DisplayInformation.GetColorProfileAsync Method


Asynchronously retrieves the default International Color Consortium (ICC) color profile that is associated with the physical display.

 virtual IAsyncOperation<IRandomAccessStream ^> ^ GetColorProfileAsync() = GetColorProfileAsync;
/// [Windows.Foundation.Metadata.RemoteAsync]
IAsyncOperation<IRandomAccessStream> GetColorProfileAsync();
public IAsyncOperation<IRandomAccessStream> GetColorProfileAsync();
function getColorProfileAsync()
Public Function GetColorProfileAsync () As IAsyncOperation(Of IRandomAccessStream)


An asynchronous operation object which, when it completes, contains the color profile.



The asynchronous operation returns null if no physical display is attached to the computer on which the app is running (for example, if the app is running over Remote Desktop Connection), or if no color profile is associated with the display, or if the profile doesn't match the signature of an ICC color profile.

If there's no valid ICC color profile associated with the display, then your app should handle that by assuming a default color space, such as sRGB.

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