AutomationProperties.FlowsTo Attached Property


Gets an array of automation elements that suggests the reading order after the current automation element.

see GetFlowsTo
see GetFlowsTo
see GetFlowsTo


The FlowsTo property specifies the reading order when automation elements are not exposed or structured in the same reading order as perceived by the user. While the FlowsTo property can specify multiple succeeding elements, it typically contains only the next element in the reading order.


AutomationProperties.FlowsTo is an atypical attached property because it does not have a Set accessor, and thus is not really a XAML attached property with a markup usage. It uses the attached property model as a property store, but does not support an Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML) usage. To get the array of elements, call GetFlowsTo, passing the item as the input parameter.

Applies to