Exemple : Créer et mettre à jour des métadonnées d’entité


Date de publication : janvier 2017

S’applique à : Dynamics 365 (online), Dynamics 365 (on-premises), Dynamics CRM 2016, Dynamics CRM Online

Cet exemple de code est pour Microsoft Dynamics 365 (Online et local).Téléchargez le package Kit de développement logiciel (SDK) de Microsoft Dynamics CRM. Il se trouve à l'emplacement suivant dans le package de téléchargement :


Configuration requise

Pour plus d'informations sur les conditions requises pour l'exécution de l'exemple de code fourni dans ce Kit de développement logiciel (SDK), consultez la rubrique Utiliser l’exemple de code et le code d’assistance.


Cet exemple montre comment créer une entité personnalisée à l’aide du message CreateEntityRequest. Il utilise également CreateAttributeRequest pour ajouter plusieurs types d’attributs à l’entité.


using System;
using System.ServiceModel;
using System.ServiceModel.Description;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Xml.Linq;

// These namespaces are found in the Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.dll assembly
// found in the SDK\bin folder.
using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk;
using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Client;
using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Query;
using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Discovery;
using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Messages;
using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Metadata;

// This namespace is found in Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Proxy.dll assembly
// found in the SDK\bin folder.
using Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Messages;

namespace Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Samples
    public class CreateUpdateEntityMetadata
        #region Class Level Members
        /// <summary>
        /// Stores the organization service proxy.
        /// </summary>
        private OrganizationServiceProxy _serviceProxy;

        private const String _customEntityName = "new_bankaccount";

        #endregion Class Level Members

        #region How To Sample Code
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a custom entity.
        /// Update the custom entity.
        /// Optionally delete the custom entity.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="serverConfig">Contains server connection information.</param>
        /// <param name="promptForDelete">When True, the user will be prompted to delete all
        /// created entities.</param>
        public void Run(ServerConnection.Configuration serverConfig, bool promptForDelete)

                // Connect to the Organization service. 
                // The using statement assures that the service proxy will be properly disposed.
                using (_serviceProxy = new OrganizationServiceProxy(serverConfig.OrganizationUri, serverConfig.HomeRealmUri, serverConfig.Credentials, serverConfig.DeviceCredentials))
                    // This statement is required to enable early-bound type support.

                    // Create the custom entity.
                    CreateEntityRequest createrequest = new CreateEntityRequest

                        //Define the entity
                        Entity = new EntityMetadata
                            SchemaName = _customEntityName,
                            DisplayName = new Label("Bank Account", 1033),
                            DisplayCollectionName = new Label("Bank Accounts", 1033),
                            Description = new Label("An entity to store information about customer bank accounts", 1033),
                            OwnershipType = OwnershipTypes.UserOwned,
                            IsActivity = false,


                        // Define the primary attribute for the entity
                        PrimaryAttribute = new StringAttributeMetadata
                            SchemaName = "new_accountname",
                            RequiredLevel = new AttributeRequiredLevelManagedProperty(AttributeRequiredLevel.None),
                            MaxLength = 100,
                            FormatName = StringFormatName.Text,
                            DisplayName = new Label("Account Name", 1033),
                            Description = new Label("The primary attribute for the Bank Account entity.", 1033)

                    Console.WriteLine("The Bank Account custom entity has been created.");

                    // Add some attributes to the Bank Account entity
                    CreateAttributeRequest createBankNameAttributeRequest = new CreateAttributeRequest
                        EntityName = _customEntityName,
                        Attribute = new StringAttributeMetadata
                            SchemaName = "new_bankname",
                            RequiredLevel = new AttributeRequiredLevelManagedProperty(AttributeRequiredLevel.None),
                            MaxLength = 100,
                            FormatName = StringFormatName.Text,
                            DisplayName = new Label("Bank Name", 1033),
                            Description = new Label("The name of the bank.", 1033)

                    Console.WriteLine("\nA Bank Name attribute has been added to the Bank Account entity.");

                    CreateAttributeRequest createBalanceAttributeRequest = new CreateAttributeRequest
                        EntityName = _customEntityName,
                        Attribute = new MoneyAttributeMetadata
                            SchemaName = "new_balance",
                            RequiredLevel = new AttributeRequiredLevelManagedProperty(AttributeRequiredLevel.None),
                            PrecisionSource = 2,
                            DisplayName = new Label("Balance", 1033),
                            Description = new Label("Account Balance at the last known date", 1033),


                    Console.WriteLine("A Balance attribute has been added to the Bank Account entity.");

                    CreateAttributeRequest createCheckedDateRequest = new CreateAttributeRequest
                        EntityName = _customEntityName,
                        Attribute = new DateTimeAttributeMetadata
                            SchemaName = "new_checkeddate",
                            RequiredLevel = new AttributeRequiredLevelManagedProperty(AttributeRequiredLevel.None),
                            Format = DateTimeFormat.DateOnly,
                            DisplayName = new Label("Date", 1033),
                            Description = new Label("The date the account balance was last confirmed", 1033)


                    Console.WriteLine("A date attribute has been added to the Bank Account entity.");

                    //Create a customer lookup attribute to link the bank account with an account or a contact record.
                    CreateCustomerRelationshipsRequest createCustomerReq = new CreateCustomerRelationshipsRequest
                        Lookup = new LookupAttributeMetadata
                            Description = new Label("The owner of the bank account", 1033),
                            DisplayName = new Label("Account owner", 1033),
                            RequiredLevel = new AttributeRequiredLevelManagedProperty(AttributeRequiredLevel.ApplicationRequired),
                            SchemaName = "new_customerid"
                        OneToManyRelationships = new OneToManyRelationshipMetadata[]
                            new OneToManyRelationshipMetadata()
                                ReferencedEntity = "account",
                                ReferencingEntity = _customEntityName,
                                SchemaName = "new_bankaccount_customer_account",
                            new OneToManyRelationshipMetadata()
                                ReferencedEntity = "contact",
                                ReferencingEntity = _customEntityName,
                                SchemaName = "new_bankaccount_customer_contact",
                    Console.WriteLine("A customer lookup attribute has been added to the Bank Account entity \nto link it with the Account or Contact entity.");

                    //Create a lookup attribute to link the bank account with a contact record.
                    CreateOneToManyRequest req = new CreateOneToManyRequest()
                        Lookup = new LookupAttributeMetadata()
                            Description = new Label("The referral (lead) from the bank account owner", 1033),
                            DisplayName = new Label("Referral", 1033),
                            LogicalName = "new_parent_leadid",
                            SchemaName = "New_Parent_leadId",
                            RequiredLevel = new AttributeRequiredLevelManagedProperty(AttributeRequiredLevel.Recommended)
                        OneToManyRelationship = new OneToManyRelationshipMetadata()
                            AssociatedMenuConfiguration = new AssociatedMenuConfiguration()
                                Behavior = AssociatedMenuBehavior.UseCollectionName,
                                Group = AssociatedMenuGroup.Details,
                                Label = new Label("Bank Accounts", 1033),
                                Order = 10000
                            CascadeConfiguration = new CascadeConfiguration()
                                Assign = CascadeType.Cascade,
                                Delete = CascadeType.Cascade,
                                Merge = CascadeType.Cascade,
                                Reparent = CascadeType.Cascade,
                                Share = CascadeType.Cascade,
                                Unshare = CascadeType.Cascade
                            ReferencedEntity = "lead",
                            ReferencedAttribute = "leadid",
                            ReferencingEntity = _customEntityName,
                            SchemaName = "new_lead_new_bankaccount"
                    Console.WriteLine("A lookup attribute has been added to the Bank Account entity \nto link it with the Lead entity.");

                    //Create an Image attribute for the custom entity
                    // Only one Image attribute can be added to an entity that doesn't already have one.
                    CreateAttributeRequest createEntityImageRequest = new CreateAttributeRequest
                        EntityName = _customEntityName,
                        Attribute = new ImageAttributeMetadata
                            SchemaName = "EntityImage", //The name is always EntityImage
                            RequiredLevel = new AttributeRequiredLevelManagedProperty(AttributeRequiredLevel.None),
                            DisplayName = new Label("Image", 1033),
                            Description = new Label("An image to represent the bank account.", 1033)


                    Console.WriteLine("An image attribute has been added to the Bank Account entity.");

                    RetrieveEntityRequest retrieveBankAccountEntityRequest = new RetrieveEntityRequest
                        EntityFilters = EntityFilters.Entity,
                        LogicalName = _customEntityName
                    RetrieveEntityResponse retrieveBankAccountEntityResponse = (RetrieveEntityResponse)_serviceProxy.Execute(retrieveBankAccountEntityRequest);
                    EntityMetadata BankAccountEntity = retrieveBankAccountEntityResponse.EntityMetadata;

                    // Disable Mail merge
                    BankAccountEntity.IsMailMergeEnabled = new BooleanManagedProperty(false);
                    // Enable Notes
                    UpdateEntityRequest updateBankAccountRequest = new UpdateEntityRequest
                        Entity = BankAccountEntity,
                        HasNotes = true


                    Console.WriteLine("\nThe Bank Account entity has been updated");

                    //Update the entity form so the new fields are visible

                    // Customizations must be published after an entity is updated.
                    PublishAllXmlRequest publishRequest = new PublishAllXmlRequest();
                    Console.WriteLine("\nCustomizations were published.");

                    //Provides option to view the entity in the default solution
                    ShowEntityInBrowser(promptForDelete, BankAccountEntity);
                    //Provides option to view the entity form with the fields added
                    ShowEntityFormInBrowser(promptForDelete, BankAccountEntity);


            // Catch any service fault exceptions that Microsoft Dynamics CRM throws.
            catch (FaultException<Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OrganizationServiceFault>)
                // You can handle an exception here or pass it back to the calling method.

        /// <summary>
        /// Deletes the custom entity that was created for this sample.
        /// <param name="prompt">Indicates whether to prompt the user to delete the records created in this sample.</param>
        /// </summary>
        public void DeleteRequiredRecords(bool prompt)
            bool deleteEntity = true;

            if (prompt)
                Console.WriteLine("\nDo you want the Bank Account custom entity deleted? (y/n)");
                String answer = Console.ReadLine();

                deleteEntity = (answer.StartsWith("y") || answer.StartsWith("Y"));

            if (deleteEntity)
                DeleteEntityRequest request = new DeleteEntityRequest()
                    LogicalName = _customEntityName,
                Console.WriteLine("The custom entity has been deleted.");

        public void ShowEntityInBrowser(bool prompt, EntityMetadata BankAccountEntity)

            if (prompt)

                Console.WriteLine("\nDo you want to view the Bank Account custom entity in the default solution? (y/n)");
                String answer = Console.ReadLine();
                if (answer.StartsWith("y") || answer.StartsWith("Y"))

                        String webServiceURL = _serviceProxy.EndpointSwitch.PrimaryEndpoint.AbsoluteUri;
                        String entityInDefaultSolutionUrl = webServiceURL.Replace("XRMServices/2011/Organization.svc",
                         String.Format("tools/solution/edit.aspx?def_category=9801&def_type={0}&id=%7bFD140AAF-4DF4-11DD-BD17-0019B9312238%7d", BankAccountEntity.ObjectTypeCode));

                        ProcessStartInfo browserProcess = new ProcessStartInfo("iexplore.exe");
                        browserProcess.Arguments = entityInDefaultSolutionUrl;

                    catch (SystemException)
                        Console.WriteLine("\nThere was a problem opening Internet Explorer.");




        public void ShowEntityFormInBrowser(bool prompt, EntityMetadata BankAccountEntity)
            if (prompt)
                Console.WriteLine("\nDo you want to view the form for this entity? (y/n)");
                String viewFormAnswer = Console.ReadLine();
                if (viewFormAnswer.StartsWith("y") || viewFormAnswer.StartsWith("Y"))
                        String webServiceURL = _serviceProxy.EndpointSwitch.PrimaryEndpoint.AbsoluteUri;
                        String entityInDefaultSolutionUrl = webServiceURL.Replace("XRMServices/2011/Organization.svc",
                         String.Format("main.aspx?etn={0}&pagetype=entityrecord", BankAccountEntity.LogicalName));

                        ProcessStartInfo browserProcess = new ProcessStartInfo("iexplore.exe");
                        browserProcess.Arguments = entityInDefaultSolutionUrl;

                    catch (SystemException)
                        Console.WriteLine("\nThere was a problem opening Internet Explorer.");
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the formXml to add a new tab containing the fields added by this sample.
        /// <param name="entityLogicalName">The logical name of the new_bankaccount entity used in this sample</param>
        /// </summary>
        public void UpdateEntityForm(String entityLogicalName)

            QueryExpression qe = new QueryExpression("systemform");
            qe.Criteria.AddCondition("type", ConditionOperator.Equal, 2); //main form
            qe.Criteria.AddCondition("objecttypecode", ConditionOperator.Equal, entityLogicalName); //for new_bankaccount entity
            //Retrieve the first main entity form for this entity
            SystemForm bankAccountMainForm = (SystemForm)_serviceProxy.RetrieveMultiple(qe).Entities[0];

            XDocument bankAccountFormXml = XDocument.Parse(bankAccountMainForm.FormXml);
            //Set the showImage attribute so the entity image will be displayed
            bankAccountFormXml.Root.SetAttributeValue("showImage", true);

            // Definition of a custom tab containing the custom attributes created in this sample
            String formTabXmlString = @"<tab name=""custom_attributes""
    <label description=""Custom Attributes""
           languagecode=""1033"" />
    <column width=""100%"">
      <section name=""custom_section""
        <label description=""Section""
               languagecode=""1033"" />
         <cell id=""{99FF4728-D8D7-47D3-B046-7BEFCBFB4319}""
           <label description=""Account Owner""
                  languagecode=""1033"" />
          <control id=""new_customerid""
                   disabled=""false"" />
         <cell id=""{6e5975d3-64b5-14eb-00e4-064e3dd298b9}""
           <label description=""Bank Name""
                  languagecode=""1033"" />
          <control id=""new_bankname""
                   disabled=""false"" />
         <cell id=""{3b436dba-6156-42e9-697b-e275d373505b}""
           <label description=""Balance""
                  languagecode=""1033"" />
          <control id=""new_balance""
                   disabled=""false"" />
         <cell id=""{0e9a3d8a-bd69-71ad-4ca4-2dcd10858719}""
           <label description=""Date""
                  languagecode=""1033"" />
          <control id=""new_checkeddate""
                   disabled=""false"" />
         <cell id=""{04b95931-78c7-6913-a005-922d20e521b7}""
           <label description=""Referral""
                  languagecode=""1033"" />
          <control id=""new_parent_leadid""
                   disabled=""false"" />

            XDocument formTabXml = XDocument.Parse(formTabXmlString);

            //Adding this tab to the tabs element
            //Updateing the entity form definition
            bankAccountMainForm.FormXml = bankAccountFormXml.ToString();
            //saving the bank account form

        #endregion How To Sample Code

        #region Main
        /// <summary>
        /// Standard Main() method used by most SDK samples.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args"></param>
        static public void Main(string[] args)
                // Obtain the target organization's Web address and client logon 
                // credentials from the user.
                ServerConnection serverConnect = new ServerConnection();
                ServerConnection.Configuration config = serverConnect.GetServerConfiguration();

                CreateUpdateEntityMetadata app = new CreateUpdateEntityMetadata();
                app.Run(config, true);
            catch (FaultException<Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OrganizationServiceFault> ex)
                Console.WriteLine("The application terminated with an error.");
                Console.WriteLine("Timestamp: {0}", ex.Detail.Timestamp);
                Console.WriteLine("Code: {0}", ex.Detail.ErrorCode);
                Console.WriteLine("Message: {0}", ex.Detail.Message);
                Console.WriteLine("Plugin Trace: {0}", ex.Detail.TraceText);
                Console.WriteLine("Inner Fault: {0}",
                    null == ex.Detail.InnerFault ? "No Inner Fault" : "Has Inner Fault");
            catch (System.TimeoutException ex)
                Console.WriteLine("The application terminated with an error.");
                Console.WriteLine("Message: {0}", ex.Message);
                Console.WriteLine("Stack Trace: {0}", ex.StackTrace);
                Console.WriteLine("Inner Fault: {0}",
                    null == ex.InnerException.Message ? "No Inner Fault" : ex.InnerException.Message);
            catch (System.Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("The application terminated with an error.");

                // Display the details of the inner exception.
                if (ex.InnerException != null)

                    FaultException<Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OrganizationServiceFault> fe = ex.InnerException
                        as FaultException<Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OrganizationServiceFault>;
                    if (fe != null)
                        Console.WriteLine("Timestamp: {0}", fe.Detail.Timestamp);
                        Console.WriteLine("Code: {0}", fe.Detail.ErrorCode);
                        Console.WriteLine("Message: {0}", fe.Detail.Message);
                        Console.WriteLine("Plugin Trace: {0}", fe.Detail.TraceText);
                        Console.WriteLine("Inner Fault: {0}",
                            null == fe.Detail.InnerFault ? "No Inner Fault" : "Has Inner Fault");
            // Additional exceptions to catch: SecurityTokenValidationException, ExpiredSecurityTokenException,
            // SecurityAccessDeniedException, MessageSecurityException, and SecurityNegotiationException.


                Console.WriteLine("Press <Enter> to exit.");

        #endregion Main


Voir aussi

Personnaliser les métadonnées d’entité
Exemple : Créer une entité d’activité personnalisée
Utiliser le service d'organisation avec des métadonnées Dynamics 365

Microsoft Dynamics 365

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