View legacy Insertion Order details


Legacy insertion orders are required for Guaranteed Delivery Line Items. For all other line items, we recommend the use of the default insertion order.

The Insertion Order Details screen shows you the settings and essential metrics for a specific insertion order, provides visualizations of the insertion order's performance, offers quick access to the insertion order's child objects, and more.

Getting to the Insertion Order Details screen

On the Insertion Orders screen, click the name of the legacy insertion order for which you want to view advanced details.

This takes you to the Insertion Order Details screen.

Viewing state and child Objects

The At-a-Glance section shows you the insertion order's state and the total number of active and inactive line items under the insertion order. You can click on this number to navigate to the complete list of line items with their quickstats.

Adding the Insertion Order to Trader Home


Trader Home is currently available to a limited set of clients. If you use insertion orders and are interested in making Trader Home your landing page, reach out to your Microsoft Advertising representative.

To track this insertion order in Trader Home, click Add to Trader Home. A card displaying essential information about this insertion order will appear when you navigate to Trader Home.

To remove an insertion order already added to Trader Home, click Remove from Trader Home. This will remove the card from Trader Home, but will not delete the insertion order from the system.

For more information about Trader Home, see Working with Trader Home.

Viewing visual success data

Visual Success is a tool designed to help campaign managers achieve better overall performance. It provides easy access to performance, delivery, and other metrics for your insertion order. You can use these metrics to see how the campaigns under your insertion order are performing as a group, and assess for possible trouble spots.

Visual success benefits

With Visual Success, you can:

  • View flight progress, delivery, performance, and margin
  • Scan for problems using easy-to-read data visualizations
  • Keep track of how well line items are pacing to goals
  • Hover over the visuals to see specific data for a single day

Visual Success features appear at the top of the Insertion Order Details screen. The the metrics sections and graphs show important information about the insertion order's flight, delivery, performance and margin.

To learn more, see Improve Performance with Visual Success.

Viewing associated line items

By default, the Line Items section is collapsed. Expand the section to view a list of line items associated to the insertion order. You can edit an associated line item by clicking the edit button for that line item. You can also navigate to the View Line Item Details by clicking the graph button for that line item.

Viewing analytics graphs

By default, the Analytics section is collapsed. Expand the section to view graphs that help you visualize the impressions served, media cost spent, revenue earned, and profit (revenue - media cost) made for this insertion order over the last 14 days. When the insertion order has a daily budget or a lifetime budget and a flight end date, the Impressions or Revenue graph shows you the impressions/revenue budgeted for each day so that you can compare the actual and budgeted amounts.

Analytics metrics are in U.S. Eastern time and are delayed by approximately 2 hours, a bit less of a delay than for quickstats.

You can hover over the columns (actual count) and, when available, data points (budgeted count) to see exact metrics for each day.

Viewing sibling insertion orders

You can view the other insertion orders under the same advertiser in the sibling insertion order list at the side of the screen. You can click on any line item in the list to go to the Insertion Order Details screen for that line item. The slider at the side of the screen allows you to expand and adjust the view.

Reporting on the insertion order

To run a report for the insertion order, go to the Advertisers drop-down and click Reporting.

This takes you to the Advertiser Reporting screen, where you can select to run an Analytics, Site Domain Performance, Attributed Conversions, or Creative Frequency & Recency report. For further information about these reports, see Advertiser Reporting.