StrongNameIdentityPermission.ToXml Método


Crea una codificación XML del permiso y su estado actual.

 override System::Security::SecurityElement ^ ToXml();
public override System.Security.SecurityElement ToXml ();
override this.ToXml : unit -> System.Security.SecurityElement
Public Overrides Function ToXml () As SecurityElement


Codificación XML del permiso, incluida cualquier información de estado.


En el ejemplo de código siguiente se muestra el comportamiento del ToXml método .


El ejemplo de código está pensado para mostrar el comportamiento del método, no para demostrar su uso. En general, la infraestructura de seguridad utiliza los métodos de las clases de permisos; normalmente no se usan en aplicaciones.

    // ToXml creates an XML encoding of the permission and its current state;
    //FromXml reconstructs a permission with the specified state from the XML encoding.
    bool ToFromXmlDemo()
        bool returnValue = true;
        StrongNameIdentityPermission^ snIdPerm1;
        StrongNameIdentityPermission^ snIdPerm2;
        snIdPerm1 = gcnew StrongNameIdentityPermission(blob, "MyCompany.MyDepartment.*", gcnew Version(""));    
        snIdPerm2 = gcnew StrongNameIdentityPermission(PermissionState::None);
        Console::WriteLine("Result of ToFromXml = " + snIdPerm2->ToString() + "\n");

        return returnValue;

// ToXml creates an XML encoding of the permission and its current state;
//FromXml reconstructs a permission with the specified state from the XML encoding.
private bool ToFromXmlDemo()

    bool returnValue = true;

    StrongNameIdentityPermission snIdPerm1, snIdPerm2;

    snIdPerm1 = new StrongNameIdentityPermission(blob, "MyCompany.MyDepartment.*", new Version(""));    
    snIdPerm2 = new StrongNameIdentityPermission(PermissionState.None);
    Console.WriteLine("Result of ToFromXml = " + snIdPerm2.ToString() + "\n");

    return returnValue;
' ToXml creates an XML encoding of the permission and its current state;
'FromXml reconstructs a permission with the specified state from the XML encoding.
Private Function ToFromXmlDemo() As Boolean 
    Dim returnValue As Boolean = True
    Dim snIdPerm1, snIdPerm2 As StrongNameIdentityPermission
    snIdPerm1 = New StrongNameIdentityPermission(blob, "MyCompany.MyDepartment.*", New Version(""))
    snIdPerm2 = New StrongNameIdentityPermission(PermissionState.None)
    Console.WriteLine("Result of ToFromXml = " + snIdPerm2.ToString() + vbLf)
    Return returnValue

End Function 'ToFromXmlDemo


Normalmente, el código de aplicación no usa este método.

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