Systems Format (ASF) file. |
MT_CUSTOM_VIDEO_PRIMARIES | Defines custom color primaries for a video source. |
OPM_ACTUAL_OUTPUT_FORMAT | Contains the result of an OPM_GET_ACTUAL_OUTPUT_FORMAT query in Output Protection Manager (OPM). |
OPM_CONFIGURE_PARAMETERS | Contains an OPM or Certified Output Protection Manager (COPP) command. |
OPM_COPP_COMPATIBLE_GET_INFO_PARAMETERS | Contains parameters for the IOPMVideoOutput::COPPCompatibleGetInformation method. |
OPM_ENCRYPTED_INITIALIZATION_PARAMETERS | Contains initialization parameters for an OPM session. |
OPM_GET_CODEC_INFO_INFORMATION | Contains the result from an OPM_GET_CODEC_INFO query. |
OPM_GET_CODEC_INFO_PARAMETERS | Contains information for the OPM_GET_CODEC_INFO command. |
OPM_GET_INFO_PARAMETERS | Contains parameters for the IOPMVideoOutput::GetInformation method. |
OPM_HDCP_KEY_SELECTION_VECTOR | Contains the key selection vector (KSV) for a High-Bandwidth Digital Content Protection (HDCP) receiver. |
OPM_OMAC | Contains a Message Authentication Code (MAC) for an OPM message. |
OPM_OUTPUT_ID_DATA | Contains the result from an OPM_GET_OUTPUT_ID status request. |
OPM_RANDOM_NUMBER | Contains a 128-bit random number for use with OPM. |
OPM_REQUESTED_INFORMATION | Contains the result of an OPM status request. |
OPM_SET_HDCP_SRM_PARAMETERS | Contains parameters for the OPM_SET_HDCP_SRM command. |
OPM_STANDARD_INFORMATION | Contains the result from an OPM status request. |
STREAM_MEDIUM | Not for application use. |
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