Add (CustomProperties Collection)


  Cette fonctionnalité sera supprimée dans la prochaine version de Microsoft SQL Server. Évitez d'utiliser cette fonctionnalité dans de nouveaux travaux de développement, et modifiez dès que possible les applications qui utilisent actuellement cette fonctionnalité.

The Add method of a CustomProperties collection creates a new Property object, adds it to the collection, and returns a reference to the object. This method applies only to CustomProperties collections.


Set vRet = object.Add(ByVal Value, [ByVal Name As String], [ByVal DataType As VBA.VbVarType)


  • vRet
    A Variant variable that receives the instance of the new Property object. Instead of a variant, you can use a variable that has been declared as type DSO.Property to match the object being retrieved from the collection.

  • object
    An instance of a CustomProperties collection.

  • Value
    A Variant that contains the value of the Property object.

  • Name
    (Optional) A string that specifies the name of the Property object.

  • DataType
    (Optional) The data type of the property. A Microsoft® Visual Basic® data type defined in the VBA.VbVarType enumeration.