Espace de noms Microsoft.ReportingServices.Interfaces

Contains classes and interfaces that enable you to construct and send custom notifications to users through your own delivery extensions, and to build custom security extensions for Reporting Services.

The Reporting Services Extension Class Library is a set of classes, interfaces, and value types that are included in Reporting Services. This library provides access to system functionality and is designed to be the foundation on which .NET Framework applications can be used to extend Reporting Services components.


  Classe Description
Classe publique AceCollection Represents a collection of access control entries specifying access rights for one or more trustees.
Classe publique AceStruct Represents an access control entry for a trustee (user, group, or computer) that specifies the operations that a trustee can perform on items in the report server database.
Classe publique CatalogOperationsCollection Represents a collection of catalog operations.
Classe publique DatasourceOperationsCollection Represents a collection of data source operations.
Classe publique DoNotCacheQueryDesignerAttribute Forces a query designer to be reloaded each time it is instantiated.
Classe publique EnableEventArgs Provides data for the EnableAltDesignerChanged event.
Classe publique Extension Represents an extension in SQL Server Reporting Services.
Classe publique F1KeywordAttribute Represents the topic keyword to search for SQL Server Books Online when the F1 key is pressed in the query designer interface.
Classe publique FolderOperationsCollection Represents a collection of folder operations.
Classe publique LocalizedNameAttribute Provides the localized name of an extension.
Classe publique ModelItemOperationsCollection Represents a collection of ModelItemOperationsCollection.
Classe publique ModelOperationsCollection Represents a collection of ModelOperation objects.
Classe publique Notification Represents subscription information that delivery extensions use to deliver reports.
Classe publique OperationNames Contains the field names and corresponding values for operations that users can perform on items in SQL Server Reporting Services.
Classe publique RenderedOutputFile Represents the output from a rendering extension. A RenderedOutputFile object contains the associated filename and type information that is required by the delivery extension in order to process the stream returned by the rendering extension.
Classe publique Report Represents report-specific information and methods that enable delivery extensions to deliver reports to users.
Classe publique ReportOperationsCollection Represents a collection of report operations.
Classe publique ResourceOperationsCollection Represents a collection of resource operations.
Classe publique Setting Represents a setting for an extension.
Classe publique SupportsGenericQueryDesignerAttribute Specifies whether the IQueryDesigner supports custom text mode.
Classe publique SupportsMdxQuerySpecificationAttribute Infrastructure. Obsolète. Specifies whether the IQueryDesigner supports multidimensional expression (MDX) query mode.
Classe publique ValidValue Represents a valid value for an extension setting.


  Interface Description
Interface publique IAuthenticationExtension Represents an authentication extension in SQL Server Reporting Services.
Interface publique IAuthorizationExtension Represents an extension that can be used to extend the authorization feature of SQL Server Reporting Services.
Interface publique IDeliveryExtension Represents a delivery extension in SQL Server Reporting Services.
Interface publique IDeliveryReportServerInformation Contains information about the report server that is required by delivery extensions. For example, a list of the available rendering extensions.
Interface publique IExtension Represents an extension in SQL Server Reporting Services.
Interface publique IParameter Defines the parameter properties.
Interface publique IQueryDesigner Represents a custom query designer in the Report Designer in Business Intelligence Development Studio.
Interface publique IQueryDesignerHelpConsumer Infrastructure. Represents a help consumer in a custom query designer.
Interface publique IQueryDesignerHelpImpl Infrastructure. Represents a help implementation in a custom query designer.
Interface publique IQueryDesignerState Represents an interface for initializing the state of an IQueryDesigner and for persisting designer state data.
Interface publique IRenderStream Provides support for rendering multiple streams from a rendering extension.
Interface publique IReportContext Defines the properties of the report context.
Interface publique IReportDefinitionCustomizationExtension Defines the ProcessReportDefinition method that is used to process a report definition.
Interface publique ISemanticModelGenerator Defines the properties and methods for generating a semantic model of a report.
Interface publique ISubscriptionBaseUIUserControl Represents the means to retrieve delivery extension-specific subscription information from the user (for example, e-mail addresses).
Interface publique IUserContext Defines the properties of the context of the user session.
Interface publique IWindowsAuthenticationExtension Represents a Windows Authentication extension in SQL Server Reporting Services.


  Délégué Description
Délégué public CreateAndRegisterStream Creates and registers a stream and is called by a report server to retrieve the stream to which to render a report.
Délégué public EnableEventHandler Represents a method for handling the EnableAltDesignerChanged event


  Énumération Description
Énumération publique AuthenticationType Defines the modes of authentication.
Énumération publique CatalogOperation Describes the operations that a user can perform on the catalog.
Énumération publique DatasourceOperation Describes the operations that a user can perform on a shared data source.
Énumération publique FolderOperation Describes the operations that a user can perform on a folder.
Énumération publique ModelItemOperation Describes the types of operations allowed on a model item.
Énumération publique ModelOperation Describes the operations that a user may perform on a model.
Énumération publique RdceCustomizableElementId Defines the report elements that can be customized.
Énumération publique ReportOperation Describes the operations that a user can perform on a report.
Énumération publique ResourceOperation Describes the operations that a user can perform on a resource.
Énumération publique SecurityItemType Describes the item associated with a specific authorization request.
Énumération publique StreamOper Defines the operation that is used by the CreateAndRegisterStream method. Rendering extensions may request a stream that is available for client applications through SOAP or URL access or a temporary stream to be used during the rendering process.

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Autres ressources

Extensions Reporting Services