Designed for Windows Logo Program

Posted August 11, 2004

Chat Date: August 3, 2004

Please note: Portions of this transcript have been edited for clarity


Moderator: AndyQ (Microsoft)
Welcome to today's MSDN chat. Our topic is Designed for Windows Logo Program. Questions, comments, and suggestions are welcome.

Moderator: AndyQ (Microsoft)
I'll now have the hosts introduce themselves.

Host: jologo (Microsoft)
Hello, I am a program manger in Windows, responsible for compiling and communicating the requirements for hardware logo.

Host: Jeff (Microsoft)
Hello Jeff_MS here, Program Manager on the "Designed for Windows" Logo Program Team responsible for gathering general device, device specific and bus requirements for the Windows Logo Program System and Device Requirements document.

Moderator: AndyQ (Microsoft)
And I'm Andy Quig, Communities Producer.

Moderator: AndyQ (Microsoft)
The hosts are ready for questions....Fire away!

Start of Chat

Host: Jeff (Microsoft)
Q: I Would like o know if it is necessary to submit an application for certification process on each upgrade, even it is only a patch (keeping he interface)
A: You are talking about applications specifically, we are here to answer questions about the HW Logo program...

Host: Jeff (Microsoft)
If you want to send e-mail to the Software logo program which deals with application logo's, send to

Host: jologo (Microsoft)
To all: The hardware logo program for Longhorn is still being defined. To set your expectations, we may not have all the answers for Longhorn logo issues. The logo program for Windows XP is well established and we have more solid answers.

Host: Jeff (Microsoft)
All - Do you have any questions about the "Designed for Windows" Logo program for Hardware in general?

Host: jologo (Microsoft)
Q: Will Longhorn expand the driver signing categories to most virtual devices too?
A: Any kernel mode component will participate in the logo program.

Host: Jeff (Microsoft)
Q: I have server mother board with windows logo but 64 bit drivers for Intel LAN does not work with it ? why?
A: 64-bit drivers will not work on systems running 32-bit (x86) versions of Windows.

Host: jologo (Microsoft)
A: 64 bit Windows - Presently, the only supported 64 bit Windows is that for Itanium. We have a beta version OS that will support the 64 bit extended processors, e.g. Opteron, but it is not yet supported. It sounds as if you are loading an Itanium driver.

Host: jologo (Microsoft)
Q: does win logo guarantee that h/w will work with all future os from MS ?
A: No- Future compatibility is a scenario that we attempt to provide for, but no guarantees can be made.

Host: jologo (Microsoft)
Q: will there be different drivers for itanium and opteron?
A: Yes. Opteron (x64) is a separate architecture from Itanium. The drivers will always be incompatible. X64 is not Itanium.

Host: jologo (Microsoft)
Q: so now there will be different versions of windows for different cpus?
A: Yes. Itanium is binary incompatible with x64 (Opteron). They should be able to both run 32 bit emulation (Windows-on-Windows).

Host: jologo (Microsoft)
Q: if I run windows xp under win2k3 the 32 bit drivers will work?
A: Drivers run in the kernel and require binary compatibility. All drivers must be native to the architecture of the system. Drivers cannot run in 32 bit emulation. The opteron will run native 32 bit with a 32 bit OS, but will not run 32 bit drivers on a on a 64 bit OS.

Moderator: AndyQ (Microsoft)
We are going to have to wrap up this chat in about 10 minutes. We're going to answer a few more questions, though. Any more?

Moderator: AndyQ (Microsoft)
make that 5 minutes! :-)

Host: jologo (Microsoft)
Q: what should I look for if I want add on cards to work with itanium and opteron both? which logo?
A: No logo is yet available for x64. At the release of service pack 1 in 2005, there will be devices that will have x64 logo. You will need to review the hardware compatibility list to see which products are logo’d for both OS.

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