Mediated Network service


Only available to Microsoft Monetize Ad Server customers.

This service is used to create and maintain mediated networks. Use this service to define your integration with an external network.


HTTP Method Endpoint Description
(+ JSON payload)
Add a new mediated network
(+ JSON payload)
Modify a mediated network
GET View all mediated networks
GET View a specific mediated network
DELETE Delete a mediated network
GET Find out which fields you can filter and sort by

JSON fields

Field Type Description
id int The system-generated unique ID for this network.

Required On: PUT
name string The name of the network, as supplied by the user.

Required On: POST
credentials string Read-only. A system-generated unique value that securely identifies the network. Credentials are encrypted after a POST or PUT and cannot be decrypted.
advertiser_id int Read-only. The unique, system-generated ID of the advertiser associated with this mediated network.
member_id int Read-only. Every advertiser object in our system is associated with a parent member. The unique, system-generated ID of the member to which the advertiser described by advertiser_id belongs. (And by extension, this mediated network as well.)
active boolean Active mediation networks target and purchase media in auctions.

Default: false
is_data_integration_active boolean Whether reporting data is currently being pulled from this network's systems into ours.

Default: false
creative_custom_request_partner_id int The Creative Custom Request Partner this mediated network is associated with.

Required On: POST
default_bid_currency string The currency to be used for bids from this network.

Default: USD
processed_on date Read-only. The date and time at which this mediated network's associated line item was updated with metrics (revenue, imps, clicks) pulled from the external network's reporting system.
last_modified date Read-only. The date and time at which the mediated network object was last modified.
network_type string The type of mediated network this is. Allowed values:
- mobile: This network is focused on purchasing mobile (in-app?) inventory.
- banner: This network is focused on purchasing web inventory.

Default: mobile


Add a mediated network

$ cat add-network
    "mediated-network": {
        "name": "JMS Test 2",
        "creative_custom_request_partner_id": 1

$ curl -b cookies -c cookies -X POST -d @add-network.json '

            "name":"JMS Test 2",
            "default_bid_currency": "USD",
            "processed_on":"1970-01-01 00:00:01",
            "last_modified":"2014-04-28 14:59:11",

Update a mediated network

$ cat add-network

    "mediated-network": {
        "id": 368,
      "active": false   

$ curl -b cookies -c cookies -X PUT -d @update-network.json '' | json-pp

            "name":"Integration Test TEST1398457680380",
            "default_bid_currency": "USD",
            "processed_on":"1970-01-01 00:00:01",
            "last_modified":"2014-04-28 14:56:48",

View all mediated networks

$ curl -b cookies -c cookies '

                "name":"Doubleclick for Publishers",
                "default_bid_currency": "USD",
                "processed_on":"1970-01-01 00:00:01",
                "last_modified":"2014-04-18 23:37:01",
                "name":"Tim's Custom Network",
                "default_bid_currency": "EUR",
                "processed_on":"1970-01-01 00:00:01",
                "last_modified":"2014-04-18 23:37:01",
                "default_bid_currency": "EUR",
                "processed_on":"1970-01-01 00:00:01",
                "last_modified":"2014-04-18 23:32:36",

View a specific mediated network

$ curl -b cookies -c cookies '' | json-pp

            "name":"Integration Test TEST1398457680380",
            "default_bid_currency": "USD",
            "processed_on":"1970-01-01 00:00:01",
            "last_modified":"2014-04-25 20:28:07",

Delete a mediated network

$ curl -b cookies -c cookies -X DELETE '
