Adventures of an aspiring agile developer in a not-quite agile world

One step past Assert.Throws<>

If you’re not using xUnit (and you should be), at least consider adopting the practices they have...

Date: 07/29/2008

Can you take the single responsibility principle too far?

This morning, I had a conversation with a colleague of mine who has recently started using EDD about...

Date: 03/28/2008

Gatineau Beta upgrade goes live!

The main reason for my lack of blogs posts recently has been the final push to get Gatineau...

Date: 03/04/2008

XAML : XAMLPad :: LINQ : ?

One of my teammates just sent a link to LINQPad, a small application written by the authors of C#...

Date: 11/19/2007

Now you can fool your xUnit tests

Back in the 'early days' of xUnit, I posted an example of how to use the BeforeAfterTestAttribute to...

Date: 11/12/2007

Task Parallel Library goes public

If you're interested in taking advantage of multiple processors and code in .NET with a minimal...

Date: 10/18/2007

The cool stuff is starting to surface (introducing Graffiti)

It's been tough not being able to write about anything that we work on here in Dublin, but slowly...

Date: 10/18/2007

Come join us!

Our team here in Dublin has launched a recruiting site at It's...

Date: 10/16/2007

ReSharper and

Those of you who have switched over to xUnit.Net may have a received a nasty surprise with the 'type...

Date: 10/03/2007

Weaving with

There has been mixed reaction to the removal of [SetUp] and [TearDown] in Personally, I...

Date: 09/27/2007

Faking out [PrincipalPermission]

Depending on how your unit tests are setup, you may not be running as the proper user and won't have...

Date: 09/26/2007 goes live!

NUnit is dead! Long live! There are several cool features, including aspect-like...

Date: 09/21/2007

Dropping multiple tables in SQL Server 2005

I'm currently working on a project that has a Cache database that stores query results, and so...

Date: 09/19/2007

The one where Toby finds a dependency injection container

Toby is less than happy. Due to some unforeseen circumstances, he recently lost all the code he'd...

Date: 09/10/2007

Toby and the loss of domain knowledge

One morning, as Toby is drinking his cup of hot water, a thought strikes him - did the acceptance...

Date: 09/02/2007

Toby and the mega-class deletion

So it's become obvious that having a large, all-encompassing EDMSystem class was probably not the...

Date: 09/01/2007

Toby and the step backwards

Being passionate about anything can have its drawbacks; in my zeal to give inside-out development a...

Date: 09/01/2007

Toby and the complete stab in the dark

During my rather long wait for the plane in Dublin this morning, I had the opportunity to revisit...

Date: 08/30/2007

Trying out Behave#

One of the neat things I saw at the Agile conference was a short demo of RSpec and RBehave....

Date: 08/30/2007

Agile 2007 - Design sense

Yesterday afternoon I attended a workshop held by Michael Feathers and Emmanuel Gaillot called...

Date: 08/17/2007

Words I learned at Agile 2007

Agilitization Robustification Administrivia

Date: 08/17/2007

Agile 2007 - Metaprogramming in Ruby

This morning's I went to a session called 'Ruby's Secret Sauce: Metaprogramming'. It was interactive...

Date: 08/15/2007

Agile 2007 - Day two

This morning was Paul King's presentation on 'Agile Developer Practices for Dynamic Languages.'...

Date: 08/14/2007

Agile 2007 - Shout Kata

Yesterday afternoon I attended Emmanuel Gaillot's 'Shout Kata' session - programming a full...

Date: 08/14/2007

The way of Testivus

I apologise for the lack of updates on Tony's adventures—we have been busy doing integration work...

Date: 08/09/2007

The mess that mocks can make

Aside: I guess this post is really about mock frameworks rather than mocks, but I didn't want to...

Date: 07/13/2007

Bubble Factory Silverlight game

Vincent Vergonjeanne, an extremely smart developer who used to code games for mobile devices in a...

Date: 07/12/2007

Toby's perfect day

I glossed over an important point at the end of my last post when estimating the user stories. Toby...

Date: 06/21/2007

A small mix-up

A colleague of mine was reading through Toby's adventures and asked why, in the name of all that is...

Date: 06/21/2007

Toby goes on vacation

Well, actually I'm going on vacation :) The adventures of Toby will continue in about two weeks when...

Date: 06/06/2007

+1 to the Developer Express guys

I've been a happy user of Refactor! Pro for a little while now, and recently installed the newest...

Date: 06/06/2007

Toby and the user stories

With the end of his first week rapidly approaching, Toby resolves to come up with some sort of...

Date: 06/06/2007

Windows Live Writer Beta 2 available

A nice update to a very solid little application was released a few days ago. You can grab the...

Date: 06/05/2007

Toby's first few days

During his brief 'vacation' from work, Toby got a chance to do some reading and is psyched to try...

Date: 06/05/2007

Toby and the company's EDM

Once upon a time, there was a man named Joe who worked as a document controller for a large...

Date: 06/05/2007

Treading on thin ice

I wasn't sure if I should comment on this, but the power of Agile and good programming compel me. I...

Date: 06/02/2007

They're at it again

Two of the smartest guys I know, Brad and Scott, are making some pretty cool changes to...

Date: 06/02/2007

It's easier to be critical than correct

If you want to make a name for yourself these days in the blog-o-sphere, there's a simple formula:...

Date: 05/28/2007

Extension methods are gonna be fun!

So I've had a (very) small amount of time to play around with Orcas and Silverlight, but some of the...

Date: 05/23/2007

I guess I'm in the OO guild

Actually, I was in <Lithe> for a while, but I haven't played WoW in a good long time. I just...

Date: 05/09/2007

It's how you use the medium

Every few years someone rails against PowerPoint, but of course what they're really complaining...

Date: 04/10/2007

EE/TwC presentation

Last Tuesday I gave a presentation for the Engineering Excellence / Trustworty Computing day here in...

Date: 04/10/2007

Unit testing moving to VS Pro!

Due to popular demand, the unit testing features normally found only in Visual Studio Team System...

Date: 03/28/2007

The journey to CeBIT

You would think that flying from Dublin to Hanover would be a simple thing. After all, you can get...

Date: 03/27/2007

Builders and factories and objects, oh my!

(I wrote this about three weeks ago and never got a chance to post it. Luckily there's a small lull...

Date: 03/13/2007

Spreading the word far and wide

On Feb. 7th, we had a onsite technical university event here at the EPDC 5 building in Dublin. I was...

Date: 03/12/2007

The occasional difficulty with being a proper developer

As children, we're often taught the "proper" way to do a task. Usually the advice is promptly...

Date: 02/06/2007

Keyboard Layout Creator 1.4

The man of a thousand Unicode characters, Michael Kaplan, recently blogged about the new version of...

Date: 02/01/2007

Well it's almost the word for 'cake'

Looks like one of our planners, Ian, has posted a bit of information on Gatineau, the project my...

Date: 01/12/2007
