Visual Studio Lab Management videos

UPDATE (27 Oct 2010): All videos are now updated with a narration, and uploaded as part of MSDN ‘How Do I’ video series for online viewing. The table below is updated with the new links.

Based on popular demand, here are the videos of the different scenarios and concepts in lab management, to help you get started quickly. The first video is an overview and the subsequent 6 videos are part of a ‘How-to’ series starting from setup.

You can read the summary of each video below.




Overview - Lab Management

Provides an overview of how lab management fits into Visual Studio 2010, the various components, and the following key scenarios:

  • Provision environments quickly for testers and developers
  • Automate the build-deploy-test cycle
  • File rich bugs with environment snapshots that reproduce for the developer


Video 1 - Setup and Configure Lab Management

Walks you through the setup and configuration steps. Shows you how to setup the Virtual Machine Manager server and how to configure lab management on Team Foundation Server.

The pre-requisites for this scenario are:

  • Team Foundation Server – installed and configured
  • Test controller and build controller – installed and configured with defaults
  • Physical host(s) with Hyper-V


Video 2 - Create a virtual environment

Walks you through the experience of creating your first virtual environment. Illustrates the two ways to create a new virtual environment – compose environment using running VMs and create a new environment using templates in the library.

The pre-requisites for this scenario are:

  • Video 1 – Setup and configure lab management
  • One or more virtual machines


Video 3 - Create Build and Test Artifacts

Shows you how to create build and test artifacts needed to deploy your build on the environment and to run test cases. These artifacts are pre-requisites for the scenarios in the next two videos.

The pre-requisites for this scenario are:

  • Video 1 – Setup and configure lab management
  • Video 2 – Create a virtual environment
  • Source code is checked in


Video 4 - Automate the build-deploy-test cycle

Walks you through the experience of authoring and running a workflow to build your application, restore environment to a clean snapshot, deploy the build on your environment, take a post deployment snapshot, and run build verification tests.

The pre-requisites for this scenario are:

  • Video 1 – Setup and configure lab management
  • Video 2 – Create a virtual environment
  • Video 3 – Create build and test artifacts


Video 5 - File a rich bug with environment snapshots

Shows you how to file rich bugs with the environment snapshot, as you run manual tests. Also shows you how the developer can connect to the environment snapshot from the bug to reproduce the error.

The pre-requisites for this scenario are:

  • Video 1 – Setup and configure lab management
  • Video 2 – Create a virtual environment
  • Video 3 – Create build and test artifacts
  • Video 4 – Automate the build-deploy-test cycle


Video 6 – Clone environments using network isolation

Shows you how to create network isolated environments, how to use an application that needs the VMs to be domain joined on such an environment, and how to clone environments without creating conflicts on the network.

The pre-requisites for this scenario are:

  • Video 1 – Setup and configure lab management
  • Video 2 – Create a virtual environment
  • Video 3 – Create build and test artifacts
  • Video 4 – Automate the build-deploy-test cycle

Hopefully, these videos will help you in adopting and using lab management. Take a look and tell us what you think.


  • Anonymous
    February 15, 2010
    Hi there, First of many kudos to the great work you guys have been doing in the Lab management space. The products looks very mature for a pilot release. The Video's you have uploaded dont have audio. Not sure if that is how it is ment to be or if there is something wrong. Please advice. Arun R, Support engineer - Microsoft, TFS install and setup - Americas reagion.

  • Anonymous
    February 16, 2010
    Hi Arun, Thank you and I am glad you like the product. The videos currently dont have audio. They only have the call-outs. We are working on adding audio to it and getting it published for online viewing. We will have this update soon. -Darshan Desai

  • Anonymous
    June 11, 2010
    Are these videos located any place other than

  • Anonymous
    June 23, 2010
    Do we have any newer versions of these videos with audio enabled :)

  • Anonymous
    June 30, 2010
    The links are not working and the videos are not downloadable. Please do the necessary corrections.

  • Anonymous
    August 04, 2010
    Sky drive is blocked at my work.  It would be nice to have a more offical location for these videos.

  • Anonymous
    August 24, 2010
    I can run load tests with lab centre ? I can do to stop the build  if the threshold of tests load  is exceeded

  • Anonymous
    October 12, 2010
    Please refer to videos with audio @

  • Anonymous
    October 13, 2010
    Just wondering whether you have any PowerPoint decks for Lab Management as I'll need to present this to my customers early next week.

  • Anonymous
    October 26, 2010
    All videos are now updated with a narration, and uploaded as part of MSDN ‘How Do I’ video series for online viewing. The table in the post is updated with the new links.

  • Anonymous
    October 26, 2010
    All videos are now updated with a narration, and uploaded as part of MSDN ‘How Do I’ video series for online viewing. The table in the post is updated with the new links.

  • Anonymous
    November 08, 2010
    How can I add deployment items from my solution for lab management test settings?  I only see how to add local deployment items....

  • Anonymous
    November 10, 2010
    Where can I get a copy of the source code and solution file that's used in the vidoes to repro the steps myself?

  • Anonymous
    November 17, 2010
    You can use Lab Management VHD which has sample project, code etc and try all these lab scenarios available at

  • Anonymous
    September 14, 2011
    Can VSTS Lab Management be used for Citrix based Load / Performance Testing? As per the comments from one of the Microsoft blog, VSTS 2010 does not support Citrix based load / performance testing. Would like to know whether the integration of Lab Management enable Citrix based Load / Performance testing. Appreciate if someone reply with their experience for the above situation.

  • Anonymous
    March 27, 2012
    Do you need to install Lab Management if you are not going to use Hyper-V but plan to use the Controller and Agents to run automation?

  • Anonymous
    September 26, 2012
    Hi , Do you have any document how to set up physical environment in Lab Management  , MTM2010. Our requirement is running Coded UI tests in Lab Environment. The coded UI tests are running fine in local machine. We have 20 lab machines running on different windows operating systems. I need to run the coded UI tests in all the configurations. To achieve this, For testing purpose, I have installed test agents in two of the lab machines and installed Test controller in my own machine where I have developed the coded UI tests and I have created a lab environment in MTM 2010. When I am running the Coded UI tests from Test Agent1 through MTM 2010, it ran perfectly fine. I opened the MTM2010 from test agent1 and started running the coded ui test and it ran fine. Meaning it launched the software that needs to be tested and executed the test case. When I tried running the same Coded UI tests from Test Agent2 through MTM2010, the test status directly showing passed very fast without executing the tests. Can you help me resolving the issue? Also I need to know, am I doing correct way or not, or is there any better way for this solution. Also if you have any documents, please share with me.