Requêtes pour la table DeviceHardwareHealth
Pour plus d’informations sur l’utilisation de ces requêtes dans le Portail Azure, consultez le didacticiel Log Analytics. Pour l’API REST, consultez Requête.
Matériel mineur
Matériel SurfaceHub mineur.
|where EventName != "CameraInUnexpectedState" and EventName != "WiredIngestInUnexpectedState" and EventName != "WiredTouchInUnexpectedState" and EventName != "WifiDirectInUnexpectedState" and EventName != "MicInUnexpectedState" and EventName != "WiredTouchInUnexpectedState" and EventName != "SpeakersInUnexpectedState" and EventName != "WirelessCardInUnexpectedState"
| sort by TimeGenerated des
Alerte matérielle
|where EventName == "CameraInUnexpectedState" or EventName == "WiredIngestInUnexpectedState" or EventName == "WiredTouchInUnexpectedState" or EventName == "WifiDirectInUnexpectedState" or EventName == "MicInUnexpectedState" or EventName == "WiredTouchInUnexpectedState" or EventName == "SpeakersInUnexpectedState" or EventName == "WirelessCardInUnexpectedState"
| sort by TimeGenerated desc