Comment : ajouter des données personnalisées aux données de l'encre
Mise à jour : novembre 2007
Vous pouvez ajouter des données personnalisées à l'encre. Ces dernières sont enregistrées lorsque l'encre est enregistrée au format ISF. Vous pouvez enregistrer les données personnalisées dans DrawingAttributes, StrokeCollectionou Stroke. Le fait de pouvoir enregistrer des données personnalisées sur trois objets vous donne la possibilité de choisir le meilleur emplacement pour enregistrer les données. Ces trois classes utilisent des méthodes semblables pour le stockage et l'accès aux données personnalisées.
Seuls les types suivants peuvent être enregistrés en tant que données personnalisées :
L'exemple suivant montre comment ajouter et récupérer des données personnalisées depuis un StrokeCollection.
Private timestamp As New Guid("12345678-9012-3456-7890-123456789012")
' Add a timestamp to the StrokeCollection.
Private Sub AddTimestamp()
inkCanvas1.Strokes.AddPropertyData(timestamp, DateTime.Now)
End Sub 'AddTimestamp
' Get the timestamp of the StrokeCollection.
Private Sub GetTimestamp()
If inkCanvas1.Strokes.ContainsPropertyData(timestamp) Then
Dim [date] As Object = inkCanvas1.Strokes.GetPropertyData(timestamp)
If TypeOf [date] Is DateTime Then
MessageBox.Show("This StrokeCollection's timestamp is " + CType([date], DateTime).ToString())
End If
MessageBox.Show("The StrokeCollection does not have a timestamp.")
End If
End Sub 'GetTimestamp
Guid timestamp = new Guid("12345678-9012-3456-7890-123456789012");
// Add a timestamp to the StrokeCollection.
private void AddTimestamp()
inkCanvas1.Strokes.AddPropertyData(timestamp, DateTime.Now);
// Get the timestamp of the StrokeCollection.
private void GetTimestamp()
if (inkCanvas1.Strokes.ContainsPropertyData(timestamp))
object date = inkCanvas1.Strokes.GetPropertyData(timestamp);
if (date is DateTime)
MessageBox.Show("This StrokeCollection's timestamp is " +
"The StrokeCollection does not have a timestamp.");
L'exemple suivant crée une application qui affiche un InkCanvas et deux boutons. Le bouton switchAuthor active deux stylets qui doivent être utilisés par deux auteurs différents. Le bouton changePenColors modifie la couleur de chaque trait dans le InkCanvas selon l'auteur. L'application définit deux objets DrawingAttributes et ajoute une propriété personnalisée pour indiquer l'auteur ayant dessiné le Stroke. Lorsque l'utilisateur clique sur changePenColors, l'application modifie l'apparence du trait selon la valeur de la propriété personnalisée.
<Window x:Class="Window1"
Title="Adding Custom Data to Ink" Height="500" Width="700"
<DockPanel Name="root">
<StackPanel Background="DarkSlateBlue">
<Button Name="switchAuthor" Click="switchAuthor_click" >
Switch to student's pen
<Button Name="changePenColors" Click="changeColor_click" >
Change the color of the pen ink
<InkCanvas Name="inkCanvas1">
Imports System
Imports System.Windows
Imports System.Windows.Controls
Imports System.Windows.Data
Imports System.Windows.Documents
Imports System.Windows.Media
Imports System.Windows.Media.Imaging
Imports System.Windows.Shapes
Imports System.Windows.Ink
'/ <summary>
'/ Interaction logic for Window1.xaml
'/ </summary>
Partial Class Window1
Inherits Window '
Private authorGuid As New Guid("12345678-9012-3456-7890-123456789012")
Private teachersDA As New DrawingAttributes()
Private studentsDA As New DrawingAttributes()
Private teacher As String = "teacher"
Private student As String = "student"
Private useStudentPen As Boolean = False
Public Sub New()
teachersDA.Color = Colors.Red
teachersDA.Width = 5
teachersDA.Height = 5
teachersDA.AddPropertyData(authorGuid, teacher)
studentsDA.Color = Colors.Blue
studentsDA.Width = 5
studentsDA.Height = 5
studentsDA.AddPropertyData(authorGuid, student)
inkCanvas1.DefaultDrawingAttributes = teachersDA
End Sub 'New
' Switch between using the 'pen' DrawingAttributes and the
' 'highlighter' DrawingAttributes.
Private Sub switchAuthor_click(ByVal sender As [Object], ByVal e As RoutedEventArgs)
useStudentPen = Not useStudentPen
If useStudentPen Then
switchAuthor.Content = "Use teacher's pen"
inkCanvas1.DefaultDrawingAttributes = studentsDA
switchAuthor.Content = "Use student's pen"
inkCanvas1.DefaultDrawingAttributes = teachersDA
End If
End Sub 'switchAuthor_click
' Change the color of the ink that on the InkCanvas that used the pen.
Private Sub changeColor_click(ByVal sender As [Object], ByVal e As RoutedEventArgs)
Dim s As Stroke
For Each s In inkCanvas1.Strokes
If s.DrawingAttributes.ContainsPropertyData(authorGuid) Then
Dim data As Object = s.DrawingAttributes.GetPropertyData(authorGuid)
If TypeOf data Is String AndAlso CStr(data) = teacher Then
s.DrawingAttributes.Color = Colors.Black
End If
If TypeOf data Is String AndAlso CStr(data) = student Then
s.DrawingAttributes.Color = Colors.Green
End If
End If
Next s
End Sub 'changeColor_click
End Class 'Window1
using System;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Data;
using System.Windows.Documents;
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Windows.Media.Imaging;
using System.Windows.Shapes;
using System.Windows.Ink;
/// <summary>
/// Interaction logic for Window1.xaml
/// </summary>
public partial class Window1 : Window
Guid authorGuid = new Guid("12345678-9012-3456-7890-123456789012");
DrawingAttributes teachersDA = new DrawingAttributes();
DrawingAttributes studentsDA = new DrawingAttributes();
string teacher = "teacher";
string student = "student";
bool useStudentPen = false;
public Window1()
teachersDA.Color = Colors.Red;
teachersDA.Width = 5;
teachersDA.Height = 5;
teachersDA.AddPropertyData(authorGuid, teacher);
studentsDA.Color = Colors.Blue;
studentsDA.Width = 5;
studentsDA.Height = 5;
studentsDA.AddPropertyData(authorGuid, student);
inkCanvas1.DefaultDrawingAttributes = teachersDA;
// Switch between using the 'pen' DrawingAttributes and the
// 'highlighter' DrawingAttributes.
void switchAuthor_click(Object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
useStudentPen = !useStudentPen;
if (useStudentPen)
switchAuthor.Content = "Use teacher's pen";
inkCanvas1.DefaultDrawingAttributes = studentsDA;
switchAuthor.Content = "Use student's pen";
inkCanvas1.DefaultDrawingAttributes = teachersDA;
// Change the color of the ink that on the InkCanvas that used the pen.
void changeColor_click(Object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
foreach (Stroke s in inkCanvas1.Strokes)
if (s.DrawingAttributes.ContainsPropertyData(authorGuid))
object data = s.DrawingAttributes.GetPropertyData(authorGuid);
if ((data is string) && ((string)data == teacher))
s.DrawingAttributes.Color = Colors.Black;
if ((data is string) && ((string)data == student))
s.DrawingAttributes.Color = Colors.Green;