SceSvcAttachmentConfig callback function

The SceSvcAttachmentConfig function is called by the Security Configuration Engine when the system is configured.


SCESTATUS WINAPI SceSvcAttachmentConfig(


pSceCbInfo [in]

Pointer to a SCESVC_CALLBACK_INFO structure that contains the database handle and the callback functions to query, set, and free information.

Return value

If this function succeeds, it returns SCESTATUS_SUCCESS. Otherwise it returns an error code. For more information about the Security Configuration error codes, see Attachment Return Values.


When implementing this function, use the callback function pointed to by the pfQueryInfo member of the SCESVC_CALLBACK_INFO structure (pSceCbInfo->pfQueryInfo) to retrieve configuration information. Then configure the service using the returned information.

This function must do the following:

  • Query configuration information from the Security Configuration tool set using the callback function pointed to by the pfQueryInfo member of the SCESVC_CALLBACK_INFO structure (pSceCbInfo->pfQueryInfo).
  • Configure the service using the configuration information.

For more information, see Implementing SceSvcAttachmentConfig


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client
Windows XP [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server
Windows Server 2003 [desktop apps only]

See also

