ExceptionHandlingClause Clase


Representa una cláusula de un bloque de control de excepciones estructurado.

public ref class ExceptionHandlingClause
public ref class ExceptionHandlingClause sealed
public class ExceptionHandlingClause
public sealed class ExceptionHandlingClause
public class ExceptionHandlingClause
type ExceptionHandlingClause = class
type ExceptionHandlingClause = class
Public Class ExceptionHandlingClause
Public NotInheritable Class ExceptionHandlingClause


En el ejemplo de código siguiente se define un método de prueba denominado MethodBodyExampley se muestra su información de variable local y las cláusulas de control de excepciones. El MethodBase.GetMethodBody método se usa para obtener un MethodBody objeto para el método de prueba. La ExceptionHandlingClauses propiedad se usa para obtener una lista de ExceptionHandlingClause objetos y mostrar sus propiedades.

Puede usar Ildasm.exe para examinar el MSIL del ejemplo de código compilado para ver cómo se calculan los desplazamientos y las longitudes.

Este código forma parte de un ejemplo más grande ubicado en el tema de clase MethodBody .

#using <System.dll>

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Reflection;

public ref class Example
    // The Main method contains code to analyze this method, using
    // the properties and methods of the MethodBody class.
    void MethodBodyExample(Object^ arg)
        // Define some local variables. In addition to these variables,
        // the local variable list includes the variables scoped to 
        // the catch clauses.
        int var1 = 42;
        String^ var2 = "Forty-two";

            // Depending on the input value, throw an ArgumentException or 
            // an ArgumentNullException to test the Catch clauses.
            if (arg == nullptr)
                throw gcnew ArgumentNullException("The argument cannot " +
                    "be null.");
            if (arg->GetType() == String::typeid)
                throw gcnew ArgumentException("The argument cannot " + 
                    "be a string.");

        // There is no Filter clause in this code example. See the Visual 
        // Basic code for an example of a Filter clause.

        // This catch clause handles the ArgumentException class, and
        // any other class derived from Exception.
        catch (ArgumentException^ ex)
            Console::WriteLine("Ordinary exception-handling clause caught:" +
                " {0}", ex->GetType());
            var1 = 3033;
            var2 = "Another string.";

int main()
    // Get method body information.
    MethodInfo^ mi = 

    MethodBody^ mb = mi->GetMethodBody();
    Console::WriteLine("\r\nMethod: {0}", mi);

    // Display the general information included in the 
    // MethodBody object.
    Console::WriteLine("    Local variables are initialized: {0}", 
    Console::WriteLine("    Maximum number of items on the operand " +
        "stack: {0}", mb->MaxStackSize);
using System;
using System.Reflection;

public class Example
    public static void Main()
        // Get method body information.
        MethodInfo mi = typeof(Example).GetMethod("MethodBodyExample");
        MethodBody mb = mi.GetMethodBody();
        Console.WriteLine("\r\nMethod: {0}", mi);

        // Display the general information included in the
        // MethodBody object.
        Console.WriteLine("    Local variables are initialized: {0}",
        Console.WriteLine("    Maximum number of items on the operand stack: {0}",
Imports System.Reflection

Public Class Example

    Public Shared Sub Main()

        ' Demonstrate the effect of the Visual Basic When keyword, which
        ' generates a Filter clause in the Try block.
        Dim e As New Example()
        e.MethodBodyExample("String argument")

        ' Get method body information.
        Dim mi As MethodInfo = _
        Dim mb As MethodBody = mi.GetMethodBody()
        Console.WriteLine(vbCrLf & "Method: {0}", mi)

        ' Display the general information included in the 
        ' MethodBody object.
        Console.WriteLine("    Local variables are initialized: {0}", _
        Console.WriteLine("    Maximum number of items on the operand stack: {0}", _

// Display exception handling clauses.
for each(ExceptionHandlingClause^ exhc in mb->ExceptionHandlingClauses)

    // The FilterOffset property is meaningful only for Filter
    // clauses. The CatchType property is not meaningful for 
    // Filter or Finally clauses. 
    case ExceptionHandlingClauseOptions::Filter:
        Console::WriteLine("        Filter Offset: {0}", 
    case ExceptionHandlingClauseOptions::Finally:
        Console::WriteLine("    Type of exception: {0}", 

    Console::WriteLine("       Handler Length: {0}",
    Console::WriteLine("       Handler Offset: {0}", 
    Console::WriteLine("     Try Block Length: {0}", exhc->TryLength);
    Console::WriteLine("     Try Block Offset: {0}", exhc->TryOffset);

// Display exception handling clauses.
foreach (ExceptionHandlingClause ehc in mb.ExceptionHandlingClauses)

    // The FilterOffset property is meaningful only for Filter
    // clauses. The CatchType property is not meaningful for
    // Filter or Finally clauses.
    switch (ehc.Flags)
        case ExceptionHandlingClauseOptions.Filter:
            Console.WriteLine("        Filter Offset: {0}",
        case ExceptionHandlingClauseOptions.Finally:
            Console.WriteLine("    Type of exception: {0}",

    Console.WriteLine("       Handler Length: {0}", ehc.HandlerLength);
    Console.WriteLine("       Handler Offset: {0}", ehc.HandlerOffset);
    Console.WriteLine("     Try Block Length: {0}", ehc.TryLength);
    Console.WriteLine("     Try Block Offset: {0}", ehc.TryOffset);

' Display exception handling clauses.
For Each ehc As ExceptionHandlingClause In mb.ExceptionHandlingClauses

    ' The FilterOffset property is meaningful only for Filter
    ' clauses. The CatchType property is not meaningful for 
    ' Filter or Finally clauses. 
    Select Case ehc.Flags
        Case ExceptionHandlingClauseOptions.Filter
            Console.WriteLine("        Filter Offset: {0}", _
        Case ExceptionHandlingClauseOptions.Finally
        Case Else
            Console.WriteLine("    Type of exception: {0}", _
    End Select

    Console.WriteLine("       Handler Length: {0}", ehc.HandlerLength)
    Console.WriteLine("       Handler Offset: {0}", ehc.HandlerOffset)
    Console.WriteLine("     Try Block Length: {0}", ehc.TryLength)
    Console.WriteLine("     Try Block Offset: {0}", ehc.TryOffset)
    // The Main method contains code to analyze this method, using
    // the properties and methods of the MethodBody class.
    void MethodBodyExample(Object^ arg)
        // Define some local variables. In addition to these variables,
        // the local variable list includes the variables scoped to 
        // the catch clauses.
        int var1 = 42;
        String^ var2 = "Forty-two";

            // Depending on the input value, throw an ArgumentException or 
            // an ArgumentNullException to test the Catch clauses.
            if (arg == nullptr)
                throw gcnew ArgumentNullException("The argument cannot " +
                    "be null.");
            if (arg->GetType() == String::typeid)
                throw gcnew ArgumentException("The argument cannot " + 
                    "be a string.");

        // There is no Filter clause in this code example. See the Visual 
        // Basic code for an example of a Filter clause.

        // This catch clause handles the ArgumentException class, and
        // any other class derived from Exception.
        catch (ArgumentException^ ex)
            Console::WriteLine("Ordinary exception-handling clause caught:" +
                " {0}", ex->GetType());
            var1 = 3033;
            var2 = "Another string.";

    // The Main method contains code to analyze this method, using
    // the properties and methods of the MethodBody class.
    public void MethodBodyExample(object arg)
        // Define some local variables. In addition to these variables,
        // the local variable list includes the variables scoped to
        // the catch clauses.
        int var1 = 42;
        string var2 = "Forty-two";

            // Depending on the input value, throw an ArgumentException or
            // an ArgumentNullException to test the Catch clauses.
            if (arg == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("The argument cannot be null.");
            if (arg.GetType() == typeof(string))
                throw new ArgumentException("The argument cannot be a string.");

        // This filter clause selects only exceptions that derive
        // from the ArgumentException class.
        // Other exceptions, including ArgumentException itself,
        // are not handled by this filter clause.
        catch (ArgumentException ex) when (ex.GetType().IsSubclassOf(typeof(ArgumentException)))
            Console.WriteLine("Filter clause caught: {0}", ex.GetType());

        // This catch clause handles the ArgumentException class, and
        // any other class derived from Exception.
        catch(Exception ex)
            Console.WriteLine("Ordinary exception-handling clause caught: {0}",
            var1 = 3033;
            var2 = "Another string.";

// This code example produces output similar to the following:
//Method: Void MethodBodyExample(System.Object)
//    Local variables are initialized: True
//    Maximum number of items on the operand stack: 2
    End Sub

    ' This test method is executed at the beginning of Main, to show
    ' how the Filter clause works. The Filter clause is generated by 
    ' a Visual Basic When expression. If arg is Nothing, this method
    ' throws ArgumentNullException, which is caught by the filter
    ' clause. If arg is a string, the method throws ArgumentException,
    ' which does not match the filter clause.
    ' Sub Main also contains code to analyze this method, using 
    ' the properties and methods of the MethodBody class.
    Public Sub MethodBodyExample(ByVal arg As Object)

        ' Define some local variables. In addition to these variables,
        ' the local variable list includes the variables scoped to 
        ' the catch clauses.
        Dim var1 As Integer = 42
        Dim var2 As String = "Forty-two"

            ' Depending on the input value, throw an ArgumentException or 
            ' an ArgumentNullException to test the Catch clauses.
            If arg Is Nothing Then
                Throw New ArgumentNullException("The argument cannot be Nothing.")
            End If
            If arg.GetType() Is GetType(String) Then
                Throw New ArgumentException("The argument cannot be a string.")
            End If
        ' The When expression makes this a filter clause. The expression 
        ' selects only exceptions that derive from the ArgumentException
        ' class. Other exceptions, including ArgumentException itself, 
        ' are not handled by this filter clause.
        Catch ex As ArgumentException _
            When ex.GetType().IsSubclassOf(GetType(ArgumentException))

            Console.WriteLine("Filter clause caught: {0}", ex.GetType())
        ' This catch clause handles the ArgumentException class, and
        ' any other class derived from Exception.
        Catch ex As Exception
            Console.WriteLine("Ordinary exception-handling clause caught: {0}", _

            var1 = 3033
            var2 = "Another string."
        End Try
    End Sub
End Class

' This code example produces output similar to the following:
'Ordinary exception-handling clause caught: System.ArgumentException
'Filter clause caught: System.ArgumentNullException
'Method: Void MethodBodyExample(System.Object)
'    Local variables are initialized: True
'    Maximum number of items on the operand stack: 3
//    Type of exception: System.ArgumentException
//       Handler Length: 29
//       Handler Offset: 78
//     Try Block Length: 65
//     Try Block Offset: 13
//       Handler Length: 13
//       Handler Offset: 113
//     Try Block Length: 100
//     Try Block Offset: 13
//      Filter Offset: 71
//      Handler Length: 23
//      Handler Offset: 116
//      Try Block Length: 61
//      Try Block Offset: 10
//    Type of exception: System.Exception
//       Handler Length: 21
//       Handler Offset: 70
//     Try Block Length: 61
//     Try Block Offset: 9
//       Handler Length: 14
//       Handler Offset: 94
//     Try Block Length: 85
//     Try Block Offset: 9
'        Filter Offset: 0
'       Handler Length: 19
'       Handler Offset: 99
'     Try Block Length: 45
'     Try Block Offset: 9
'    Type of exception: System.Exception
'       Handler Length: 25
'       Handler Offset: 118
'     Try Block Length: 45
'     Try Block Offset: 9
'       Handler Length: 13
'       Handler Offset: 153
'     Try Block Length: 144
'     Try Block Offset: 9


La ExceptionHandlingClause clase proporciona información sobre las cláusulas de un tryobjeto ...catch... finally block (Try...Catch...Finally en Visual Basic). Para obtener una lista de cláusulas de control de excepciones en un método, obtenga un MethodInfo que represente el método . Use el GetMethodBody método para obtener un MethodBody objeto y, a continuación, use la ExceptionHandlingClauses propiedad para obtener la lista de cláusulas.


Trabajar con cláusulas de control de excepciones requiere un conocimiento exhaustivo de los metadatos y los formatos de instrucción del lenguaje intermedio de Microsoft (MSIL). Puede encontrar información en la documentación de Common Language Infrastructure (CLI), especialmente "Partición II: Definición de metadatos y semántica".



Inicializa una nueva instancia de la clase ExceptionHandlingClause.



Obtiene el tipo de excepción controlado por esta cláusula.


Obtiene el desplazamiento dentro del cuerpo del método, en bytes, del código de filtro proporcionado por el usuario.


Obtiene un valor que indica si esta cláusula de control de excepciones es una cláusula finally, una cláusula filtrada por tipo o una cláusula filtrada por usuario.


Obtiene la longitud, en bytes, del cuerpo de esta cláusula de control de excepciones.


Obtiene el desplazamiento dentro del cuerpo del método, en bytes, de esta cláusula de control de excepciones.


Longitud total, en bytes, del bloque Try que incluye esta cláusula de control de excepciones.


Desplazamiento dentro del método, en bytes, del bloque Try que incluye esta cláusula de control de excepciones.



Determina si el objeto especificado es igual que el objeto actual.

(Heredado de Object)

Sirve como la función hash predeterminada.

(Heredado de Object)

Obtiene el Type de la instancia actual.

(Heredado de Object)

Crea una copia superficial del Object actual.

(Heredado de Object)

Representación de cadena de la cláusula de control de excepciones.

Se aplica a

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