Download the SharePoint 2010 SDK (Software Development Kit)!

Hello SharePoint Developers!

We just went live with an updated download for the SharePoint 2010 Software Development Kit (SDK) ! The MAY2010 version of the SDK aligns with the “RTM” versions of SharePoint Server 2010 and SharePoint Foundation 2010, so you will get the latest information about extending, customizing, and writing code for SharePoint 2010.

Get the FREE download here:

The SDK contains object model reference documentation (including JavaScript OM, Client OM, and Server OM), Web Service references, schema references, “how-to” topics, conceptual overviews, and code samples and snippets for working with application programming interfaces (APIs) in SharePoint 2010.

In addition, check out all the new code samples in this release!

SharePoint Foundation

· Implementation of IBackupRestore

Business Connectivity Services

· AdventureWorks .NET Assembly

· AdventureWorks ASP.NET Web Service

· AdventureWorks WCF Service

· AdventureWorks 2008 .Net Assembly and Web Services

· AdventureWorks 2008 Declarative Outlook Solution Reusable Components

· AdventureWorks 2008 Declarative Outlook Solution Sample

· Authenticating and Consuming Data from NetFlix (Web 2.0 Application)

· BDC Model for XML Snippets

· Custom Web Part and Word Add-in Sample

· Sample Orders .Net Assembly and Web Services

· Sandboxed BCS Workflow Sample

Enterprise Content Management

· Content Type-Based Metadata

· Creating a Routing Rule

· Custom Document ID Provider

· Managed Metadata Dependencies

· Pausable Custom Timer Jobs

· Publishing Cache Services

· Silverlight Controls and Silverlight Thumbnail Extraction Sample

· Retention Events

User Profiles and Social Data

· Combine information from my public profile on Linkedin (or Facebook) with my User Profile

· Gold star or thumbs to a colleague

· Insert an event/document change event in feed

· Share a link with my colleagues

· Social data statistics

Visio Services

· Annotations Sample

· Custom Error Messages Sample

· Mouse Interaction Sample

More code samples are coming. We have dozens in queue and will be posting them periodically to, and then rolling them into every quarterly release of the downloadable SDK.

Tips and Tricks (Help on Help)

Installation Tips

· You MUST uninstall the SharePoint 2010 (Beta ) SDK through Control Panel if you currently have the Beta SDK installed on the same machine where you are installing the RTM SDK.

o The RTM version is 14.0.4763.1005 in Control Panel > Currently installed programs (the Beta version was 14.0.4622.1000)

· The SDK installs to the Program Files directory [Program Files (x86) on a 64-bit OS] in a folder named Microsoft SDKs.

· By default, the SDK installs SharePoint Foundation 2010 and SharePoint Server 2010 documentation and samples.

· The SharePoint 2010 SDK compiled HTML Help file (SP2010SDK.chm) is a superset of all SharePoint 2010 SDK documentation. So if you’re unsure whether an API or a feature is available in SharePoint Server or SharePoint Foundation, you can search this CHM file and browse the table of contents (TOC) to provide more context. Many other topics in the documentation list what is available across products and SKUs, so you should always know when an API or a feature is available.

· If you are developing with SharePoint Foundation 2010, you will need to choose that option using the setup program. To install only the SharePoint Foundation 2010 SDK documentation:

1. Select SharePoint 2010 Help and Samples, and then click Entire feature will be unavailable in the setup program.

2. Next, select SharePoint Foundation 2010 Help and Samples, and then click Will be installed on the local hard drive.


Start Menu Shortcut

· You can access the Welcome Page, which lists all the code samples and provides quick links to the documentation files, by clicking Start > All Programs > Microsoft SDKs > SharePoint 2010 SDK in Windows 7.

· There is also a Welcome Page for the SharePoint Foundation 2010 SDK if you choose only to install the SDK documentation and samples for SharePoint Foundation: Start > All Programs > Microsoft SDKs > SharePoint Foundation 2010 SDK in Windows 7.

· There are also direct links to the documentation in the same paths on the Start menu.


Working with the SharePoint SDK Code Samples

All code sample files are in ZIP files that need to be expanded.

1. Go to the Welcome page and identify the code sample you wish to extract. Each area (e.g., Business Connectivity Services) may contain more than one sample.

2. Double-click the ZIP file [e.g., Authenticating and Consuming Data from NetFlix (Web 2.0 Application).zip] that you want to work with.

3. Click Extract all files.

4. Select a destination folder.

Tip You might want to create a projects directory for all SharePoint SDK samples. For example: %MYDOCUMENTS%\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\SharePoint SDK Samples.

5. Click Extract.


Planning Ahead: When you uninstall or upgrade between SDK versions, the MSI removes all the original ZIP files, but you may encounter leftover files if you extract your samples to the Program Files directory. In addition, you may encounter issues, warnings, or UAC prompts when saving to the Program Files directory. We recommend the My Documents directory; it is a much better option.


Languages available

U.S. English only right now. We are planning on additional languages soon, including Japanese, Simplified Chinese, French, Spanish, Russian, and Brazilian Portuguese.


Next release

Quarterly updates will include new code samples, as well as additional documentation based on feedback we receive.


You can have a direct impact on what we write about next! All you have to do is rate topics on MSDN, leave comments, write Community Content Wiki feedback, and use the e-mail links in the CHM file. We respond regularly to feedback, so please send it our way!


Visual Studio context-sensitive Help

This CHM file is not connected to the Visual Studio 2010 context-sensitive Help system. If you want to be able to press F1 in your code and go directly to the Help topic, follow these instructions in Visual Studio:

1. In Visual Studio 2010, click Help, and then click Manage Help Settings.

2. Click Choose online or local help.

3. Click I want to use online help.

4. Click OK.


Once you have set these preferences, you can press F1 anywhere in your code and get context-sensitive Help directly from MSDN. This is the optimized scenario, since we update our online Help more regularly than the CHM files, which are updated quarterly.


We will be publishing some screencasts and other Help topics to demonstrate this behavior. We will also show you how you can use the new Visual Studio 2010 Help system to subscribe to offline updates. Stay up-to-date by visiting the SharePoint Developer Center often, following the SDK team on twitter, and subscribing to our RSS feed.


Setting up your development environment

Read this if you are building a developer machine from the ground up:


Send us feedback!

Keep sending us your feedback—use MSDN ratings and comments, as well as the community content Wiki at the footer of each topic. We want this to be the best SDK for SharePoint developers, and we want to hear from you! Tell us to “Doc This” whenever you see a content gap or a need for clarification or more depth, and tell us when you would benefit from additional code samples and other customization guidance.

More information, training, learning resources, and downloads are available at the SharePoint Developer Center on MSDN:

Let’s write some SharePoint code!


- Randall

Follow the Microsoft SharePoint SDK team on twitter:


  • Anonymous
    February 03, 2013
    Found this blog very useful.