Azure Monitor Action Groups - New Action Group creation fails with "Failed to create or update action group"

Azure Monitor now uses Action Groups as the notification delivery system for various kind of alerts like Activity Log Alerts, Near Real Time Metrics etc.

This blog intends to address a common issue faced while creating a new Action Group. The notification error message on Azure portal could be one of the following depending the options chosen in the Action Group.


Create or update action group Failed to create or update action group 'DevOpsActionGroup'.
Error 'EmailAddressIsNotValid'


Create or update action group
Failed to create or update action group 'DevOpsActionGroup'. Error CountryCodeIsNullOrEmpty'


Create or update action group
‎Failed to create or update action group 'DevOpsGroup'. Error 'WebhookServiceUriIsNotValid'

The most common cause so far has been users entering the data in the wrong fields. The observed pattern is mostly the Name and Details column entries getting mixed up. Below are the examples of the correct and incorrect entry for each of the Action Type.




The Action Group documentation /en-us/azure/monitoring-and-diagnostics/monitoring-action-groups also details what to use in the fields in step 7.

Hope this blogs helps you getting your Action Group set up successfully and benefiting from the rich monitoring platform provided by Azure Monitor.