Automating Playback for MCIWnd

[The feature associated with this page, MCIWnd Window Class, is a legacy feature. It has been superseded by MediaPlayer. MediaPlayer has been optimized for Windows 10 and Windows 11. Microsoft strongly recommends that new code use MediaPlayer instead of MCIWnd Window Class, when possible. Microsoft suggests that existing code that uses the legacy APIs be rewritten to use the new APIs if possible.]

You can automate playback for MCIWnd by specifying certain window styles in the MCIWndCreate function. To play the device, the window needs a parent window to process notification messages, a playback area to play AVI files, and notification of device mode changes to identify when playback stops. The window does not need a toolbar. You can set these characteristics by specifying the appropriate styles in MCIWndCreate.

The following example uses menu commands to create an MCIWnd window to play content from several different types of devices. The MCIWndCreate function creates the MCIWnd window, and devices and files are loaded by using the MCIWndOpen macro in the device-specific commands. When a device finishes playing, you close the device by trapping the MCIWNDM_NOTIFYMODE message and issuing the MCIWndClose macro.

    switch (wParam) 
        case IDM_CREATEMCIWND: 
            dwMCIWndStyle = WS_CHILD |     // child window
                WS_VISIBLE |               // visible
                MCIWNDF_NOTIFYMODE |       // notifies of mode changes
                MCIWNDF_NOPLAYBAR;            // hides toolbar 
            g_hwndMCIWnd = MCIWndCreate(hwnd, 
                g_hinst, dwMCIWndStyle, NULL); 
        case IDM_PLAYCDA: 
            LoadNGoMCIWnd(hwnd, "CDAudio"); 
        case IDM_PLAYWAVE: 
            LoadNGoMCIWnd(hwnd, "SoundWave.WAV"); 
        case IDM_PLAYMIDI: 
            LoadNGoMCIWnd(hwnd, "MIDIFile.MID"); 
        case IDM_PLAYAVI: 
            LoadNGoMCIWnd(hwnd, "AVIFile.AVI"); 
        case IDM_EXIT: 
    if (lParam == MCI_MODE_STOP)  // device stopped
        MessageBox(hwnd,"","Closing Device",MB_OK); 

// Handle other messages here. 
// LoadNGoMCIWnd - automatically loads and plays a multimedia device 
// hwnd -  handle to the parent window 
// lpstr - pointer to device or filename played by device 
// Global variable 
// extern HINSTANCE g_hwndMCIWnd;  instance handle to MCIWnd window 
VOID LoadNGoMCIWnd(HWND hwnd, LPSTR lpstr) 
    MessageBox(hwnd, lpstr, "Loading Device", MB_OK); 
    MCIWndOpen(g_hwndMCIWnd, lpstr, NULL);   // new device in window 
    MCIWndPlay(g_hwndMCIWnd);                // plays device 