Prebid Server Premium identity & user syncing

This page provides high-level guidance on the types of user identifiers available for monetization with Prebid Server Premium (PSP).


GDPR and CCPA are taken into account with PSP requests.


Publishers do not need to take any action specific to PSP in order to sync user cookies. The integration with Microsoft Monetize will sync Microsoft Advertising cookies as well as a rotation of pixels from Microsoft Advertising marketplace Bidders (DSPs) and Prebid Demand Partners (typically SSPs). Prebid Server Demand Partners are automatically synced through the userSync endpoints they provide in GitHub. If no endpoint is provided in a partner's .yaml file, they must actively contact Microsoft Advertising to provide a URL for Microsoft Advertising to implement.

User matched request counts and sync rates can be reviewed by Demand Partner in the PSP Health Analytics Report.


These metrics currently only include cookies, not more persistent identifiers such as industry IDs (examples: RampID, UID 2.0) or publisher-provided IDs (PPIDs). The presence of device IDs is also not reflected in these metrics.


Publishers using Prebid.js that prefer to maximize cookie sync opportunities by syncing on page load, instead of only syncing when delivers an ad, must override the default setting and enable iframe syncing. For more information, see Prebid Server endpoints and cookie_sync.

Generally, iframe or all syncs must be enabled with all bidders or at least Microsoft Advertising included:

  1. In the response object, under filterSettings
    1. If filterSettings.iframe is set to include * (all), Microsoft Advertising, or AppNexus, and syncEnabled is true, iframe cookie syncing is enabled.
    2. If filterSettings.all is set to include * (all), Microsoft Advertising, or AppNexus, and syncEnabled is true, iframe cookie syncing is enabled.
    3. If only filterSettings.image is enabled, them iframe syncing is not enabled, limiting cookie syncing opportunities.
  2. If the settings are not as desired, publishers must change them in their Prebid.js deployment


Monetize Ad Server publishers using AST that prefer to maximize cookie sync opportunities by syncing on page load, instead of only syncing when Microsoft Advertising delivers an ad, must set the userSync object following the example below. The sellerId and publisherId must be replaced with the relevant values and the syncDelay may be changed from the value in the example. For more information, see Set Page Options.



Publishers with AMP inventory that prefer to maximize cookie sync opportunities must override the default behavior to enable iframe syncing. For more information, see Prebid Server endpoints and cookie_sync.

Similar to Prebid.js, AMP implementations must allow iframe syncs with all bidders or at least Microsoft Advertising included.

Persistent identifiers

Devices identifiers

PSP supports pass-through of device IDs such as IDFAs and AAIDs. No action is needed from the publisher to allow demand partners to receive this data.

Common industry identifiers

PSP supports pass-through of select industry identifiers supported by Microsoft Monetize such as UID 2.0. When a given industry ID is supported, it generally does not require action on the part of the publisher to be passed to demand partners. Contact your Microsoft Advertising Representative for more details. For more information, see the supported industry identifiers for Microsoft Monetize.

Publisher provided identifiers

PSP supports pass-through of proprietary publisher-provided user identifiers (PPIDs) to demand partners. Controls to limit which demand partners receive this data are available via the Demand Partner Service API and in the future, will be available via the Identity Management UI. For more information on the registration process and managing identifiers, review the Identity Service documentation.


The Identity Service is currently in Alpha. It is still under development and may be subject to change without notice. Contact your Microsoft Account Representative to get enabled.