Step 3: Open a Media File
This topic is step 3 of the tutorial How to Play Media Files with Media Foundation. The complete code is shown in the topic Media Session Playback Example.
The CPlayer::OpenURL
method opens a media file from a URL.
// Open a URL for playback.
HRESULT CPlayer::OpenURL(const WCHAR *sURL)
// 1. Create a new media session.
// 2. Create the media source.
// 3. Create the topology.
// 4. Queue the topology [asynchronous]
// 5. Start playback [asynchronous - does not happen in this method.]
IMFTopology *pTopology = NULL;
IMFPresentationDescriptor* pSourcePD = NULL;
// Create the media session.
HRESULT hr = CreateSession();
if (FAILED(hr))
goto done;
// Create the media source.
hr = CreateMediaSource(sURL, &m_pSource);
if (FAILED(hr))
goto done;
// Create the presentation descriptor for the media source.
hr = m_pSource->CreatePresentationDescriptor(&pSourcePD);
if (FAILED(hr))
goto done;
// Create a partial topology.
hr = CreatePlaybackTopology(m_pSource, pSourcePD, m_hwndVideo, &pTopology);
if (FAILED(hr))
goto done;
// Set the topology on the media session.
hr = m_pSession->SetTopology(0, pTopology);
if (FAILED(hr))
goto done;
m_state = OpenPending;
// If SetTopology succeeds, the media session will queue an
// MESessionTopologySet event.
if (FAILED(hr))
m_state = Closed;
return hr;
This method performs the following steps:
- Calls CPlayer::CreateSession to create a new instance of the Media Session. See Step 4: Create the Media Session.
- Creates a media source from the URL. The complete code for this step is shown in the topic Using the Source Resolver.
- Calls IMFMediaSource::CreatePresentationDescriptor to get the media source's presentation descriptor. The presentation descriptor describes each streams in the source file.
- Creates the playback topology. Code for this step is shown in the topic Creating Playback Topologies.
- Calls IMFMediaSession::SetTopology to set the topology on the Media Session.
The SetTopology method completes asynchronously. When it completes, the CPlayer object's IMFAsyncCallback::Invoke method is called; see Step 5: Handle Media Session Events.
Next: Step 4: Create the Media Session
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