XDocumentType.InternalSubset Propiedad


Obtiene o establece el subconjunto interno de esta definición de tipo de documento (DTD).

 property System::String ^ InternalSubset { System::String ^ get(); void set(System::String ^ value); };
public string InternalSubset { get; set; }
public string? InternalSubset { get; set; }
member this.InternalSubset : string with get, set
Public Property InternalSubset As String

Valor de propiedad


String que contiene el subconjunto interno de esta definición de tipo de documento (DTD).


En el ejemplo siguiente se crea un documento con un DTD que contiene un subconjunto interno.

string internalSubset = @"<!ELEMENT Pubs (Book+)>  
<!ELEMENT Book (Title, Author)>  
<!ELEMENT Title (#PCDATA)>  
<!ELEMENT Author (#PCDATA)>";  

string target = "xml-stylesheet";  
string data = "href=\"mystyle.css\" title=\"Compact\" type=\"text/css\"";  

XDocument doc = new XDocument(  
    new XComment("This is a comment."),  
    new XProcessingInstruction(target, data),  
    new XDocumentType("Pubs", null, null, internalSubset),  
    new XElement("Pubs",   
        new XElement("Book",  
            new XElement("Title", "Artifacts of Roman Civilization"),  
            new XElement("Author", "Moreno, Jordao")  
        new XElement("Book",  
            new XElement("Title", "Midieval Tools and Implements"),  
            new XElement("Author", "Gazit, Inbar")  
    new XComment("This is another comment.")  
doc.Declaration = new XDeclaration("1.0", "utf-8", "true");  

Dim internalSubset = _  
    "<!ELEMENT Pubs (Book+)>" & Environment.NewLine & _  
    "<!ELEMENT Book (Title, Author)>" & Environment.NewLine & _  
    "<!ELEMENT Title (#PCDATA)>" & Environment.NewLine & _  
    "<!ELEMENT Author (#PCDATA)>"  

Dim doc As XDocument = _  
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>  
    <!--This is a comment.-->  
    <?xml-stylesheet href='mystyle.css' title='Compact' type='text/css'?>  
            <Title>Artifacts of Roman Civilization</Title>  
            <Author>Moreno, Jordao</Author>  
            <Title>Midieval Tools and Implements</Title>  
            <Author>Gazit, Inbar</Author>  
    <!--This is another comment.-->  

doc.FirstNode.AddAfterSelf(new XDocumentType("Pubs", Nothing, Nothing, internalSubset))  


Este ejemplo produce el siguiente resultado:

<!ELEMENT Pubs (Book+)>  
<!ELEMENT Book (Title, Author)>  
<!ELEMENT Title (#PCDATA)>  
<!ELEMENT Author (#PCDATA)>  

Se aplica a

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