Custom Property GUIDs

The following globally unique identifiers (GUIDs) are used by Windows Journal to identify custom properties on strokes or drawing attributes.


GUID_STROKE_TIMESTAMP = {4EA66C4-F33A-461B-B8FE-68070D9C7575}

This is a FILETIME structure that indicates the time at which the stroke was created or added to the document.

typedef struct _FILETIME {
    DWORD dwLowDateTime;
    DWORD dwHighDateTime;


GUID_STROKE_TIMEID = {50B6BC8-3B7D-4816-8C61-BC7E905B2132}

This is a TIMEID structure. It allows stroke order to be maintained across paste and drop operations. Without the TIMEID structure, the timestamp for all IInkStrokeDisp Interface objects cut and pasted in a InkStrokes Collection will be the same.

typedef struct tagTIMEID {
    FILETIME  tmFiletime;
    ULONG     uiOrder;


This is a BOOL, where TRUE=highlighter ink, FALSE=regular ink. This is applied to drawing attributes.

GUID_HIGHLIGHTER = {9B6267B8-3968-4048-AB74-F490406A2DFA}


This is a BOOL, where TRUE=bold ink, FALSE=normal. This is applied to drawing attributes.

GUID_INK_STYLE_BOLD = {E02FB5C1-9693-4312-A434-00DE7F3AD493}


This is a BOOL, where TRUE=italicized ink, FALSE=normal. This is applied to drawing attributes.

GUID_INK_STYLE_ITALICS = {05253B51-49C6-4A04-8993-64DD9ABD842A}

IJournalReader Interface