Task Scheduler Schema Elements
The elements listed here are defined by the Task Scheduler schema. These elements are used when reading or writing XML for a task.
The topics in this section include a description of the element; how it is defined in the XSD;, and information about all related parents, children, and attributes.
- Actions (taskType)
- AllowHardTerminate (settingsType)
- AllowStartOnDemand (settingsType)
- April (monthsType)
- Arguments (execType)
- Attachments (sendMailType)
- August (monthsType)
- Author (registrationInfoType)
- Body (sendMailType)
- Body (showMessageType)
- BootTrigger (triggerGroup)
- Bcc (sendMailType)
- CalendarTrigger (triggerGroup)
- Cc (sendMailType)
- ClassId (comHandlerType)
- ComHandler (actionGroup)
- Command (execType)
- Count (restartType)
- Data (comHandlerType)
- Data (taskType)
- Date (registrationInfoType)
- Day (daysOfMonthType)
- DaysInterval (dailyScheduleType)
- DaysOfMonth (monthlyScheduleType)
- DaysOfWeek (monthlyDayOfWeekScheduleType)
- DaysOfWeek (weeklyScheduleType)
- December (monthsType)
- Delay (bootTriggerType)
- Delay (eventTriggerType)
- Delay (logonTriggerType)
- Delay (registrationTriggerType)
- Delay (sessionStateChangeTriggerType)
- DeleteExpiredTaskAfter (settingsType)
- Description (registrationInfoType)
- DisallowStartIfOnBatteries (settingsType)
- DisallowStartOnRemoteAppSession (settingsType)
- DisplayName (principalType)
- Documentation (registrationInfoType)
- Duration (idleSettingsType)
- Duration (repetitionType)
- Enabled (settingsType)
- Enabled (triggerBaseType)
- EndBoundary (triggerBaseType)
- EventTrigger (triggerGroup)
- Exec (actionGroup)
- ExecutionTimeLimit (settingsType)
- ExecutionTimeLimit (triggerBaseType)
- February (monthsType)
- File (attachmentsType)
- Friday (daysOfWeekType)
- From (sendMailType)
- GroupId (principalType)
- HeaderFields (sendMailType)
- HeaderField (headerFieldsType)
- Hidden (settingsType)
- IdleSettings (settingsType)
- IdleTrigger (triggerGroup)
- Id (networkSettingsType)
- Interval (repetitionType)
- Interval (restartType)
- January (monthsType)
- July (monthsType)
- June (monthsType)
- LogonTrigger (triggerGroup)
- LogonType (principalType)
- March (monthsType)
- May (monthsType)
- Monday (daysOfWeekType)
- Months (monthlyDayOfWeekScheduleType)
- Months (monthlyScheduleType)
- MultipleInstancesPolicy (settingsType)
- Name (headerFieldType)
- Name (networkSettingsType)
- November (monthsType)
- October (monthsType)
- Principal (principalsType)
- Principals (taskType)
- ProcessTokenSidType (principalType)
- Priority (settingsType)
- Privilege (requiredPrivilegesType)
- RandomDelay (calendarTriggerType)
- RandomDelay (timeTriggerType)
- RegistrationInfo (taskType)
- RegistrationTrigger (triggerGroup)
- Repetition (triggerBaseType)
- RequiredPrivileges (requiredPrivilegesType)
- ReplyTo (sendMailType)
- RestartOnFailure (settingsType)
- RestartOnIdle (idleSettingsType)
- RunLevel (principalType)
- RunOnlyIfIdle (settingsType)
- RunOnlyIfNetworkAvailable (settingsType)
- Saturday (daysOfWeekType)
- ScheduleByDay (calendarTriggerType)
- ScheduleByMonthDayOfWeek (calendarTriggerType)
- ScheduleByMonth (calendarTriggerType)
- ScheduleByWeek (calendarTriggerType)
- SecurityDescriptor (registrationInfoType)
- SendEmail (actionGroup) Element
- September (monthsType)
- SessionStateChangeTrigger (triggerGroup)
- Server (sendMailType)
- Settings (taskType)
- ShowMessage (actionGroup)
- Source (registrationInfoType)
- StartBoundary (triggerBaseType)
- StartWhenAvailable (settingsType)
- StateChange (sessionStateChangeTriggerType)
- StopAtDurationEnd (repetitionType)
- StopIfGoingOnBatteries (settingsType)
- StopOnIdleEnd (idleSettingsType)
- Subject (sendMailType)
- Subscription (eventTriggerType)
- Sunday (daysOfWeekType)
- Task
- Thursday (daysOfWeekType)
- TimeTrigger (triggerGroup)
- Title (showMessageType) Element
- To (sendMailType)
- Triggers (taskType)
- Tuesday (daysOfWeekType)
- URI (registrationInfoType)
- UserId (logonTriggerType)
- UserId (principalType)
- UserId (sessionStateChangeTriggerType)
- UseUnifiedSchedulingEngine (settingsType)
- ValueQueries (eventTriggerType)
- Value (headerFieldType)
- Version (registrationInfoType)
- WaitTimeout (idleSettingsType)
- WakeToRun (settingsType)
- Wednesday (daysOfWeekType)
- Week (weeksType)
- WeeksInterval (weeklyScheduleType)
- Weeks (monthlyDayOfWeekScheduleType)
- WorkingDirectory (execType)