IWMDRMDeviceApp::ProcessMeterResponse method

The ProcessMeterResponse method resets some or all of the metering counts on a device, after data from the device has been sent to and processed by the server.


HRESULT ProcessMeterResponse(
  [in]  IWMDMDevice *pDevice,
  [in]  BYTE        *pbResponse,
  [in]  DWORD       cbResponse,
  [out] DWORD       *pdwFlags


pDevice [in]

Pointer to an IWMDMDevice object.

pbResponse [in]

Response received from a metering server, after sending data generated using GenerateMeterChallenge.

cbResponse [in]

Size of pbResponse, in bytes.

pdwFlags [out]

A DWORD from the following table indicating whether there is more metering data on the device that needs to be processed.

Flag Description
WMDRM_METER_RESPONSE_ALL All metering data has been processed.
WMDRM_METER_RESPONSE_PARTIAL Additional metering data needs to be processed.

Return value

The method returns an HRESULT. Possible values include, but are not limited to, those in the following table.

Return code Description
The method succeeded.
One or more arguments are not valid.
Errors from the device
Any of a number of device errors.
Errors from the DRM Client
Any of a number of internal DRM client errors.
The specified device is not a Windows Media DRM compatible device.


More information on metering, including code examples, can be found in the whitepaper Metering the Use of Digital Media Content with Windows Media DRM 10.


Requirement Value
WMDRMDeviceApp.h (also requires Wmdrmdeviceapp_i.c, built from WMDRMDeviceApp.idl)

See also

Handling Protected Content in the Application

IWMDMDevice Interface

IWMDRMDeviceApp Interface