Énumération DTSXMLSaveResultTo

Describes the location where the results are saved. This enumeration is used to set the DestinationType property. Depending on value, the Destination property must be compatible. For example, if the destination type is set to Variable, then the destination property must provide a variable to save the results into. When the destination type is set to FileConnection, then the Destination property must provide a file connection manager.

Espace de noms :  Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Tasks.XMLTask
Assembly :  Microsoft.SqlServer.XMLTask (dans Microsoft.SqlServer.XMLTask.dll)


Public Enumeration DTSXMLSaveResultTo
Dim instance As DTSXMLSaveResultTo
public enum DTSXMLSaveResultTo
public enum class DTSXMLSaveResultTo
type DTSXMLSaveResultTo
public enum DTSXMLSaveResultTo


Nom de membre Description
FileConnection Specifies that results are saved to the file listed in the connection manager string.
Variable Specifies that the results are saved in a variable.


The following code example shows this enumeration being used to set the DestinationType for the task.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime;
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Tasks.XMLTask;

namespace XMLTask_API
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
                        // Set up the objects and tasks.
                        Package pkg = new Package();
                        Executable exec1 = pkg.Executables.Add("STOCK:XMLTask");
                        TaskHost th = exec1 as TaskHost;
                        // You can cast the InnerObject to the XmlTask,
                        // but it is advised that you work with tasks
                        // through the TaskHost and its Properties.
                        // XMLTask myTask = th.InnerObject as XMLTask;

                        // Create a variable and a FILE connection
                         // manager to books.xml.
                        Variable resultVar = pkg.Variables.Add("resultVariable", false, "", "Variable for the result");
                        ConnectionManager connMgr = pkg.Connections.Add("FILE");
                        connMgr.Name = "XMLConnectionManager";
                        // The file is stored on the C:\ drive.
                        connMgr.ConnectionString = @"c:\books.xml";

                        // Set the XMLTask properties.
                        // The first property to set is the
                         // OperationType. Depending on the
                        // OperationType, different properties are
                         // valid.
                        // The operation type in this example is 
                        // VALIDATE.
                        th.Properties["OperationType"].SetValue(th, DTSXMLOperation.Validate);
                        th.Properties["SourceType"].SetValue(th, DTSXMLSourceType.FileConnection);
                        th.Properties["Source"].SetValue(th, connMgr.Name);
                        th.Properties["OverwriteDestination"].SetValue(th, true);
                        th.Properties["SaveOperationResult"].SetValue(th, true);
                        th.Properties["DestinationType"].SetValue(th, DTSXMLSaveResultTo.Variable);
                        th.Properties["Destination"].SetValue(th, resultVar.Name);
                        th.Properties["SecondOperandType"].SetValue(th, DTSXMLSourceType.DirectInput);
                        th.Properties["SecondOperand"].SetValue(th, "<x></x>");
                        th.Properties["ValidationType"].SetValue(th, DTSXMLValidationType.DTD);
                        th.Properties["FailOnValidationFaile"].SetValue(th, true);
                        DTSExecResult valResults = pkg.Validate(pkg.Connections, pkg.Variables, null, null);
                        Console.WriteLine("RESULTS: {0}", valResults);

Sample Output:

RESULTS: Success