ServiceClient.StagingClear Método

Clears the bulk staging area.

Espacio de nombres:  Microsoft.MasterDataServices
Ensamblado:  Microsoft.MasterDataServices (en Microsoft.MasterDataServices.dll)


Public Function StagingClear ( _
    International As International, _
    Batches As Collection(Of Identifier), _
    <OutAttribute> ByRef BatchesQueuedToClearCount As Integer, _
    <OutAttribute> ByRef MemberRecordsClearedCount As Integer, _
    <OutAttribute> ByRef OperationResult As OperationResult, _
    <OutAttribute> ByRef RelationshipRecordsClearedCount As Integer _
) As Integer
Dim instance As ServiceClient
Dim International As International
Dim Batches As Collection(Of Identifier)
Dim BatchesQueuedToClearCount As Integer
Dim MemberRecordsClearedCount As Integer
Dim OperationResult As OperationResult
Dim RelationshipRecordsClearedCount As Integer
Dim returnValue As Integer

returnValue = instance.StagingClear(International, _
    Batches, BatchesQueuedToClearCount, _
    MemberRecordsClearedCount, OperationResult, _
public int StagingClear(
    International International,
    Collection<Identifier> Batches,
    out int BatchesQueuedToClearCount,
    out int MemberRecordsClearedCount,
    out OperationResult OperationResult,
    out int RelationshipRecordsClearedCount
int StagingClear(
    International^ International, 
    Collection<Identifier^>^ Batches, 
    [OutAttribute] int% BatchesQueuedToClearCount, 
    [OutAttribute] int% MemberRecordsClearedCount, 
    [OutAttribute] OperationResult^% OperationResult, 
    [OutAttribute] int% RelationshipRecordsClearedCount
member StagingClear : 
        International:International * 
        Batches:Collection<Identifier> * 
        BatchesQueuedToClearCount:int byref * 
        MemberRecordsClearedCount:int byref * 
        OperationResult:OperationResult byref * 
        RelationshipRecordsClearedCount:int byref -> int
public function StagingClear(
    International : International, 
    Batches : Collection<Identifier>, 
    BatchesQueuedToClearCount : int, 
    MemberRecordsClearedCount : int, 
    OperationResult : OperationResult, 
    RelationshipRecordsClearedCount : int
) : int


  • BatchesQueuedToClearCount
    Tipo: System.Int32%
    When this method returns, contains the number of batches queued to clear. This parameter is passed uninitialized.
  • MemberRecordsClearedCount
    Tipo: System.Int32%
    When this method returns, contains the number of member records cleared. This parameter is passed uninitialized.
  • RelationshipRecordsClearedCount
    Tipo: System.Int32%
    When this method returns, contains the number of relationship records cleared. This parameter is passed uninitialized.

Valor devuelto

Tipo: System.Int32
The unique integer identifier that identifies the batch.

Vea también


ServiceClient Clase

Espacio de nombres Microsoft.MasterDataServices