Queue-length Algorithm Counter Types

Queue-length algorithm counter types increment the number of items in a queue at each sample interval as specified by the appropriate frequency property Frequency_PerfTime, and so on. The cooked result divides by the number of samples to produce the average queue length.

An example is the AvgDiskQueueLength property in the Win32_PerfRawData_PerfDisk_LogicalDisk that uses the PERF_COUNTER_100NS_QUEUELEN_TYPE counter type.

CounterType Constant Description
Average length of a queue to a resource over time. It shows the difference between the queue lengths observed during the last two sample intervals divided by the duration of the interval.
Average length of a queue to a resource over time. Counters of this type display the difference between the queue lengths observed during the last two sample intervals, divided by the duration of the interval.
Average length of a queue to a resource over time in 100 nanosecond units.
Time an object is in a queue.

WMI Performance Counter Types