ServiceClient.EntityMemberKeyLookup Método

Esta característica se quitará en la versión siguiente de Microsoft SQL Server. No utilice esta característica en nuevos trabajos de desarrollo y modifique lo antes posible las aplicaciones que actualmente la utilizan.

Espacio de nombres:  Microsoft.MasterDataServices
Ensamblado:  Microsoft.MasterDataServices (en Microsoft.MasterDataServices.dll)


Public Function EntityMemberKeyLookup ( _
    International As International, _
    EntityId As Identifier, _
    LookupType As MemberKeyLookupType, _
    ByRef MemberKeys As Collection(Of MemberKey), _
    MemberType As MemberType, _
    ModelId As Identifier, _
    VersionId As Identifier _
) As OperationResult
Dim instance As ServiceClient
Dim International As International
Dim EntityId As Identifier
Dim LookupType As MemberKeyLookupType
Dim MemberKeys As Collection(Of MemberKey)
Dim MemberType As MemberType
Dim ModelId As Identifier
Dim VersionId As Identifier
Dim returnValue As OperationResult

returnValue = instance.EntityMemberKeyLookup(International, _
    EntityId, LookupType, MemberKeys, _
    MemberType, ModelId, VersionId)
public OperationResult EntityMemberKeyLookup(
    International International,
    Identifier EntityId,
    MemberKeyLookupType LookupType,
    ref Collection<MemberKey> MemberKeys,
    MemberType MemberType,
    Identifier ModelId,
    Identifier VersionId
OperationResult^ EntityMemberKeyLookup(
    International^ International, 
    Identifier^ EntityId, 
    MemberKeyLookupType LookupType, 
    Collection<MemberKey^>^% MemberKeys, 
    MemberType MemberType, 
    Identifier^ ModelId, 
    Identifier^ VersionId
member EntityMemberKeyLookup : 
        International:International * 
        EntityId:Identifier * 
        LookupType:MemberKeyLookupType * 
        MemberKeys:Collection<MemberKey> byref * 
        MemberType:MemberType * 
        ModelId:Identifier * 
        VersionId:Identifier -> OperationResult
public function EntityMemberKeyLookup(
    International : International, 
    EntityId : Identifier, 
    LookupType : MemberKeyLookupType, 
    MemberKeys : Collection<MemberKey>, 
    MemberType : MemberType, 
    ModelId : Identifier, 
    VersionId : Identifier
) : OperationResult


Valor devuelto

Tipo: Microsoft.MasterDataServices.OperationResult
An OperationResult object that represents the result of the operation.

Vea también


ServiceClient Clase

Espacio de nombres Microsoft.MasterDataServices