ReplicationDatabase.EnumReplicationTables Method

Returns all user-defined table objects in the database.

Espacio de nombres: Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication
Ensamblado: Microsoft.SqlServer.Rmo (in microsoft.sqlserver.rmo.dll)


Public Function EnumReplicationTables As ArrayList
public ArrayList EnumReplicationTables ()
ArrayList^ EnumReplicationTables ()
public ArrayList EnumReplicationTables ()
public function EnumReplicationTables () : ArrayList

Valor devuelto

An ArrayList of ReplicationTable objects.


Tipo de excepción Condición

When the database does not exist.


The EnumReplicationTables method can only be called by members of the sysadmin fixed server role and members of the db_owner fixed database role.

This namespace, class, or member is supported only in version 2.0 of the .NET Framework.

Seguridad para subprocesos

Any public static (Shared in Microsoft Visual Basic) members of this type are thread safe. Any instance members are not guaranteed to be thread safe.


Plataformas de desarrollo

Para obtener una lista de las plataformas compatibles, vea Requisitos de hardware y software para instalar SQL Server 2005.

Plataformas de destino

Para obtener una lista de las plataformas compatibles, vea Requisitos de hardware y software para instalar SQL Server 2005.

Vea también


ReplicationDatabase Class
ReplicationDatabase Members
Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication Namespace