Learn. Teach. Share.

John P Alioto's blog.

Customize a Windows Phone 7 Live Tile

Windows Phone 7 “Mango” adds a lot of great new features to Live Tiles. An app can now...

Date: 08/30/2011

Hello Windows Phone OS (codenamed “Mango”)

Perhaps you’ve heard already about Windows Phone OS (codenamed “Mango”)? Here is a...

Date: 04/13/2011

Windows 7 slate PCs Part 2

Last time, I gave some motivation and context for this series and discussed a couple of...

Date: 03/18/2011

Windows 7 slate PCs Part 1

I’ve been working on these things quite a bit …   We call them “slates” … specifically Windows...

Date: 03/16/2011

Access to Windows Phone 7 Camera Roll from a Silverlight App …

Or “Why is my RootPictureAlbum null?” Download the code for this example. In order to get...

Date: 01/28/2011

Outlook 2010 Plain Text Folder …

Download Source A customer asked me recently “I would like to see a plain text version of selected...

Date: 01/02/2011

Cloud Economics … You’re Fired!

We just published a great paper on the Economics of the Cloud.  It does a very thorough...

Date: 12/08/2010

Why does your Windows Phone 7 app need access to my phone calls?

If you’ve been playing around in the Windows Phone 7 marketplace or downloading apps to your...

Date: 11/08/2010

Windows Phone 7 Development Tools RTM …

If you’ve been using the beta tools to develop for Windows Phone 7, you’ve had to do...

Date: 09/16/2010

Do you know about Microsoft Research Audio Video Indexing System?

MAVIS uses speech-recognition to enable searching audio and video content.  You can check it...

Date: 09/01/2010

Categorizing the Cloud Part 2: Where does my business fit?

Last time we discussed various categorizations of the cloud and determined that there were three...

Date: 08/25/2010

Categorizing the Cloud …

I’ve been thinking about the Cloud a lot lately.  I’ve also been talking to a lot of customers...

Date: 08/16/2010

Some Windows Phone 7 Previews …

Some interesting and in-depth WP7 Previews hit the wire today. Check them out!...

Date: 07/19/2010

Absolutely No Excuse!

We work in a field populated by brilliant people.  But, like any field, it is also populated by...

Date: 06/09/2010

Hello World v.s. the Twitter App

I’ve been to two separate technology demonstrations lately wherein the presenter has eschewed the...

Date: 06/07/2010

Do you know about Seadragon?

Seadragon enables smooth browsing of images as well as Deep Zoom experiences.  It’s the power...

Date: 06/03/2010

Do you know about SkyDrive?

Over the past few days, I have done a completely unscientific survey about SkyDrive.  This test...

Date: 06/02/2010

Trusting your gut …

I’ve worked with a lot of guys with gray hair in my career.  And by “guys with gray hair”, I...

Date: 05/27/2010

Set specific port for ASP.NET Development Server …

Just a quick tip … if you get tired of the ASP.NET Development Server (the HTTP Server...

Date: 05/26/2010

Good Azure sites …

Check out AzureScope. It’s got some good best practices, benchmarks and some small code...

Date: 05/25/2010

MSDN Looks Different (Who Moved My Cheese?)

I’ve recently been having a Who Moved My Cheese issue with MSDN.  Pages seem to have a new...

Date: 05/10/2010

Do you know about Photosynth?

I didn’t until a friend pointed it out to me at the Web 2.0 Expo today.  Photosynth let’s you...

Date: 05/05/2010

Some tools I highly recommend …

All are free or relatively inexpensive (the ones with a license fee are well worth it).  Most...

Date: 05/04/2010

Do you know about the Visual Studio Extension Manager?

I didn’t until I saw the great Scott Hanselman talk about it during DevDays 10 NL.  It’s under...

Date: 05/03/2010

Architecture Explorer and DGML videos ...

Check out these videos on DGML and the Architecture Explorer. Really well done and informative.

Date: 05/02/2010

Bay.NET User Group

I attended a meeting of the Bay.NET User Group last night. There were some great lightning...

Date: 04/22/2010

Azure Skittles Part 5

Last time, we got our Worker Role pulling from our Queue. Now, let’s take a look at debugging and...

Date: 04/20/2010

Azure Skittles Part 4

Last time, we got our worker role up and running. This time, we will feed him. WPF Application We...

Date: 04/20/2010

Azure Skittles Part 3

Last time, we got our service up and running. This time we will jump in and write some code. Web...

Date: 04/20/2010

Azure Skittles Part 2

Last time, we did all the setup work necessary to get our Azure Skittles project up and running....

Date: 04/20/2010

Azure Skittles Part 1

This skittles game is a very simple walkthrough of creating and debugging a Windows Azure...

Date: 04/20/2010

Passion for Technology

It’s important in life to have a passion for what you do. Passion for your craft forms a guiding...

Date: 04/20/2010

Learn. Teach. Share.

I love to learn. That’s why I’m here. Every day I am learning about technology and the...

Date: 04/20/2010


I’m a new employee at Microsoft. I live in Northern California with my wife, my two kids and my...

Date: 04/20/2010