CCmdUI Class


The latest version of this topic can be found at CCmdUI Class.

Is used only within an ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI handler in a CCmdTarget-derived class.


class CCmdUI  


Public Methods

Name Description
CCmdUI::ContinueRouting Tells the command-routing mechanism to continue routing the current message down the chain of handlers.
CCmdUI::Enable Enables or disables the user-interface item for this command.
CCmdUI::SetCheck Sets the check state of the user-interface item for this command.
CCmdUI::SetRadio Like the SetCheck member function, but operates on radio groups.
CCmdUI::SetText Sets the text for the user-interface item for this command.

Public Data Members

Name Description
CCmdUI::m_nID The ID of the user-interface object.
CCmdUI::m_nIndex The index of the user-interface object.
CCmdUI::m_pMenu Points to the menu represented by the CCmdUI object.
CCmdUI::m_pOther Points to the window object that sent the notification.
CCmdUI::m_pSubMenu Points to the contained sub-menu represented by the CCmdUI object.


CCmdUI does not have a base class.

When a user of your application pulls down a menu, each menu item needs to know whether it should be displayed as enabled or disabled. The target of a menu command provides this information by implementing an ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI handler. For each of the command user-interface objects in your application, use the Properties window to create a message-map entry and function prototype for each handler.

When the menu is pulled down, the framework searches for and calls each ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI handler, each handler calls CCmdUI member functions such as Enable and Check, and the framework then appropriately displays each menu item.

A menu item can be replaced with a control-bar button or other command user-interface object without changing the code within the ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI handler.

The following table summarizes the effect CCmdUI's member functions have on various command user-interface items.

User-Interface Item Enable SetCheck SetRadio SetText
Menu item Enables or disables Checks (×) or unchecks Checks using dot (•) Sets item text
Toolbar button Enables or disables Selects, unselects, or indeterminate Same as SetCheck (Not applicable)
Status-bar pane Makes text visible or invisible Sets pop-out or normal border Same as SetCheck Sets pane text
Normal button in CDialogBar Enables or disables Checks or unchecks check box Same as SetCheck Sets button text
Normal control in CDialogBar Enables or disables (Not applicable) (Not applicable) Sets window text

For more on the use of this class, see How to Update User-Interface Objects.

Inheritance Hierarchy



Header: afxwin.h


Call this member function to tell the command-routing mechanism to continue routing the current message down the chain of handlers.

void ContinueRouting();


This is an advanced member function that should be used in conjunction with an ON_COMMAND_EX handler that returns FALSE. For more information, see Technical Note 6.


Call this member function to enable or disable the user-interface item for this command.

virtual void Enable(BOOL bOn = TRUE);


TRUE to enable the item, FALSE to disable it.


void CMyDoc::OnUpdateFileSave(CCmdUI* pCmdUI)
   // Enable the menu item if the file has been modified.


The ID of the menu item, toolbar button, or other user-interface object represented by the CCmdUI object.

UINT m_nID;  


The index of the menu item, toolbar button, or other user-interface object represented by the CCmdUI object.

UINT m_nIndex;  


Pointer (of CMenu type) to the menu represented by the CCmdUI object.

CMenu* m_pMenu;  


NULL if the item is not a menu.


Pointer (of CMenu type) to the contained sub-menu represented by the CCmdUI object.

CMenu* m_pSubMenu;  


NULL if the item is not a menu. If the sub menu is a pop-up, m_nID contains the ID of the first item in the pop-up menu. For more information, see Technical Note 21.


Pointer (of type CWnd) to the window object, such as a tool or status bar, that sent the notification.

CWnd* m_pOther;  


NULL if the item is a menu or a non- CWnd object.


Call this member function to set the user-interface item for this command to the appropriate check state.

virtual void SetCheck(int nCheck = 1);


Specifies the check state to set. If 0, unchecks; if 1, checks; and if 2, sets indeterminate.


This member function works for menu items and toolbar buttons. The indeterminate state applies only to toolbar buttons.


Call this member function to set the user-interface item for this command to the appropriate check state.

virtual void SetRadio(BOOL bOn = TRUE);


TRUE to enable the item; otherwise FALSE.


This member function operates like SetCheck, except that it operates on user-interface items acting as part of a radio group. Unchecking the other items in the group is not automatic unless the items themselves maintain the radio-group behavior.


Call this member function to set the text of the user-interface item for this command.

virtual void SetText(LPCTSTR lpszText);


A pointer to a text string.


void CMyRichEditView::OnUpdateLineNumber(CCmdUI *pCmdUI)
   int nLine = GetRichEditCtrl().LineFromChar(-1) + 1;

   CString string;
   string.Format(_T("Line %d"), nLine);

See Also

MFC Sample MDI
Hierarchy Chart
CCmdTarget Class